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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ P ] / Pretty please

Pretty please tradutor Espanhol

502 parallel translation
Oh, pretty please with sugar on it.
Oh, preciosa.
Mr Gentry, if I were to say "pretty please"..
Sr. Gentry, si se lo pido con mucha amabilidad.
Pretty please?
¿ Te lo suplico?
Yeah. Please. Pretty please?
Sí, por favor.
Come, brother, please, pretty please, if you care for me!
Venga, hermano, por favor, se bueno conmigo.
Come, sis, please, pretty please!
Pierdes el tiempo. Venga, tita, por favor.
"pretty please, let's go to The Union Garden!"
"Hermano, por favor, vamos a Los Jardines de la Unión."
You will give me your autograph, won't you, pretty please?
Déme un autógrafo, por favor.
Say you will. Pretty please?
Di que sí. ¿ Por favorcito?
Pretty please make
Por favor haz
"Pretty please?"
"¿ Muy por favor?"
"Pretty please with sugar on it."
Hable, maestra.
"Pretty please with sugar on it."
Es como dicen los niños para pedir un favor.
Pretty please.
Requete por favor.
- How'bout a pretty please, on your knees.
Dime... por favorcito y de rodillas. No.
Pretty please?
- Please? Pretty please?
- Por favor, por favor?
- Pretty please.
- Por favor.
Pretty please?
¿ Por favorcito?
Say, "Pretty please with sugar on."
Diga : "Por favor, te lo ruego."
Please, please, pretty please...
Por favor, por favor, por favor...
Pretty please.
- ¡ Di por favor!
Pretty please.
Por favor.
- Pretty please?
- ¿ Por favor?
Pretty boy, you please me very much.
Carilindo, me complaces muchísimo.
dd d You want a little sweet Come, come, say pretty please d d Come on, baby and beg for it d d You want a little kiss So pucker up like this d d Coax me nice and gentle, baby d - d Maybe I'll fall dd - Hey.
Oye, ¿ tienes que hacer eso?
You thought he was a pretty big shot, didn't you. ─ Please.
- Creía que era un pez gordo.
Well, if it ain't, I'd be pretty hard to please. If there's anything you require, all you will have to do is ask for it.
- Para lo que desee, a su disposición.
Pastor, please, am i pretty?
Pastor, querría saber si soy hermosa.
My car was waiting there just as pretty as you please.
Mi coche esperaba allí.
All right it's pretty messy, please don't pay too much attention to it
Por fin van a arreglar esto.
More tea? ─ Yeah, please. That was pretty good.
Lo oí durante el viaje hacia allá, hablaba con uno de nuestros oficiales y le oí decir :
And you, so pretty, come please!
Ustedes que son tan guapas, acérquense.
Please, let us leave and buy our pretty house.
Por favor, vayámonos y compremos nuestra bonita casa.
I'm not pretty and not very smart, so please don't leave me alone any more.
No soy bonita ni muy inteligente, así que no me dejes más sola.
He's ready to do pretty near anything to please the young wife.
Haría Io que fuera por complacer a su joven esposa.
Mr. Gallagher, you're pretty hard to please, I must say.
Sr. Gallagher, es muy difícil de complacer.
Joking apart, when I said you had pretty breasts it was to please you
Bromas aparte, cuando dije que tenías bonitos pechos fué sólo para verte feliz.
I've always let the pipers wear pretty well what they please at band practice.
Siempre permito que se vistan como quieran durante las prácticas de la banda.
You know, Frank, some lnjuns told me once... Reliable lnjuns, Frank. They said a Cheyenne brave and his pony sunk right here, and dured if they didn't ooze up again just as natural-lookin'and as pretty as you please.
Unos indios me contaron, indios de confianza, que un valiente Cheyenne y su pony se hundieron aquí y volvieron a salir tan guapos como antes.
Darling. My pretty love. Please give me a call whenever you are late.
Tesoro, amor mío, cuando llegues tarde avísame, por favor.
- Please, Maria, all this will go away, you're young and pretty, much prettier than me, and Daniel's no fool, he know how to appreciate things.
- Por favor, María, si todo esto pasará, si eres joven y bonita. Mucho más bonita que yo, y Daniel no es un tonto, sabe apreciar las cosas.
No dots, please and "throbbing" is pretty cheap.
Basta de puntos, por favor, y "latía" es muy fácil.
Now, please, darling, settle down and play me your pretty little song.
Tócame esa canción... -... tuya tan bonita.
- A pretty one, please.
- Una guapa, por favor.
The guests will be here pretty soon, so please get ready to help serve them.
Los invitados llegarán muy pronto. Así que prepárate para servirles.
- A pretty package, please.
- Un paquete bonito, por favor.
Pretty as you please.
¿ No les parece increíble?
Nina, please make a pretty bouquet of the carnations.
Nina, por favor haga un buen ramo de claveles.
Pretty Kizzy, please come here.
Kizzy, bonita, ven, por favor.
Pretty please?
¿ Por favor?

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