Quite well tradutor Espanhol
5,526 parallel translation
Ah, you've obviously come to know him quite well.
¡ Ah, obviamente has llegado a conocerle bastante bien!
No, all his businesses are doing quite well, And he has a stellar credit report.
No, todos sus negocios van bastante bien, y tiene un historia de crédito excelente.
Robin is doing quite well.
Robin lo está llevando muy bien.
Quite well.
Bastante bien.
It all started really quite well, Elizabeth waved her magic wand, confetti flew down, the dancing started, and then we noticed that our jewellery was gone.
Al principio todo estaba muy estupendo Elizabeth agitó su varita mágica el papel picado caía, se había iniciado el baile y luego notamos que nuestras joyas habían desaparecido.
Well, I don't know what they are. And, quite frankly, I don't care.
Lo dejó por razones personales ignoro cuáles sean y francamente no me interesan.
Well, if I'm honest, it is quite wide.
Bueno, si te digo la verdad, que es bastante amplia.
Well, I'm quite busy.
- Bueno, estoy bastante ocupado.
Well, quite draughty.
- Qué improvisado.
Oh, well, I'm quite tired so I'll probably go straight to bed.
Estoy bastante cansada, así que creo que iré directo a la cama.
Well, that's quite enough for one day.
Bien, ha sido suficiente por un día.
The man seems to have left quite an impression, as well.
Ese hombre parece haberte causado gran impresión, también.
So clearly you don't know Emily quite as well as you think you do.
Así que está claro que no conoces a Emily tan bien como crees que lo haces.
Well, today, I'm announcing something new... an element that could balance those scales, and I mean that quite literally.
Bueno, hoy voy a anunciar algo nuevo... un elemento que podría mover esa balanza, y lo digo literalmente.
Well, fortunately, you've made it quite clear in the past that my interest in your work is not welcome.
Bueno, afortunadamente, dejaste muy claro en el pasado que mi interés en tu trabajo no es bienvenido.
Mortgage rates are quite favourable, as I'm sure you're well aware of. Does the house come furnished?
¿ Los muebles están incluidos?
Well, this is quite the family reunion, isn't it?
Qué linda reunión familiar, ¿ no?
Well, it's not quite Jurassic Park, but...
Bueno, no es muy Jurassic Park, pero...
Well, it seems like our stock has dropped quite a bit since Symphony chased us all over the Hamptons trying to acquire us.
Bueno, parece que nuestra acción ha caído bastante desde que Symphony nos persiguio por todo Hamptons tratando de adquirirnos.
Well, we're quite empty at this time of the season.
Bueno, estamos bastante vacíos a estas alturas de la temporada.
- Well, he... came in with quite a few stings
- Bueno, ha... venido con muchas picaduras
As for her relationship with her father, well, she shared some things which must have been quite humiliating for her.
En cuanto a su relación con su padre, bueno, compartió ciertas cosas que debieron ser muy humillantes para ella.
Well, you've made quite a mess, Detective. And it's gonna take a fair amount of cleaning up to fix it.
Bueno, armaste un buen revuelo, detective... y habrá que limpiar a fondo para arreglarlo.
Well, you've made quite a mess, detective.
Monto un buen embrollo detective.
Well, this is quite the favor.
Bien, sería todo un favor.
Well, you're quite the little cunt, aren't you?
Bueno, no eres muy enrollado, ¿ verdad?
Well, they're quite rare now.
Bueno, eso sería muy raro ahora.
Obviously, this skull has some consciousness and energy around it that it emanates quite strongly, and these other beings with it, as well.
Obviamente, este cráneo tiene alguna conciencia y la energía que - lo rodea... - Cierto, sí.
Well, I... I haven't quite worked out the words, but I am gonna tell her I need a break, and then I will meet you guys at the convention.
Bueno, todavía no he preparado las palabras, pero le diré que necesito un descanso, y luego las veré en la convención.
( chuckles ) well, this is quite unexpected.
Bueno, esto es muy inesperado.
Well, it's actually quite simple.
Bueno, de hecho es bastante simple.
Well, the nose isn't quite right, but...
Bueno, la nariz no es todo bien, pero...
Now I'd never seen anything quite like it, so I, I, um, well, I snuck a picture of it while she wasn't looking.
Entonces nunca había visto nada como eso, así que yo, bueno, le saqué una foto mientras nadie miraba.
Well, I am not going to leave quite so easily now.
Bueno, ya no me voy a ir tan fácilmente.
Well, trainee, I have quite a rigorous schedule planned for you.
Bueno, aprendiz, te tengo un riguroso plan de entrenamiento preparado.
Zecharia Sitchin wrote a number of well-received books on the Anunnaki, which he believed were basically extraterrestrial entities from a planet called Nibiru, which he quite controversially believed actually exists in our solar system.
Zecharia Sitchin escribió una serie de libros con bastante éxito sobre los Anunnaki, los cuales creía que eran básicamente entidades extraterrestres de un planeta llamado Nibiru, que él creía con bastante polémica que en realidad existe en nuestro sistema solar.
Well, I don't think I've ever met anyone who's quite so fond of the sound of their own voice.
No creo que jamás haya conocido a alguien tan aficionado... al sonido de su voz.
Well, Harry's doing a speech about Alan, and traditionally, before that, the father of the bride does one about the bride, and, you see, for all his being a waste of space, I thought that might be something John'd be quite good at, making a speech.
Bueno, Harry está haciendo el discurso sobre Alan... y tradicionalmente, antes de eso... el padre de la novia hace uno sobre la novia... y, como ves, a pesar de ser un pérdida de espacio... pensé en que algo en que John sería bueno, es haciendo un discurso.
Well, it's dark here, it's about 7 : 10, but it's been quite mild though.
Bueno, está oscuro aquí, son las 7 : 10, pero ha sido bastante suave, sin embargo.
Well, I see Malloy's calmed down quite a bit.
Veo que Malloy está un poco calmado.
Well, I've got quite the pair of...
Bueno tengo un par de...
Well, that is quite a compelling alibi. Except the man in that video is not LAN Gale.
Una coartada convincente pero ese hombre no es Ian Gale.
We know that Haley had not told her mother she'd reconnected with a violent offender, so it's quite possible she was keeping his presence a secret from the Gales as well.
Sabemos que Haley no le contó a su madre que se había reunido con un violento. Es posible que mantuviera su presencia oculta a los Gale también.
Well, not quite everything.
Bueno, no todo.
Well, then, you've got quite the fecal eye, mister.
Bueno, entonces, tiene un buen ojo fecal, señor.
Well, that's quite an honor.
Bueno, es todo un honor.
Well, Brian, I haven't quite told him yet.
Bueno, Brian, aún no he terminado de contárselo.
Well, I wouldn't quite say over.
Bueno, yo no diría que se ha acabado.
Well, I didn't actually quite manage... to totally break up with her.
Bueno, en realidad no fui capaz... de romper totalmente con ella.
Oh, well, the sequins distract from the fact that these pants don't quite zip up.
Bueno, las lentejuelas distraen del hecho de que esos pantalones no abrochan.
Well, I heard we had quite a bunch of talented artists down here.
Bueno, he oído que teníamos un montón de talentosos artistas aquí abajo.
well 438053
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
wellesley 18
well done 4465
well hello 20
well spotted 23
well thank you 29
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
wellesley 18
well done 4465
well hello 20
well spotted 23
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well no 77
well in that case 21
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well no 77
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well it's 16
well i never 20
well actually 36
well enough 63
well yeah 97
well yes 116
well uh 21
well now 184
well i 89
well it's 16
well i never 20
well actually 36
well enough 63
well yeah 97
well yes 116
well uh 21