Run it tradutor Espanhol
15,902 parallel translation
We can run it back at the station.
Podemos averiguarlo en la comisaría.
You gonna run it?
¿ Vas a hacerlo tú?
And you're gonna be the one to run it?
¿ Y tú vas a dirigirlo?
The machine will amplify your power and run it through the conduits, allowing you to send anyone who's wearing one of these to the future in an instant.
La máquina va a amplificar su poder y ejecutarlo a través de los conductos, que le permite enviar cualquier persona que llevaba uno de ellos hacia el futuro en un instante.
We'll need to insert this tube into Annabel's nose and then run it down into her stomach to begin suctioning, okay?
Necesitamos insertar este tubo en la nariz de Annabel... y bajarlo por el estómago para comenzar a succionar, ¿ sí?
Run it back.
Maybe you should run it yourself!
Tal vez deberías dirigirla tú mismo.
You want to run it?
¿ Quieres ejecutarlo?
I'm betting once they run it, they'll find out it belongs to Sadie.
Apuesto que una vez que la procesen, descubrirán que pertenece a Sadie.
The nuns who run it do their best, but they must rely on medical volunteers.
Las monjas que lo llevan lo mejor de sí, pero tienen que depender de voluntarios médicos.
The secret to every great lie is it has to run parallel to the truth.
El secreto de toda gran mentira es que debe ser paralela a la verdad.
The secret to any good lie is it has to run parallel to the truth.
El secreto de toda gran mentira es que debe ser paralela a la verdad.
I know I've tried to keep you from it, but you can't run away from your true destiny.
Sé que he tratado de evitar que él, pero no se puede huir de su verdadero destino.
Well, even if it's not a date, the least thing you could've done is run a brush through your hair.
Bueno, aunque no sea una cita, lo menos que pudiste hacer... es pasar un cepillo por tu cabello.
Yes. Man : Does it run?
- ¿ Funciona?
So run with it.
Así que sigue con eso.
Just leave me here and make a run for it.
Tan solo déjame aquí y vete.
But it doesn't run out of bullets.
Pero que no se queda sin balas.
But I could threaten to rewire his ceiling fan, make it run backwards.
Pero podría amenazarlo de cambiar su ventilador de techo, que gire al revés.
- It's unbelievable what these suckers cost to run.
Es increíble lo que cuesta operar estos malditos congeladores.
So, then, the first week Culminates with simpson deciding to make a run for it
Entonces la primera semana termina con Simpson arrancando
Oh. I've known you forever, And i think you're the one to run with it.
Te conozco hace mucho y creo que eres el indicado para dirigirlo.
We were thinking that it might be a good idea to do a test run first.
Pensamos que podría ser una buena idea hacer una "prueba" primero.
Put these on and we fight to the death. Here are your choices. Or punch me in the face and make a run for it.
Ponte esto y lucharemos hasta la muerte. O me das un puñetazo en la cara y sales corriendo.
Hey, give me that thing and I'll hold them off while you guys make a run for it.
Oye, dame esa cosa y los mantendré a raya, mientras ustedes salen corriendo.
But it's ridiculous to give those run-down projects... names like Laurel, Sweetbriar, Rose... that's a good one!
Pero es ridículo darles a esas viviendas tan decadentes nombres como Laurel, Eglantina, Rosa... ese es bueno.
When it was the turn of man, the gods found That they had run out of gifts, So man was born naked, helpless, in the midst of nature.
Cuando le llegó el turno al hombre, los dioses descubrieron que se le habían acabado los dones, así que el hombre nació desnudo, indefenso en medio de la naturaleza.
And, um... - Okay. Just make sure you run everything by me before it's final.
Enséñame todo antes del toque final.
It's all up, lads. Run for it!
Todo está perdido, muchachos. ¡ Corred!
♪ just turn me loose ♪ ♪ don't say hold it honey ♪ ♪ don't slow down ♪ ♪ just run me around ♪
No digas quizá, nena Sólo vuélveme loco No digas espera, amor No lo hagas lento
When the White Guard make their run for Tbilisi, it'll be over rough terrain.
Cuando la Guardia Blanca salga por carretera hacia Tiflis, se encontrarán un terreno muy duro.
They used to run on it like cars on petrol.
Suelen consumirla como los coches la gasolina.
Jim, you see an abyss and you run toward it.
Jim, ves un abismo, y corres hacia él.
I think we should make a run for it now.
Creo que deberíamos apurarnos ahora.
It's just easier to run from it when you can see it comin'at ya.
Es solo más fácil correr de él, cuando puedes verlo venir.
I can do it. You're gonna run halfway to those four-wheelers, and that thing is gonna tear you in half.
- Estarás a medio camino en un cuatriciclo, y esa cosa va a partirte al medio.
That thing will have something to chew on while you run for it.
Esa cosa tendrá algo que masticar mientras corres a buscarlo.
I'm gonna pick it up, and I'm gonna run.
Voy a levantar esto y voy a correr, ¿ de acuerdo?
But the one of them who knows where to find it is inside that camp, and he cannot run away.
Pero uno de los que sabe dónde encontrarlo está dentro de ese campamento y no puede huir.
I ask you to run something, I normally got to stand here And threaten to piss in your face before it gets done.
¡ Por lo general, te pido algo, y tengo que venir y amenazarte para que se haga!
Hey, I paid for that run, I can't sell it.
Pagué por ese tiraje y no puedo venderlo.
Janelle just had a really good run. You missed it.
Janelle corrió muy bien, te lo perdiste.
I'm sorry I didn't run it by you.
Lamento no haberle dicho.
Make sure our valued guest doesn't try and make a run for it.
Asegúrate que nuestro valorado invitado no intenta largarse.
If there's no fuel in the car, will it run?
Si el coche no tiene gasolina ¿ cómo arranca?
It's run by Lorenzo Abrelli, aka The Shadow.
La dirige Lorenzo Abrelli, alias La Sombra.
If it's a hit man, we should let them run with the case.
Si se trata de un asesino a sueldo, debemos dejarlos correr con el caso.
That does not make it okay for you to run wild!
¡ Eso no significa que sea aceptable que hagas locuras!
There is no one wise enough to find it out For he would be thinking of love till the stars had run from the sky
"No hay nadie tan inteligente para descubrirlo, porque él estaría pensando en el amor hasta que las estrellas hayan partido".
Ah, damn it, I gotta run.
Maldición, debo irme.
Still, if you were to run afoul of it, it could hold you up in court for years.
Pero si hay problemas con esa, puede teneros años en los tribunales.
run it again 45
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
itis 22
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
it's over 4654
itis 22
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's a girl 287
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's a girl 287