Running away tradutor Espanhol
4,514 parallel translation
Well, my son's been running away for a long time now.
Bueno, mi hijo ha estado huyendo mucho tiempo.
There's a difference between running away from your father and watching him die in front of you.
Hay una diferencia entre huir de tu padre y verle morir delante de ti.
Yes, in fact, I think his name was Chief Running Away.
Sí, de hecho, creo que su nombre era Jefe Que Huye.
Some psycho keeps scratching at her door and then running away.
Un psicópata araña su puerta y luego se va.
Fine. But as soon as I get enough money for a plane ticket and a passport, I'm running away to Great Britain.
Pero tan pronto como consiga suficiente dinero para un billete de avión y un pasaporte, me voy a Gran Bretaña.
That is the philosophical equivalent of going... running away. You know?
Esa es la filosofía equivalente a salir... huyendo.
No wonder you spent so much time undercover, because you were running away from yourself, Dana, from what you had done.
No me asombra que pasaras tanto tiempo encubierta, porque estabas escapando de ti misma, Dana, de lo que habías hecho.
- He's running away?
- ¿ Se fuga de casa?
Running away, little wolf?
¿ Huyendo pequeña loba?
Running away.
Estamos huyendo.
Someone running away, perhaps?
¿ Alguien huyendo, tal vez?
We can't stop him running away until we've got some evidence.
No podemos dejar de huya hasta que tengamos alguna evidencia.
Well, thank you for... For running away from my life with me.
Bueno, gracias por... huir de mi vida conmigo.
I really tried, but he started running away.
Realmente traté, pero empezó a escaparse.
I went to get him every time, but he kept running away, so...
Fui a buscarlo cada vez, pero siguió escapándose, así que...
Why are you running away?
¿ Por qué estás huyendo?
Cos running away can elicit a charge,'and it could be exactly the wrong thing to do.'
Porque huyendo puedes provocar una carga, y eso sería exactamente lo que no debes hacer ".
So why aren't you running away now?
Entonces, ¿ por qué no escapas ahora?
You tried running away, Simrit.
Intentaste huir, Simrit.
If you were running away from town with your adulterous lover..... what would you do?
Si estuvieras huyendo de la ciudad con tu amante adúltera... ¿ qué harías?
You were running away from the police.
Huías de la policía.
Well, it's not like I'm running away to an island or something.
No es como si estuviera huyendo a una isla o algo.
it's running away!
¡ Vamos antes que se vayan!
I'm not running away anymore!
¡ No voy a correr más!
I mean, running away, obviously.
Quiero decir, escapar, obviamente.
Running away, really. How far should we run away?
Huir, realemte. ¿ Hasta dónde llegamos?
Running away.
Escapando lejos.
- Probably running away to lick his wounds.
Probablemente escapando para lamer sus heridas.
He's running away, just like he did 40 years ago.
Está huyendo, igual que hizo hace cuarenta años.
What are you doing running away?
¿ Qué estás haciendo, huir?
And you did that by running away and hiding from her.
E hiciste eso huyendo y encondiéndote de ella.
He's running away!
¡ Eh, está huyendo! ¡ Está huyendo!
Running away will accomplish nothing, of course.
No es como que vaya a salvarse.
People become obsessed with time travel... either because they're missing something or they're running away from something.
La gente se obsesiona con el viaje en el tiempo o bien porque echan de menos algo o bien porque están huyendo de algo.
He was caught running away.
Le atraparon huyendo.
Annie, I know you think I'm running away like I always do, but this time is different.
Annie, sé que crees que estoy huyendo como hago siempre, pero esta vez es diferente.
Why do we keep running away from each other?
¿ Por qué seguimos huyendo el uno del otro?
We looked outside, and we saw the Glossners running away.
Miramos afuera, y vimos a los Glossner corriendo.
I am so tired of running away from my shit, Alex.
Estoy tan cansada de huir de mi mierda, Alex.
And ground you together for running away.
Y a castigarte por escaparte.
Will you stop running away?
¿ Podrías dejar de huir?
She was running away cos of him.
Se ha escapado por su culpa.
It was an eight-year-old kid from the farm next door who was running away from home because his dad took away his Nintendo.
Era un niño de ocho años de la granja de al lado que huía de casa porque su padre le había quitado su Nintendo.
Were you running away because you did something you were ashamed of?
¿ Estabas huyendo porque hiciste algo de lo que estabas avergonzado?
Do you know when I started running away
¿ Sabes cuándo he empezado a huir?
Daren Sutter saw his sister's killer running away from her body.
Daren Sutter vio al asesino de su hermana huir del cadáver.
So next time, when we go over the options of what we're going to do running away from me isn't one of them.
Así que, la próxima vez que te ofrezcamos las opciones de lo que vamos a hacer... huir de mí no es una de ellas.
Stop running away from me!
¡ No huyas de mí!
She's running away!
¡ Alto!
Time is ticking away, and Mark is running out of filming days.
El tiempo apremia, y Mark se está quedando sin días de filmación.
I wasn't running to get away, I was running to save my own life.
No corría para huir, corría para salvar mi propia vida.
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from here 45
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from you 37
away party 43
running 198
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from here 45
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from you 37
away party 43
running 198