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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / See to it

See to it tradutor Espanhol

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I will personally see to it that the corruption in this office is publicly and irreparably exposed. "
"me aseguraré de que la corrupción de esta oficina sea expuesta al público de forma irreparable".
I will see to it that you will get out with the rest of us.
Me aseguraré de que sales con el resto de nosotros.
It's great to see you, Hanna.
Me alegro mucho de verte, Hanna.
- But it's good to see you.
- Me alegro de verte.
Toby, it's really good to see you up on your feet.
Toby, qué bien verte recuperado.
I can see why she wants to leave it up.
Veo por qué ella lo quiere dejar.
Hanna's gonna drop it off, so let's see who shows up to get it.
Hanna irá a dejarlo y así veremos quién aparece para recogerlo.
They flew past me so fast I didn't get to see who it was.
Ha pasado a mi lado tan rápido que no he podido ver quién era.
Well, I would say that it's good to see you but under these circumstances...
Bueno, diría que es un placer verla, pero en estas circunstancias...
Aria said she couldn't make it to the high school to see who picked up the hard drive.
Aria dijo que no pudo llegar al instituto para ver quién recogía el disco duro.
I overheard it while I was waiting to see you.
Lo escuché por encima mientras esperaba para verte.
- Okay. You got to see it like the yogis, okay?
Tienes que verlo como los yoguis, ¿ vale?
You see, I've been playing this weekend over and over in my head, and now we get to relive it again.
Estuve reproduciendo el fin de semana una y otra vez en mi cabeza, y ahora podemos revivirlo.
Stop it, Blaine, or I'll crack open your skull and feast on those brains of yours, see what it feels like to be that freaking devious.
Para, Blaine, o te abro el cráneo y me deleito con esos sesos tuyos, y ves lo que se siente al ser extremadamente retorcido.
I don't want to sound like your mom, but where'd you last see it?
No quiero parecer tu madre, pero ¿ dónde fue la última vez que lo viste?
You see, when it comes to my family's safety, I don't negotiate.
Mira, cuando se trata de la seguridad de mi familia, no hago negocios.
It's good to see you're making friends.
Es bueno ver que estás haciendo amigos.
Glad to see you made it down.
Me alegra ver que lo hiciste.
It's scary, but only you can decide... to see what's good, to be alive.
Da miedo, pero sólo tú puedes decidir ver lo que es bueno, estar viva.
It's so good to see you again.
Me alegro mucho de volver a verle.
- See, it don't matter to us.
- Mira, no nos importa.
See, you're holding on to things, and whether it be the ship mission or your family or Buck's bull shit, they weigh you down.
Mira, te aferras a las cosas ya sea la misión del barco o tu familia o la mierda de Buck, te agobian.
See, in game theory, it serves you to be two-faced.
Mira, en la teoría del juego, sirve tener doble cara.
- I'll be here to see it gets done right.
- Estaré aquí para supervisar todo.
I see it, and I just remember how she convinced me of all people to get it when I've always been completely opposed to tattoos.
Lo veo y recuerdo cómo me convenció de hacérmelo cuando yo siempre me opuse a los tatuajes.
You see, when you say you all sat round the table as a family and had breakfast, before waving Shannon off to school, telling her you loved her, it's not quite ringing true, Karen.
Cuando usted dice que todos se sentaron alrededor de la mesa... como una familia y desayunaron, antes de mandar a Shannon al colegio, diciéndole que la quería, no suena de verdad, Karen.
Hello, it's Dr. Mathis and I was just calling to see how you're doing on the new medicine.
Hola, soy la doctora Mathis y estaba llamando para saber cómo ibas con la nueva medicina.
How would you like someone described it to you if you could not see?
¿ Cómo te gustaría que te la describieran si no pudieras ver nada?
It's different, to be up here without being able to see.
Es tan distinto, estar aquí arriba, sin poder ver.
It's good to see you.
Me alegra verte.
Anyway, I really, I want you to see it.
En fin, quiero que lo conozcas.
I came home last time after coming to see you, and I said that we should cool it. And he got angry, he's just a different person when he uses.
Él llegó a casa cuando venía de verte y le dije que debíamos moderarnos y se molestó.
It's good to see you both.
Es bueno veros a ambos.
I have no idea what you're talking about... but it's so nice to see the both of you.
No tengo ni idea de lo que estáis hablando... pero es muy agradable veros a los dos.
I have always wanted to see it.
Siempre he querido verla.
It's nice to see your reputation for dry humor is well-earned.
Me alegro de ver que tu reputación de irónico es bien merecida.
It's good to see you, too.
También me da gusto verte.
I'd like to see you try it.
Me gustaría verte intentándolo.
I never mailed them, not knowing if I would... live to see the ceremony, but... but now I guess it's safe to...
Aunque no las envié, porque no sabía si viviría para ver la ceremonia... pero ahora supongo que es seguro...
It's nice to see some things haven't changed.
Me alegra ver que algunas cosas no han cambiado.
It's the only way to see justice done.
Es la única forma de que se haga justicia.
It's refreshing to see someone not get carried away with a lavish party.
Alienta conocer a quien no derrocha en fiestas.
Aw, it's nice to see you, Nancy.
- Me alegra verte, Nancy.
It'll be good to see him, I think.
Creo que será bueno verlo.
- Want to see it?
- ¿ Quieres verlo?
It's good to see you, Maddie.
- Fue bueno verte, Maddie.
Oh, it's so good to see you.
Oh, es tan bueno verte.
Look, I hate to see Mariana and Jesus let down, but I mean, you, me, Isabella, AJ, we... We've got a complicated situation and we're just starting to figure it out.
Mira, odio ver a Mariana y a Jesus decepcionados, pero tú, Isabella, A. J. y yo... tenemos una situación complicada y apenas empezamos a resolverla.
I'm not sure. I'm pretty much starting from scratch here, and I have to hack the Russian server to see if we can find any chatter on Walker, and that might take no time, or it might take a--a lot of time.
Tengo empezar prácticamente desde cero aquí, y tengo que hackear el servidor ruso para ver si podemos encontrar cualquier charla con Walker, lo que podría llevar nada de tiempo, o mucho tiempo.
John Diggle, it's good to see you.
John Diggle, me alegro de verte.
- It's nice to see you, Curtis.
- Es bueno verte, Curtis.

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