She could be tradutor Espanhol
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Yeah, like she could be trusted.
Sí, no se puede confiar en ella.
That means our lady killed her own brother so she could be queen bee.
Eso significa que nuestra señora mató a su propio hermano así que ella podría ser la abeja reina.
- she could be capable of such a thing.
- ella fuera capaz de semejante cosa.
She would've been raised without any emotional attachment, so that she could be the perfect like corporate leader, totally able to make decisions based solely on strategic advantage.
Habrá sido criada sin ningún tipo de trato emocional, para que pudiese ser el modelo perfecto de líder corporativo, totalmente capaz de tomar decisiones meramente basadas en sacar beneficios de forma estratégica.
I-I... you know, I have no idea where she could be.
No... no tengo ni idea de dónde podría estar.
If her father owns a liquor store, she could be your dream girl.
Si su padre es el dueño una tienda de licores, ella podría ser su chica de los sueños.
And I thought maybe she could be a bone marrow match for April if we needed one, which we do now, thanks to me.
Y pensé que quizás ella podría ser compatible para el transplante de médula de April, si hacía falta, la cual necesitamos ahora, gracias a mí.
She became useless before she could be used.
Ella se convirtió en inútil antes podía ser utilizado.
She could be one of the first victims of the war that we can end if we defeat them now, before they grow stronger.
Ella podría ser la primer víctima de la guerra que podemos terminar si los vencemos ahora, antes de que se hagan más fuertes.
I said she could be the next president.
He dicho que podría ser la próxima presidenta.
I-I don't know where else she could be.
No sé dónde más podría estar.
With her money, she could be anywhere.
Con el dinero que tiene, podría estar en cualquier parte.
She could be a right minger.
Ella podría ser un monstruo.
She could be in for a year and a half.
Podría estar esperando un año y medio.
It's so weird. I mean, she's a billionaire, she could be anything, a world traveler, an art collector...
Es tan raro, me refiero, es una billonaria, podría ser lo que ella quisiera, una viajera internacional,
She could be destroying evidence as we speak.
Puede estar destruyendo pruebas mientras hablamos.
I didn't know if she could be trusted.
No sabía si se podía confiar en ella.
She could be gone.
Ella podría desaparecerse.
She could be... intense.
Ella podía ser... intensa.
She could be from anywhere.
Podría ser de cualquier sitio.
She could be throwing an embolus.
Podría estar teniendo una embolia.
Mom was discovering she could be confrontational.
Mamá estaba descubriendo que podía ser beligerante.
She could be in there.
Podría estar ahí dentro.
- She could be heading anywhere.
- Ella podría ir a cualquier lado.
She could be anywhere.
Podría estar en cualquier lado.
She could be your granddaughter!
¡ Podría ser tu nieta!
She could be buried there.
Quizá esté enterrada ahí.
She could be the key.
Podría ser la llave.
That file could point to the person that she might be targeting.
Ese archivo podría señalar a la persona que está buscando.
She also said that if the surgery did cause damage, that it could... it could actually be permanent.
También dijo que si la cirugía causa daños, podrían ser... permanentes.
You knew that she could not be trusted,
Sabías que no se podía confiar en ella,
"These people?" Could you be more judgmental about Natasha and what she does?
"¿ Esa gente?" ¿ Podrías ser más crítico acerca de Natasha y lo qué ella hace?
So she could be dead by now.
- Así que podría estar ya muerta.
But it could be a while before she gets back on her feet.
Pero podría ser un tiempo antes de que ella vuelva a estar bien.
Well, with a gender gap that pronounced, could this be the reason that my client was sexually propositioned so frequently that she was compelled to file a statement of complaint?
Bueno, con una brecha de género tan pronunciada, ¿ podría ser esta la razón por la que mi cliente recibiera tantas proposiciones sexuales que se viera obligada a presentar una queja?
But there's gonna be all sorts of paperwork, and-and if she's born outside of the U.S., she could never become president.
Pero va a haber mucho papeleo, y si ella nace fuera de los Estados Unidos, nunca podría ser presidenta.
Officer, if you could just let us in, she'll be able to prove that she lives... ( glass breaks )
Oficial, si tan solo nos dejara entrar, será capaz de probar que vive...
What's she doing down here in the garment district? Could be something work-related.
- ¿ Qué hacía en el Distrito de la Moda?
How could she be with him?
¿ Cómo podía estar con él?
I saw Phoebe one night, she was standing in front of her window like that, and I told her that anybody could see inside her room but it was like she wanted to be seen.
Vi a Phoebe una noche, estaba frente a su ventana así y le dije que alguien podría verla en su habitación pero era como si quisiera que la viesen
That woman could be ruthless when she wanted something.
Esa mujer podía ser implacable cuando quería algo.
Gary said... she "Could be ruthless when she wanted something."
Dijo que "podía ser despiadada cuando quería algo".
Well, if she emasculates her husband at home, that could be the reason why she now needs to have control over the murders.
Bueno, si ella castra a su marido en casa eso podría ser el motivo por el que ahora ella necesita tener el control sobre los asesinatos.
She said i could be a bit of a...
Dijo que podía ser algo...
I know she would call me if she could, which makes me think she might be being held somewhere against her will.
Sé que me llamaría si pudiera, lo que me hace creer que puede estar retenida en algún lugar contra su voluntad.
Well, she has a list of possible suspects who could be responsible for the heist, but it's a long list.
Bueno, tiene una lista de posibles sospechosos que podrían ser los responsables del atraco, pero es una lista muy larga.
She thinks your baby could be important.
Piensa que vuestro bebé podría ser importante.
So, you've given us an approximate half-hour window of death, but it could be that she died somewhere between 8 : 18 and 9 : 07, couldn't it?
Entonces, nos ha dado un lapso de la muerte de aproximadamente media hora, pero podría ser que muriera en algún momento entre las 8 : 18 y las 9 : 07, ¿ no?
If she would just sign here, here, and here, it could be hers.
Si firmara aquí, aquí, y aquí, podría ser suyo.
She could quite possibly be my first soul mate.
Posiblemente podría ser mi primer alma gemela.
Could she be in a movie?
¿ Podría estar en una película?
she could be anywhere 56
she couldn't 58
she could 44
she couldn't make it 29
she could die 33
she couldn't have 22
she could have 16
could be more 16
could be 753
could be worse 129
she couldn't 58
she could 44
she couldn't make it 29
she could die 33
she couldn't have 22
she could have 16
could be more 16
could be 753
could be worse 129
could be better 30
could be anything 68
could be anywhere 25
could be a trap 19
could be fun 50
could be anyone 27
could be nothing 25
could be anybody 19
could be a coincidence 22
bebe 93
could be anything 68
could be anywhere 25
could be a trap 19
could be fun 50
could be anyone 27
could be nothing 25
could be anybody 19
could be a coincidence 22
bebe 93