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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / She was afraid

She was afraid tradutor Espanhol

1,068 parallel translation
I'll tell you : she was afraid of me!
Se lo diré. ¡ Tenía miedo de mí!
She was afraid I'd ask where it was.
Temía que le pidiese cuentas.
For a long time, she also wondered why she was afraid, and didn't know.
Llevaba también mucho rato pensando porqué tenía miedo, y no sabía.
When she'd been bad, she knew what she was afraid of.
Ella sabía, cuando había sido mala, de qué tenía miedo.
The girl knew many things, but didn't know why she was afraid.
La niña sabía muchas cosas, pero no sabía porqué tenía miedo.
Why do you think that she was afraid?
¿ Por qué piensas que está temiendo?
She was afraid of the people's fury.
Le temía a la furia del pueblo.
She was afraid that aunt nedra and everybody would run away and leave her alone.
Tenía miedo de que la tía Nedra y todos se fuesen y... la dejasen sola.
She was afraid.
Tenía miedo.
She was afraid.. the day before, in her purse..
Estaba asustada. El día anterior en su bolso encontró un libro.
She was afraid a routine investigation might reveal her guilt... thus enabling the witness... to take advantage ofher silence and blackmail her... bleeding her white.
Temía que una investigación rutinaria revelara su culpabilidad... permitiendo al testigo... aprovecharse de su silencio y chantajearla... dejándola sin un centavo.
When she was afraid she might be pregnant, she went to him and...
Temía haberse quedado embarazada. Fue a decírselo...
She was afraid, but I rode well.
Pero lo hice bastante bien.
- She was afraid of you.
- Le tiene miedo.
She was afraid of him, and of her father even more.
Ella le temía, y más aún a su padre.
Well, she was afraid.
Bueno, ella tenía miedo.
Maybe she was afraid I wouldn't take her place.
A mí me han puesto en su lugar.
Since she was afraid, I told her to hide behind me.
Como ella tenía miedo, se ha escondido detrás de mí.
I wanted her to tell him she'd met a man in Megève who was getting really close to her and that she was afraid she wouldn't resist him very much longer, that if he didn't show up the next day, she was afraid something might happen.
Quería que le dijera que conoció a un hombre en Megève que se estaba acercando mucho a ella y que temía que no podría resistirse mucho tiempo más, que si no se presentaba al día siguiente, temía que algo podría suceder.
She was afraid you might need a little help.
Le preocupaba que pudieras necesitar ayuda.
She was afraid of being hit too.
Tuvo miedo de que le... pegara a ella también.
Yes, she was afraid of being bullied by the other children.
Sí, le daba miedo la violencia de los otros niños.
But she disappeared! She was afraid of the Fascists.
Tenía miedo de los fascistas.
It was like she was afraid to introduce him to anyone.
Como si tuviera miedo de darlo a conocer.
Afraid of seeing me show up because she was ashamed!
¡ Miedo de que volviera porque le avergonzaba!
I am afraid so, she was terribly mutilated.
- Estaba mutilada.
She's better now, but I was very afraid.
Ella está mejor ahora, pero tuve mucho miedo.
She hated him. It was almost as though she were afraid of him.
Ella le odiaba, es como si tuviese miedo...
What then was the girl so afraid of, if she knew that good children don't get punished?
¿ A qué tenía entonces tanto miedo la niña, si sabía que a los niños buenos no se les castiga?
Why was she afraid?
¿ Por qué está temiendo?
Or was she afraid of him too?
¿ O también le tenía miedo?
I was afraid she'd cry.
Creía que se pondría a llorar.
Because she was afraid.
- Porque tenía miedo.
Because I'm a silly old woman who was afraid she'd be pushed aside and forgotten.
Porque soy una vieja tonta que tenía miedo de que la dejaran de lado y la olvidaran.
Of course, she's not a human being and I was afraid of her.
Por supuesto, ella no era humana. Y tuve miedo de ella.
I was afraid if she found out about the insurance money, she'd try to get part of it. Make trouble for me.
Si hubiera sabido lo del seguro habría intentado cobrarlo, habría causado problemas.
Me temo que estaba alterada.
More likely you're afraid to see her as she really was!
¡ Diga más bien que teme verla en su realidad!
- She was afraid she'd talk and give us away. - Yes.
She's just not as young as she was. Completely chair-ridden I'm afraid.
Sólo que no es tan joven como era... para ocupar ese puesto, me temo.
- Oh! I was afraid she might be in some sort of trouble.
Tenía miedo de que estuviera metida en un lío.
I think she's submissive, for no man look at her twice. Gardner said no man could look at my mouth teeth and smiling without thinking about it. I was afraid that he might not like my accent.
Gardner dice que ningún hombre puede mirarme y no pensar en mí al principio temía que no le gustara mi acento fue lo único que me dejó mi padre yo tenía los ojos y el cuerpo de mi madre le gustan mis labios
First thing, I was afraid she would be reluctant to drink, or that the sleeping pills wouldn't work.
Primero, temía que sería reacia a beber, o que el somnífero no iba a funcionar.
She was no longer afraid.
Ya no tenía miedo de nada.
" I was afraid she might identify me...
" Me asustaba que pudiera identificarme...
I was afraid she'd stay all evening.
Tenía miedo de que se quedara toda la noche.
– Yes, but she was still afraid that they would come in anyhow.
- ella les dijo, "Esto no es un..." - Un burdel.
And Dagmar came home, quite a while ago, when she was two and a half or almost three, and was completely frightened, spoke very little, was afraid of strangers and screamed during the night without any apparent reason,
Y Dagmar volvió a casa después de mucho tiempo, con dos años y medio, casi tres. Estaba realmente asustada, hablaba muy poco, le horrorizaban los desconocidos. Por las noches gritaba, sin una razón evidente.
And this woman she was so afraid of strangers that she bought herself a pinewood box and lived in it.
Y esta mujer le tenía tal miedo a los desconocidos que decidió comprar una caja de madera y vivir encerrada.
- I was afraid she lived here.
Temía que viviera ahí.
I was afraid that when she would close her eyes I'd go on squeezing
Temía que cuando ella cerrase los ojos yo seguiría apretando

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