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Shoot him tradutor Espanhol

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I will shoot him in the chest. Translate. This is not gonna get you an answer.
Dile que me diga un nombre o te juro por dios... que le dispararé en el pecho.
So, what, grab him, shoot him full of drugs, pick his brain, and then... and then what?
- ¿ Entonces le cogieron le inyectaron las drogas, consiguieron la información y luego... luego qué?
If Eric shows up with another case, just do me a favor and shoot him.
Si Eric aparece con otro caso hacedme el favor de pegarle un tiro,
- Should I shoot him?
- ¿ Debería dispararle?
Howard, shoot him again!
Howard, ¡ dispárale otra vez!
Shoot him again!
- ¡ Dispárale otra vez!
And you didn't shoot him?
- ¿ Y no le disparaste?
Did Laurel really shoot him?
¿ De verdad Laurel le disparó?
They're close pals, but they run a man off the road, they shoot him and then they stash the gun.
Son amigos cercanos, pero sacan un hombre fuera de la carretera, le disparan y luego esconder el arma. ¿ Por qué?
- Shoot him if he tries anything.
- Dispárale si intenta algo.
Find the dirtbag that stole my worm, get my code back... right after you shoot him.
Encontrar al mierda que robó el gusano recuperar mi código justo después de que le dispares.
I know you didn't mean to shoot him.
Sé que no quisiste dispararle.
where no one could shoot him.
donde nadie pudiera dispararle.
I let him call the shots, all he's gonna do is shoot himself in the foot.
Lo dejo tomar las decisiones, todo lo que va a hacer - es dispararse en el pie.
When the pilot refused to turn the ship around, I had no choice but to shoot him.
Cuando el piloto se negó a dar la vuelta a la nave... no tuve otra opción que dispararle.
- Shoot him first.
- Dispárale a el primero.
Can I shoot him?
¿ Puedo disparar Torrente?
If we find him, don't shoot him!
Si lo encontramos, nadie lo mata.
Yeah, but why did he have to shoot him? I don't know.
- ¿ Pero por qué tuvo que dispararle?
Shoot him!
¡ Disparadle!
- Can I shoot him?
- ¿ Puedo dispararle?
I swear to God, if I have to spend another second with that dipshit, I'll shoot him.
- A cavar el túnel. Lo juro por Dios, si tengo que pasar otro... segundo con ese idiota, le dispararé.
Don't shoot him!
¡ No le disparen!
I think I should shoot him, Ali!
¡ Creo que le tengo que disparar, Ali!
If it comes to it, do we shoot him?
Si llega el momento, ¿ le disparamos?
I had to shoot him.
Le tuve que disparar.
Rudy, if you don't do something about this, I'll shoot him, too.
Rudy, si no haces algo sobre esto, le dispararé también.
Nick, you did not shoot him.
Nick, que no le disparara.
Can I please just shoot him now?
¿ Puedo, por favor, dispararle y ya está?
Shoot him!
Shoot him!
Hazlo, Sarah.
Shoot him at point blank.
Dispárale a quemarropa.
Shoot from a distance... And shoot him on the back.
Disparad desde lejos Y por la espalda.
She told me to shoot him.
Me dijo que le disparara.
Shoot him.
Shoot him, Booth.
- Dispárale, Booth.
Shoot him!
¡ Dispárale!
You had to shoot him.
Tuviste que dispararle.
How could you shoot him?
¿ Cómo pudiste dispararle?
And then drag him out of the car and kneel him down and shoot him in the back of the head and string him up on a lamppost like Mussolini!
- ¡ Sí! ¡ Y lo sacan del auto, lo hacen arrodillar y le disparan en la nuca, y lo atan a un poste de luz como a Mussolini!
Shoot him yourself.
Dispárale tú mismo.
You don't think I can shoot him?
¿ Cree que no puedo dispararle?
Should I shoot him?
¿ Le disparamos?
So, I made him shoot all of it.
Así que hice que se lo inyectaran todo.
He told Mitchell to shoot the guy, finish him off.
Él le dijo a Mitchell que dispara al tipo, que acabara con él.
- Get him! Hey, hey! You don't shoot the chef.
Oigan, no maten al chef.
You don't really wanna shoot his father in front of him, right?
No quieres disparar a su padre delante de él, ¿ verdad?
Then shoot him. Ahhh! Ahhh!
Entonces dispárale.
He thought that I turned him in, that I was their star witness, so he ordered that man to shoot me, and instead my wife died for nothing because...
Pensó que lo estaba entregando, que era su testigo principal, así que ordenó a ese hombre que me disparase, y en cambio mi esposa murió por nada porque...
And he's dragging his feet saying yes, so I thought I'd throw a little photo shoot of my own together tomorrow, try to convince him of the genius of the idea.
Y está dando largas, así que he pensado improvisar una sesión de fotos yo mismo mañana, para intentar convencerle de lo genial que es la idea.
Yeah, no shit! You just let him shoot a bunch of fucking H!
Sí, ¡ y una mierda!

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