Since then tradutor Espanhol
5,008 parallel translation
Since then, he's spent his time primarily as an advocate for freedom of information.
Desde entonces, dedica su tiempo principalmente a defender la libertad de información.
Medicine has come a long way since then.
La medicina ha avanzado mucho desde entonces.
And since then, Sara's at a conference in L.A., so we've had Ben every day, morning and night.
Y desde entonces, la conferencia de Sara en Los Angeles, después tuvimos a Ben cada día, por la mañana y por la noche.
I didn't see them, but... I've had a recurring dream since then, of a face.
No los vi, pero... he tenido un sueño recurrente desde entonces, de una cara.
I've only been in the top three one time, and it's been quite some time since then.
Yo sólo he estado en la parte superior de tres una vez, y es pasado bastante tiempo desde entonces.
Ever since then, I have spent my life trying to find something, anything that might explain what I saw that summer.
Desde entonces, he pasado mi vida intentando encontrar algo, cualquier cosa que explique lo que ví ese verano.
Frank's had it rough himself since then.
Frank lo ha pasado mal desde entonces.
Dealt with him via phone mostly since then.
Negociamos por teléfono mayormente desde entonces
Gervase participation from your last tribal council for a long time changed since then Many me back here pretty crazy in this basin in front of the fire and your very real to me
Gervase, ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que jugaste la primera vez. Y esto ha cambiado bastante. Es de locos que esté aquí de nuevo, delante del fuego, delante tuya.
After Jang Tae San went to jail eight years ago, Orphanage, middle and high school classmates, people from work... He hasn't contacted any of them, and he hasn't been to Busan since then.
Desde que fue a la cárcel hace 8 años... nunca ha contactado a amigos, incluso gente del orfanato donde se crió.
Look, we came to you for help, and all you've done since then is waste our time.
Mira, vinimos a ti por ayuda, y todo lo que has hecho desde entonces es desperdiciar nuestro tiempo.
Since then, he has enjoyed his inheritance while Anne and I have had to take in ruddy lodgers.
Desde entonces, él ha disfrutado de su herencia mientras que Anne y yo hemos tenido que aceptar malditos huéspedes.
And since then, it's like a switch flipped on in my brain, and I haven't stopped thinking about where we stand.
Y desde entonces, se ha activado algo en mi cabeza, y no he dejado de pensar en qué punto estamos.
Since then, for the 20 years or so that he's worked with Ghibli,
Desde entonces, por los 20 años, o más, que ha trabajado con Ghibli
Since then, he's gone head-to-head against corruption in Buenos Aires.
Desde entonces, ha estado luchando contra la corrupción... en Buenos Aires.
Greg, you've worked hundreds of cases since then.
Greg, has trabajado en cientos de casos desde entonces.
My memory has been sparse since then.
Desde entonces mi memoria ha estado dispersa.
Things have changed since then. Oh.
Las cosas han cambiado desde entonces.
And every moment of your life since then has been spent trying to stay busy enough to ignore that fact.
Y desde entonces cada momento de tu vida lo has gastado tratando de estar suficientemente ocupado para ignorarlo.
The bank has moved three times since then.
El banco se ha mudado tres veces desde ese entonces.
But since then... I mean, they weren't bad but the magic went missing.
Pero desde entonces... no eran malos, pero la magia se había perdido
Since then, Ferrari have moved on, they're at the F12 now.
Pero desde entonces, Ferrari ha avanzado, ya tienen el F12
So you've been staying at his place ever since then?
¿ Te has estado quedando en su casa desde entonces?
.. but I've drunk a whole glass of wine since then!
Pero bebí una copa de vino.
They inherited that house, and ever since then, they've had it way too easy.
Heredaron esa casa y desde entonces lo han tenido muy fácil.
They say a man killed his son there... and since then that fountain is... cursed!
Que dicen que un hombre mató allí a su hijo y desde entonces esa fuente está maldita.
He did this because he wanted to appeal to young girls and women as well as men, and in fact, he said in interviews since then, which sounds sexist now, but he's thinking, "How can I make it appeal to women?"
El lo hizo así porque queria que les gustara a las chicas jovenes y a las mujeres, ademas de a los hombres, y de hecho, desde entonces lo ha dicho en entrevistas, lo que suena sexista actualmente, pero el pensaba, "como puedo hacer que les guste a las mujeres?"
There's been a lot of activity since then.
Ha habido mucha actividad desde entonces.
But this is the first time i've been back since then.
Pero esta es la primera vez que regreso desde aquella vez.
Since then, I didn't really use it properly.
Desde entonces, nunca lo usé de forma apropiada.
And it was passed through to Indian culture in ancient times and has been preserved and expanded since then.
Y fue pasando por toda la cultura india antigua y se ha preservado y expandido desde entonces.
Too many people have died since then.
Demasiadas personas han muerto desde entonces.
And ever since then, all young Marvin's required is one book of rhymes, and to dream land he goes.
Desde entonces, lo único que leerle a Marvin necesito es un libro en verso escrito, y al mundo de los sueños va a meterse.
But things have changed since then.
Pero las cosas han cambiado desde entonces.
Since then the library's been an important part of her upbringing.
Desde entonces la Biblioteca ha sido una parte importante de su crianza.
When I was younger, our governess would enlist my help in making Yorkshire pudding for Sunday lunch, and ever since then, I've found making them to have a calming effect.
Cuando era más joven, nuestro institutriz recurriría mi ayuda en la fabricación de pudín de Yorkshire para comer el domingo, y desde entonces, He encontrado haciéndolos tener un efecto calmante.
Since then, that demon, night after night keeps coming...
Desde entonces, ese demonio, sigue viniendo noche tras noche...
But before that and since then, she's been doing great.
Pero antes y después de eso, ha estado haciéndolo genial.
Since then, they didn't feed me on days I got tortured.
Desde entonces, no me alimentaban en los días que me torturaban.
But since then, you've kind of become my family and I wanted to say thank you somehow.
Pero desde entonces, os habéis convertido en mi familia y quería agradecéroslo de alguna manera
Only I've aged, since then.
Eres el mismo, sólo yo envejecí.
You always were quick to judge, but then you're not the one who has to live with him, to take care of him, to fix things when he screws up, ever since - -
Siempre has sido ágil para juzgar, pero tú no eres quien vive con él, quien carga con él, quien arregla las cosas cuando él las estropea, desde...
Eli hasn't really had a good idea since his dad moved in, and-and if we don't get a game into production this week, then-then we're gonna miss the holiday rush, and then have to end up selling the house and...
Eli no ha tenido ninguna buena idea desde que su papá se mudó, y si no logramos producir ningún juego esta semana, entonces nos perderemos el "holiday rush", y tendremos que vender la casa y...
Well, then how come I haven't seen you one Christmas since the time you moved out?
Bueno, ¿ entonces cómo es que no te vi en ninguna Navidad desde que te mudaste?
You have not cried since 10th grade when Bethenny got leukemia and then got a bigger page in the yearbook.
No has llorado desde el décimo grado cuando Bethenny contrajo leucemia y entonces obtuvo una página más grande en el anuario.
Then how come you haven't asked a single question about it. Since we left?
¿ Entonces cómo es que no has preguntado nada sobre ello des de que nos fuimos?
Really? Well then, since Chan Young needs to go to college, you should break up with him.
Está bien. ¿ Entonces puedes romper con él porque tiene que ir a la universidad?
Since then, I've always looked for you - after looking everywhere.
Desde entonces siempre le busqué.
Then, since you're so busy, you must also be too busy to date.
Bueno, ya que está tan ocupado... también debe estar demasiado ocupado para una cita.
- Then you couldn't reach her since this morning?
¿ Entonces no has podido contactarla desde la mañana? No.
Since you said you won't concern yourself with matters regarding Cheon Song Yi, then just don't.
Ya que dijiste que no te preocupabas por esos asuntoscon respecto a Cheon Song Yi, entonces sólo hazlo.
then 34485
then nearly 94
then don't 282
then you're an idiot 17
then i'm leaving 17
then prove it 86
then what 1564
then you're wrong 16
then i 166
then you know 40
then nearly 94
then don't 282
then you're an idiot 17
then i'm leaving 17
then prove it 86
then what 1564
then you're wrong 16
then i 166
then you know 40
then it's a date 18
then you 156
then you're right 18
then it's settled 125
then leave 77
then what are you doing here 94
then do it 228
then i'll wait 16
then you die 16
then i will 133
then you 156
then you're right 18
then it's settled 125
then leave 77
then what are you doing here 94
then do it 228
then i'll wait 16
then you die 16
then i will 133
then yes 211
then what's the problem 77
then you're on your own 16
then who 210
then go ahead 63
then you can 17
then one day 195
then tell me 167
then i'm out 28
then who did 184
then what's the problem 77
then you're on your own 16
then who 210
then go ahead 63
then you can 17
then one day 195
then tell me 167
then i'm out 28
then who did 184