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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / State's attorney

State's attorney tradutor Espanhol

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An innocent man's life depends on whether the State's witnesses are credible or not. Mr District Attorney.
La vida de un inocente depende de la credibilidad de los testigos,... Sr. Fiscal.
'Organized as a secret patriotic society this legion assumes an ominous appearance as authorities uncover its strength and scope, probe for its true purposes'says State's Attorney General George F. Porter. "
'Esta sociedad secreta patriótica se muestra cada vez más inquietante a medida que las autoridades descubren sus verdaderas intenciones'dice el fiscal jefe George F. Porter. "
If the evidence warrants it, the case is bound over to the superior court where the State's Attorney examines the facts and decides whether or not the accused shall be indicted.
Si existen pruebas, se remite el caso al tribunal superior... donde el fiscal lo evalúa y decide... si se deben presentar cargos formales en contra del acusado.
I'm the State's Attorney, the man who'll prosecute you.
Soy el fiscal que va a enjuiciarte.
Mr. State's Attorney.
Sr. fiscal del estado.
It goes without saying that it is just as important for the State's Attorney to use the great powers of his office to protect the innocent as it is to convict the guilty.
No es necesario decir... que es igualmente importante para el fiscal... usar los grandes poderes de su cargo... para proteger a los inocentes que para condenar a los culpables.
Mr. State's Attorney, I'll see you in my chambers.
Sr. fiscal, lo veré en mi despacho.
Mr. State's Attorney?
Sr. fiscal del estado.
You wish to amend that statement, Mr. State's Attorney?
¿ Quiere modificar su posición, Sr. fiscal del estado?
I regret to inform defense counsel that since this is a preliminary proceeding, the State's Attorney is perfectly within his rights.
Lamento informar al abogado defensor... que ésta es una audiencia preliminar... y el fiscal estatal está actuando conforme a derecho.
You may proceed, Mr. State's Attorney.
Prosiga, Sr. fiscal.
It may interest you, too, to know that the man we have depicted for you as State's Attorney Harvey was actually a Connecticut lawyer named Homer Cummings.
Quizá les interese saber que el hombre que representamos... como el fiscal estatal Harvey... fue, en realidad, un abogado de Connecticut llamado Homer Cummings.
Why, I had the cops, the state's attorney, even my own lawyer believing'in me.
La policía, el procurador del estado y mi propio abogado me creían.
You got a beef, you talk to the state's attorney's office.
Si tiene alguna queja, llévela a la procuraduría.
Mr. Faxon, from the state's attorney's office.
El Sr. Faxon, de la procuraduría del estado.
Were you in the state's attorney's office in 1932?
¿ Estaba Ud. En la procuraduría del estado en 1932?
The state's attorney's office tried to keep me out of the record books.
La procuraduría trató de impedirme ver los registros.
The state's attorney's office has the right to demand... orthodox conduct of this hearing.
La procuraduría tiene derecho a exigir... que la audiencia se realice conforme a las normas.
I am authorized by the state's attorney's office to state categorically... that in the opinion of our office, the facts set forth in Wiecek's behalf... do not indicate that he was a victim of a miscarriage of justice.
Estoy autorizado por la procuraduría para afirmar categóricamente... que en nuestra opinión, los hechos presentados en defensa de Wiecek... no indican que fue víctima de un fallo injusto.
No quiero utilizar mi influencia, Sr. Knowland, pero, después de todo, soy el fiscal del distrito.
All right, I'll talk this over with the Attorney General in the meantime, Tom, you go ahead preparing the State's case
Está bien, hablaré con el fiscal general. Mientras tanto, Tom, sigue adelante preparando el caso.
Right now they've got the assistant state's attorney in their pocket.
Ya controlan al fiscal estatal adjunto.
Johnson, this is Sergeant Turk of the state's attorney's Special Investigation Department.
Él es el sargento Turk... del Dpto. De Investigaciones Especiales de la fiscalía.
You tell the state's attorney so from me.
Dile eso de mi parte al fiscal estatal.
I'm Walker, state's attorney.
SoyWalker, el fiscal del Estado.
- It's the State's Attorney.
El fiscal del estado ordenó...
Oh, this is Mr. Horn, Artie, the State's Attorney.
Él es el Sr. Horn, Artie, el fiscal estatal.
The State's Attorney may try to do something with it.
Quizá el fiscal intente usarlo.
- Nothing... unless the State's Attorney wants to make something of it... with hostile witnesses.
- Nada... a menos que el fiscal quiera hacer algo... con testigos hostiles.
The State's Attorney will approach the bench please.
Fiscal, acérquese al estrado, por favor.
During all that time, I have never tried a case... where the State's Attorney did not say it was the most cold-blooded... inexcusable case ever.
Durante todo ese tiempo, nunca tuve un caso... donde el fiscal no dijera que era el caso... más frío e imperdonable.
I've heard nothing from the offices of the State's Attorney but ugly hatred.
No he oído nada de la fiscalía excepto odio.
In as cruel a speech as he knew how to make... the State's Attorney... told this court that we're pleading guilty because... we're afraid to do anything else.
Con un discurso tan cruel como pudo hacerlo... el fiscal... le dijo a este tribunal que los declarábamos culpables porque... teníamos miedo de hacer otra cosa.
The State's Attorney has laughed at me for talking about children's fantasies... but what does he know about childhood?
El fiscal se rió de mí por hablar de fantasías infantiles... pero ¿ qué sabe él de la infancia?
The State's Attorney has pictured the putting... of the poor, little dead body in a ditch.
El fiscal describió cómo pusieron... al pobre niñito muerto en una zanja.
The State's Attorney will save his remarks, and stick to the duties of his office.
Ahórrese los comentarios, señor fiscal, aténgase a cumplir con su deber.
What the hell does the attorney general, the state department, or even the president of the united states know about one Goddamned thing that's going on up here in Harlem?
¿ Qué sabe el Procurador General, o el Departamento de Estado... o el Presidente acerca de lo que sucede aquí en Harlem?
And there's a report out that the state attorney general and the Dallas district attorney have got him labeled as FBI informant Number S-172.
Y según un informe, el fiscal general del Estado y el del distrito de Dallas le tienen fichado como el confidente S-172 del FBI.
Pulled a lot of strings with the state's attorney and the judge.
Movió muchos hilos en tribunales.
The state's attorney wouldn't like it because I bought that stuff from his brother.
Al fiscal del estado no le gustaría porque le compré todo esto a su hermano.
- State Attorney General's office.
- Oficina del Fiscal General.
The third victim has now been positively identified as assistant state's attorney William H. McSwiggen, 26 often referred to as the "hanging prosecutor."
La tercera víctima ya ha sido identificada de modo definitivo... como el asistente del procurador del estado William H. McSwiggen, 26... a menudo conocido como "abogado de la acusación".
I agree with the State Attorney's office.
-... todavía tengo la fuerza para agradecerle. - Pero Derrasi es un amigo, te aprecia.
The State Attorney has him fired... on the same day he's killed.
Pero si sabes quien ha cometido ese delito ¿ Por qué no me lo dices?
Yeah, I'd like to place a person-to-person call to Mr. John Amstead in the state attorney's office at the capital.
Quisiera hacer una Ilamada de persona a persona, con el Sr. John Amstead... de la oficina del procurador del Estado.
I spoke with the state's attorney's office and they're gonna go ahead with an indictment.
Van a llevar a cabo una acusación.
I'd like you to meet State's Attorney Bronson.
Quiero presentarte al Procurador Bronson.
Especially the State's Attorney over here?
¿ Especialmente el Procurador, aquí presente?
He is from the state attorney general's office, and he is presently conducting an investigation of the schools in our area.
Es de la oficina del fiscal general y está llevando a cabo una investigación de las escuelas de nuestra zona.
In accordance with prior recommendation of the state attorney's office -
Conforme a una recomendación anterior de la Procuraduría Estatal...
Now, Mr.Jefferson, as per recommendation of the state attorney's office... and in consideration of your investigative cooperation with that office -
Ahora bien, Sr. Jefferson... por la recomendación de la Procuraduría Estatal... y considerando su cooperación investigativa...

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