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That means that tradutor Espanhol

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But that means that Matthew has the gold.
Pero eso significa que Mateo tiene el oro.
That means that today begins a new year for you.
Significa que hoy comienza... un nuevo año para ti.
Now it's no wonder that her name means "beauty"
Es tan hermosa como el nombre Bella
I don't know what that means.
No sé lo que significa.
That means we're getting very close to the castle.
Significa que nos acercamos al castillo.
So that means.. The castle is that..
Así que eso significa... que el castillo está por...
Which means we go that way.
Lo que significa que vamos hacia allí.
At this depth, that means we have about 20 minutes, tops, before you run out.
A esta profundidad, significa que te quedan unos 20 minutos, como mucho, antes de que se te acabe.
That means "you're getting your ass kicked" in Mexican.
Eso significa "que está recibiendo su culo pateado" en México.
That means we can locate Jorge.
O sea, que podemos localizar a Jorge.
That means we can get to Jorge, we can make him lead...
- ¿ Me escucha? - Nos llevará Jorge y él sabe... - Podemos prevenir...
The fact that you are considering this plan. Means that in three weeks there will be no money left in that bag.
El hecho de que estés considerando este plan significa que en tres semanas no quedará dinero en esa bolsa.
- That is why Comrade Stalin brought you tractors, modern mechanical means to meet your responsibilities.
Por eso el camarada Stalin les trajo tractores, medios mecánicos modernos para... cumplir con sus responsabilidades.
My uncle is a Jewish lawyer, my friend, that means jail time!
Mi tío es un abogado judío, significa que te llevará a la cárcel.
You aren't from around here, I can guess that. Not with that stupid hillbilly accent of yours which means you trained to stay up here.
No eres de aquí, piensas que no me di cuenta, tienes un estúpido acento... lo que significa que tampoco sobrevivirás aquí.
You keep saying that which means you don't.
Sigues diciendo eso, lo que significa que no es así.
Now from a purely statistical standpoint, it's mathematically impossible that all the victims of wars were good people, whatever that means.
Ahora, desde un punto de vista meramente estadístico es matemáticamente imposible que todas las víctimas de guerra fueran personas buenas o lo que signifique eso.
If you are watching this, it means that I am dead.
Si estás viendo esto... significa que estoy muerta.
It actually means that you have a lack of calcium. No, it means I've been drinking too much beer.
En realidad, significa que tienes una deficiencia de calcio.
That's what it means.
No, significa que he estado bebiendo demasiada cerveza. Eso es lo que significa.
You always say 5 minutes and that means no.
Siempre dices 5 minutos y eso significa que no.
That means no one can have it.
Eso significa que nadie puede tenerlo.
Look, we can get caught up in the whole statement game. Who said what and what they meant by what they said, and what words mean when people say them, and, you know, who's making a statement and what the statement means, and whose statement has something to do with something that someone else says.
Podemos meternos en este juego de las declaraciones, sobre quién dijo qué y qué querían decir con lo que dijeron, y sobre qué significan las palabras cuando se las dice, y sobre quién declara algo y qué significa esa declaración,
I'll go over there, and if he nods like this that means he wants to fight you now.
Si voy hacia allá, y él asiente de esta forma, eso significará que quiere pelear contigo ahora.
- That means...?
- ¿ Eso significa?
That also means it doesn't have a great range, so... you know, don't get scared if nobody answers.
Eso también significa que no es de gran gama, así que ya sabes, no te asustes si nadie contesta.
But you're convinced you can give up, so you don't want to buy a pipe, because that means you're not serious about quitting.
Pero estás convencido de que no puedes dejarlo, así que no quieres comprar una pipa, porque eso significaría que no quieres dejarlo realmente.
But surely that means I want to forget her, not that I'm indifferent.
Pero seguramente eso significa que quiero olvidarla, no es que sea indiferente.
That means you're sentimentally attached to it, but you're not still married.
Quiere decir que está sentimentalmente atado a el, pero no sigue casada.
- We're here... Because you're too dense to understand that running an international salvage company means keeping our findings from our competition.
- Estaban aquí... porque tu eres demasiado torpe para entender que el manejo de una empresa internacional de salvamento significa mantener nuestros hallazgos fuera nuestra competencia.
Certainly, you have not forgotten that such knowledge of their existence would undermine our prime means of control.
Ciertamente, no has olvidado que ese conocimiento de su existencia socavaría a nuestros principales medios de control.
Of course that means no more gingerbread lattes.
Por supuesto que significa no más lattes de pan de jengibre.
That means we'll be by ourselves.
O sea, estaremos por nuestra cuenta.
"Omaha" means that the quarterback knows a better play.
"Omaha" significa... que el quarterback sabe una jugada mejor.
That means we have until Friday to go out there, get our crushes, and bring'em to the wedding.
Eso significa que tenemos hasta el viernes para salir, tener nuestros amoríos, y llevarlos a la boda.
That means our four-day mission starts tomorrow.
Eso significa que nuestra misión de 4 días comienza mañana.
And if that means I need to get a little out of control, so be it!
Y si eso significa que necesito estar un poco fuera de control, ¡ que así sea!
That means you, Showtune.
Se refiere a ti, comedia musical.
Now look, the sun's only struck the bottom two thirds, but the line is straight, so that means we know the paper is facing the window.
Mire, el sol solo ha tocado los dos tercios inferiores, pero la línea es recta, eso significa que el papel está frente a la ventana.
And that means to hell with what happens to us.
¡ Al cuerno lo que nos pase a nosotros!
- All right, then. That means you're nearly home.
- Vale, significa que casi estás en casa.
That means you now, Darya. You have to do this.
Eso significa que ahora tú tienes que hacer esto.
Cell phones... that means they're mobile, punky.
Celulares... Eso significa que son móviles, Punky.
That means it's good luck.
Eso significa que es de buena suerte.
I don't know what that means, but okay.
No sé qué significa eso, pero está bien.
I'm trying to think of a small word that means "ignoramus."
Trato de pensar en una palabra más simple para "soez".
I think you know what that means.
Sabes lo que significa eso.
I'm gonna suggest that you have an anxiety disorder with psychotic features. because now it means we can make a plan for treatment.
Si quiere un diagnóstico, sugeriré que tiene un trastorno de ansiedad con rasgos psicóticos. - Espere, no. - Eso es una buena noticia.
Because you're also a good businesswoman... and that means you have to make hard decisions.
Porque también eres una buena empresaria. Y eso implica tomar decisiones difíciles.
I still do not understand what that even means.
Aún no entiendo qué significa eso.
- You don't belong here! destroying them where they are. You knew what your duties would be and you don't get to decide what that means.
Conocías tus deberes.

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