That means a lot tradutor Espanhol
984 parallel translation
That means a lot to me.
Eso significa mucho para mí.
Mr Verloc is very kind to Stevie. And that means a lot to Stevie's sister?
Él es muy amable con mi hermano Stevie.
Money, that means a lot, trust me.
Puedes salvarnos.
That means a lot to me, Ward. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate that... even if I do like my little joke now and then.
Quería que supiera que se lo agradezco, aunque suelte un chistecito de vez en cuando.
That means a lot to me, Ward.
Eso significa mucho para mí, Ward.
I don't mind telling you, baby, that means a lot, you standing up for me.
No me molesta decirte que significó mucho para mí que me defendieras.
Castin's a decent man and that means a lot
Es un buen tipo, Castin. Y eso cuenta mucho.
That means a lot of people like us, people with roots
Eso significa que es gente como nosotros. Gente con raíces.
That means a lot of bread.
Eso significa mucho pan.
Miss Jones, that means a lot, your saying that.
Significa mucho que Ud. me diga eso.
Coming from you that means a lot.
Viniendo de ti es mucho.
Thanks, that means a lot to me.
esto significa mucho para mi.
That means none of the crops here will get picked for a decent profit... and that means a lot of money lost, Cross.
Eso implicaría perder ganancias de nuestras cosechas y estoy hablando de mucho dinero, Cross.
That means a lot.
Eso me llega al alma.
That means a lot coming from your peers.
Eso significa mucho viniendo de sus compañeros.
I'm going to sing a song that means a lot to me and... somebody else.
Voy a cantar una canción que significa mucho para mí y... para alguien más.
I got something here that means a lot to me.
Tengo algo aquí que significa mucho para mí.
That means a lot coming from you.
Significa mucho viniendo de usted.
That guy means a lot to you, don't he? I'm no Budinsky.
Tú sientes algo por él, ¿ no?
That money means a lot to my Kin-san, but it's for your mother's sake!
Este dinero significa mucho para Kin-san, pero lo haré por el alma de tu madre.
I shouldn't tell you at all, I suppose but before I take him along I want you to know that what happens to you means to a lot me.
Pero antes de llevármelo quiero que sepa... lo mucho que significa Ud. para mí.
That kid means a lot to me.
¿ Sí?
That means I'll be looking after her a lot.
Y eso significa que estaré cuidándola siempre.
A lot of people think that means swearing.
Muchos creen que eso es "maldecir".
That means, if one of us dies the other stands to get a lot of money.
Por tanto, si uno de nosotros muere, el otro cobrará mucho dinero.
Very few men are. And that means a lot.
Eso significa mucho.
It means a lot to me to know that now I have a friend here.
Para mí es muy importante saber que, ahora, tengo una amiga en la región.
All it means to me is that you're terrified... hiding under a lot of rubbish about the functions of a robot.
Sólo demuestra estar aterrorizado, y se esconde con necedades sobre las funciones de un robot.
That saddle means a lot to me.
Esa silla significa mucho para mí.
- It's for someone that means an awful lot to me. - A lady friend.
Es para una persona a la que quiero mucho.
I can see that it means a lot to you.
Veo que significa mucho para ti.
It means a lot to hear you say that, Will.
Significa mucho para mi que tú lo digas, Will.
It means leaving out a lot, like the make of the gun that was shoved against Bobby's ear so he'd shut his filthy mouth.
Olvidamos muchos detalles, seguro... por ejemplo, la marca del revólver... que pusieron en la sien a Bobby para hacerle callar... la marca del revólver que pusieron... en la sien a Bobby para callarle la boca.
That certainly means a lot coming from you, sir.
Es todo un detalle por su parte, mi general.
Whatever that means, I hope you got a lot saved up... because you're sure gonna be needing something.
Sea como sea, espero que tengas mucho ahorrado... porque seguro que lo vas a necesitar.
Coming from a big star like you, Mr. Hart, that really means a lot to us.
Viniendo de una estrella como usted, Sr. Hart, significa mucho para nosotros.
I don't know what that means to you, but to me it meant a lot.
No sé que le dirá eso a usted, pero a mí me dice mucho.
That's good. That means I'm making a lot of people nervous.
Eso significa que estoy poniendo nerviosos a muchos.
When he does that it means that it hurts a lot.
Cuando hace eso es que le duele mucho.
Oh, but, honeybuns, that doll means a lot to me!
Pero querido, el muñeco significa mucho para mi.
Namely, that the state, and that means the police, does more to help and protect the rights of people... who already possess a lot anyway. And the others, those who do the work, don't even think of, I don't know, taking action... against it all, or,
Que el estado, es decir, la policía... protege más a la gente que tiene dinero, y les ayuda... mientras que a los otros, a los que van a trabajar... no se les ocurre que... bueno, no sé... que pueden ir contra aquellos... o... o reclamar sus derechos...
That means that, for most of the time, a lot of them will do nothing but sit around.
Es decir que la mayor parte del tiempo muchos de ellos estarán desocupados.
That game means a lot to us.
Este partido significa mucho para nosotros.
The absence of a signal on a channel that is not receiving a broadcast... means that it can receive a lot of noise from many things, like short waves.
La ausencia de una señal en un canal que no recibe transmisión... indica que puede recibir ruido de muchas cosas como ondas cortas.
That old bird means a lot more to me than some hot copy for your rented typewriter.
Esa "vieja" significa mucho más para mí que cualquier artículo para su máquina de escribir alquilada.
And that means that you have a lot of fat in your gluteus maximus.
Y significa que tienes mucha grasa en tus glúteos.
It means that what our fathers taught us... is a lot of nonsense... and that we should be modern.
Quiere decir que lo que nuestros padres nos enseñaron son un montón de tonterías porque no es moderno.
Look, Jesse, I just want you to know that having you and Joey here really means a lot to me.
Mira Jesse, quiero que sepas que tenerte a ti y a Joey significa mucho para mi.
I... I may not have much and I may never have a lot but I've got something inside that I want to give to the only person that means something to me.
Quizá no tenga mucho y quizá nunca llegue a tener mucho pero hay algo dentro de mí que quiero dar a la única persona que significa algo para mí.
I wanted to say that yesterday means a lot to me.
Quería decirte que lo de ayer significó mucho para mí.
But I think it also means that I'm gonna die a lot sooner. Which isn't so great.
Pero creo que tambien significa que voy a morir mas rapido... lo cual no es tan bueno.
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that means something 38
that means 406
that means nothing 33
that means nothing to me 16
that means that 18
that means you 69
that means no 21
means a lot to me 20
that means a lot to me 54
that means something 38
that means 406
that means nothing 33
that means nothing to me 16
that means that 18
that means you 69
that means no 21
means a lot to me 20