Then it's over tradutor Espanhol
1,060 parallel translation
Only when it's over, then I'll take care of it myself.
Sólo cuando se acabe, luego me ocuparé yo mismo.
It's all in the mind. If you have control over your brain the way that I have control over my brain, then the body can feel no physical pain.
Si tienes el control de tu cerebro el cuerpo no puede sentir el dolor físico.
You do it once, and then it's over little by little, it's all the way down
Se hace una vez, y ya se ha acabado. Poco a poco, todo va cuesta abajo.
And when it's over tomorrow, after the Mexican is dead then I begin to think about you.
Por que él te ha visto. Pero mañana... Mañana el mexicano ya no existirá y podré ocuparme de ti.
Maybe a date or two and then it's over.
Puede que todavía un par de entrevistas y todo habrá terminado.
And then I say : "Stop it, I have fists too" and then I hit him and it's over.
Y yo : "Para, que yo también tengo puños", y le pego y se acabó.
Then it's all over
Todo quedará al descubierto.
Being over 50, with only elementary school, and doing manual labor. Preferably a woman, in a rural area. Then it's tough.
Tener más de cincuenta años, estudios primarios, realizar un trabajo manual, vivir en el campo y ser mujer, eso es tenerlo crudo.
He's only dead if it stops It's all over then and we take him down, but...
Sólo muere si se para... todo termina y le descolgamos, pero...
But if she doesn't see me at the station, then it's all over.
Pero si no me ve en la estación, todo se irá a paseo...
- ( REGISTER DINGS ) - Okay, when it's all over, we just move a resolution making all the lads come here and all of the booze will be done here, then.
Muy bien entonces, cuando todo termine... resolveremos que todos los muchachos vengan aquí... y que toda la cerveza sea disfrutada aquí.
Then I walked over to- - Max, it's the scepter.
Luego caminé hacia... Max, es el cetro.
Very simple moment, and then it's over.
Será sólo un momento y luego acabará todo.
If I'm satisfied then for you it's all over.
Si me satisface entonces para usted será todo.
Among accomplices, then it's better if you smooth this thing over before the stain widens.
Aunque seamos cómplices, es mejor que ahora sea Vd. quien resuelva este asunto,... antes de que la mancha se extienda demasiado.
He starts acting like a king. Then it's over.
Y entonces se acaba todo.
Then it's all over?
¿ Entonces todo ha terminado?
And then you know it's over, and then you begin to watch other athletes and you begin to see when they're gonna give out. - Do you ever feel that way? - I felt that.
Y sabemos que eso terminó y empezamos a ver a los otros atletas, y empezamos a notar cuándo es que ellos se rendirán. ¿ ya sentiste eso?
L "II write poems. We run on with our loquacity... then there" s a sharp "halt!" And it " s all over with.
Tantas palabras grandilocuentes... para después escuchar un "halt" y caer con la bala en la cabeza.
Then they'll tell him the way to keep his boy from being hanged is to sign over his ranch to them for a quarter of what it's worth.
Le dirán que si no quiere que cuelguen al chico tendrá que cederles el rancho por la cuarta parte de su valor.
But if you see one that has a [... ] over it, sort of a hat... then that's a place where a martyr was buried.
Un nicho con una puerta alta... era la tumba de un mártir.
We'll go check on Nurse Allen, and then we'll get over there. - How's he taking it?
Veremos como está la Srta. Allen, luego vamos allá.
Tom, if he's gonna carry over onto the second verse, then whatever the second verse, it's gonna have to be on different tracks, OK?
Tom, si va a seguir durante la segunda estrofa sea lo que sea la segunda estrofa, tendrán que estar en pistas diferentes, ¿ vale?
Then it's just over on the other side.
Pasando al otro lado y ya.
If that one's there, and this one's here, then it's over there.
Si ése está allí, y éste está aquí, entonces está allí.
People like me... until they hear my story. Then it's all over.
Primero les caigo bien... después se enteran de mi historia y se acabó.
And then suddenly- - suddenly, for no reason at all, it's over.
Y entonces de repente... de repente, sin ninguna razón, se acabó.
It's over, then it begins again.
Se acabó, y empieza otra vez.
Then it's all over.
Luego, todo habrá terminado.
Then it's over.
Luego, todo habrá terminado.
The big guys yell "cease-fire", there's dancing in the streets, then they pull the switch and it starts all over again.
Los jefazos se ponen a gritar "alto el fuego", la gente se echa a la calle, luego se echan atrás y todo vuelve a empezar.
And when a man is afraid, it's time for him to bow out... and then the Ardizzones of the world can take over.
Y cuando un hombre como yo tiene miedo, es hora de que se retire.... y luego los Ardizzones del mundo tendran razón.
Now, suppose I were to borrow 1000 kroner today... and you were to fritter it away over Christmas... and then, suppose, on New Year's Eve... a tile were to fall off the roof, land on my head and kill me- -
Ahora, supongamos que yo tuviera que pedir prestado 1.000 coronas hoy... y se va a desperdiciar lejos en Navidad... y entonces, supongo, en la víspera de Año Nuevo... una baldosa se cayera de la azotea, la tierra sobre mi cabeza y me mate -
Now, suppose I were to borrow 1000 kroner today... and you were to fritter it away over Christmas... and then, suppose, on New Year's Eve... a tile were to fall off the roof, Iand on my head and kill me- -
Podemos configurar. Tengo que hablar contigo.
When it's good, it's good. Then, it's over.
Cuando estás a gusto con alguien, lo estás, luego se acabó.
That's terrific. We take the risk, and then you turn it over to the insurance company.
Nos arriesgamos y usted se lo entrega a la compañía de seguros.
Then it's down that ramp, like hell into that first big loop, up this ramp, zoom over the truck, down this ramp and straight into that big figure eight.
Bajamos por esa rampa, damos toda la vuelta, subimos esta rampa, pasamos por encima del camión, bajamos la rampa, pasamos por el ocho.
Then it's down that ramp, over that pit, and we're home free.
Luego bajamos esa rampa, saltamos, y estamos a salvo.
If Mr. Tanner thinks he can satisfy Tono, then it's all over with.
Si el señor Tanner cree que puede satisfacer a Tono, todo habrá acabado.
Well, then, if it's all over with Gianni, we can start all over.
"Pero entonces..." "... si todo ha terminado entre Gianni y tú... " "... todo puede recomenzar entre tú y yo... "
He'll get preventive detention next time. Then it's all over.
La próxima lo meten en aislamiento, y se acabó.
But then, you know it's probably an over-simplification.
Pero sin duda eso es una simplificación, ¿ no cree?
It's a thing where all the women bring over cakes, then you draw this circle on the floor.
Es una cosa en la que las mujeres cocinan, entonces uno dibuja un círculo en el suelo.
If you need to justify Aban-Khans slaughter of the hippos, if you think it's your right as human beings to kill whatever annoys you, then do it and get it over with it, but mock my words,
Si necesitan justificar la matanza de hipopótamos de Aban-Khan, si piensan que es correcto, como seres humanos, matar todo lo que nos molesta, entonces, a ello, mátenlo pero, búrlense de mis palabras,
Then it's over.
Entonces, se acabó.
Nothing moves until some hapless creature flies into its orbit and then it's all over.
Nada se mueve hasta que una criatura desafortunada entra a su órbita y... todo acaba.
Hey, it's gonna hurt for a couple days, then it'll be all over.
Te dolerá un par de días y luego se acabará.
Then it's all over.
Entonces, se terminó.
Then it's all over!
Entonces se acabo!
Then it's over.
Y se acabó.
- Then crash! And it's all over.
Pues nos chocamos, y listo.
then it's a date 18
then it's settled 125
then it's 45
then it's true 28
it's over 4654
it's over there 188
it's overrated 21
it's over here 95
it's over now 198
it's overwhelming 31
then it's settled 125
then it's 45
then it's true 28
it's over 4654
it's over there 188
it's overrated 21
it's over here 95
it's over now 198
it's overwhelming 31
it's over for you 28
it's over between us 35
it's over for me 34
over 4462
overwatch 37
override 23
overseas 32
overdose 32
overboard 24
overnight 112
it's over between us 35
it's over for me 34
over 4462
overwatch 37
override 23
overseas 32
overdose 32
overboard 24
overnight 112
overall 83
overtime 31
overkill 28
overwhelmed 35
overrated 36
overreacting 19
overload 17
over radio 116
over to you 62
over there 2200
overtime 31
overkill 28
overwhelmed 35
overrated 36
overreacting 19
overload 17
over radio 116
over to you 62
over there 2200