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They know it tradutor Espanhol

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They let pride get in the way, and then before they know it, their spotter's heading out the door.
Dejaron que el orgullo se interponga en el camino, y antes de darse cuenta, encabezamiento de su observador de tiro de la puerta,
Like, I can't... I wanna know how people feel about it, and I wanna know how much they love it, so, uh, here we go. I can't wait.
No puedo esperar.
You know, they took it fine. Mmm-hmm.
Se lo tomaron bien.
You know they said it couldn't be done.
Dijeron que no podía hacerse.
We were on the road in Spain, and I noticed that the people there pronounce the letter S with, like, a T-H "th" sound, so instead of saying Spain, they say Thpain, you know, and it's like the whole country has a crazy speech impediment, so I wrote a thong about that.
Estábamos de gira en España, y noté que la gente ahí pronuncia la letra S con el sonido de la "Z" así que en vez de decir España, dicen Ezpaña y es como si todo el país tuviera dificultades del habla así que escribí una "canzión" sobre eso.
They don't like your shit. They like my shit, and they don't even know it.
No les gusta tu mierda, les gusta la mía, y no lo saben.
No marvel, an it like Your Majesty, My Lord Protector's hawks do tower so well. They know their master loves to be aloft,
No es de extrañar, si os place, Majestad, que las aves del Protector monten tan alto, saben que su dueño ama las alturas y anhela superar el techo del halcón.
For all they know, it's some training exercise to, to weed out the cowboys.
Hasta donde sabrán, esto es un ejercicio para arrancar a las malas hierbas.
It's not going to be perfect, but they won't know the difference.
No será perfecto, pero nadie notará la diferencia.
And they don't know about each other, so, uh, please don't say anything in case it comes up.
Ninguna sabe de la otra así que por favor no digas nada en caso de que se mencione.
You know how much bare feet, if you had that privilege in your cell, and they didn't notice you wasn't wearing your shower flip-flops in your downtime, all you felt was that cold concrete with boogers and jizz on it.
Sabes cuántos pies descalzos, si tenías ese privilegio en tu celda y no notaban que no llevabas puestas las sandalias de ducha en tu descanso, lo único que sentías era el concreto frío con mocos y eyaculación en él.
You just don't know about it'cause they run off to Hawaii and you don't ever hear from'em again.
Solo que tú no te enteras, porque huyen a Hawái y ni siquiera vuelves a saber de ellos.
It's such a comfort to the dying to know that everything will be taken care of, just the way they want.
Es un consuelo para el moribundo saber que... nos encargaremos de todo, de la manera que desean.
You know, in English they call it'fall in love'.
Sabes, en inglés lo llaman "enamorarse".
And they know nothing about it, or you.
Y ellos no saben nada al respecto, o de usted.
They'll never let him out, and you know it.
Jamás lo dejarán salir.
So they don't pick it up, you know, it's over.
Entonces, si no lo aceptan... ya saben, se terminó.
They want everything just so, and if it isn't, they don't know where to turn.
Quieren todo a su gusto, y si no lo es no saben que hacer.
I know it must be very worrying, but I'm sure they'll find out why your wife is sick and get her home to you as soon as they can.
Sé que debe ser preocupante. Pero estoy seguro de que encontraran la causa. Y la traerán a casa lo más pronto posible.
What, do you mean they don't know where it is?
¿ Ellos no saben dónde está?
They're gonna know it was me.
Sabrán que fui yo.
He's gonna know I'm gone. They gonna know it was a inside job.
Sabrá que me fui, que fue un trabajo interno.
All they know outside is that Cage lost his mind, shots were fired, and it's a standoff.
Lo único que saben afuera es que Cage enloqueció, que hubo disparos y que hay un punto muerto.
It's a good chance they know him by another name. A nickname.
Es muy probable que lo conozcan con otro nombre, un alias.
People gave that money so we wouldn't be in danger, but we're not in danger, so it's their money, but they don't need to know that.
La gente lo donó para librarnos del peligro... pero estamos a salvo, así que es de ellos... pero no necesitan saberlo. Así que definitivamente no es tuyo.
And I know, I know your family tripping off me and everything... but let me tell you something. They'll get over it.
Sé que fastidio a tu familia, pero ¿ sabes qué?
They won't know where it came from.
No sabrán de dónde salió.
You know, they're supposed to turn on each other, but only if a guest takes them on the High Sierra storyline, and Walter always buys it.
Bueno, se supone que deben traicionarse, pero solo si un huésped los lleva por la historia de High Sierra y Walter siempre interviene.
Do you know how hard it is to find these people once they disappear?
¿ Sabes lo difícil que es encontrar a esta gente una vez que desaparecen?
I finally feel like I framed it in a way where they really have to move on it. You know?
Finalmente siento que lo diseñé de una manera en la que realmente tengan que proceder.
It's when everyone around you thinks they know who you are and they try to lay claim to you and... Then you're trapped.
Es cuando todos los que te rodean creen que saben quién eres, y tratan de reclamarte y... terminas atrapada.
- Happened to her. And they all know it.
Le dije que iba a pasar algo.
You know I love it when they do that shit, too, nigga.
Mierda. Me encanta cuando hacen esa mierda también.
The railroad's done. Those men know it, that's why they're here!
Esos hombres lo saben, por eso estás aquí.
You know, the only way someone would see it was if they went to an equally nasty video store, paid actual money, watched it in a vcr, returned it and never gave it another thought.
Ya sabes, la única manera que alguien lo viera... era si iban a una tienda de videos sucios, pagado el dinero, y lo hubiera visto en un reproductor de vídeo... y nunca volverlo a ver.
And which one of you know which fertilizer you use on the lawn to make it exactly the right concentration of nitrate so that your kids don't poison themselves when they play in the front yard and die?
Y cuál de los dos sabe qué fertilizante debe usar en el césped para lograr la concentración exacta de nitratos para que sus niños no se envenenen accidentalmente cuando salgan a jugar al patio y se mueran?
You know, it's remarkable to me how many black folks get shot in the backside while they're attacking.
Sabes, es notable para mí cuántas personas negras reciben un disparo por la espalda mientras los están atacando.
Some of them are, they just don't know it.
Algunos lo son, pero no lo saben.
They need to know Daenerys is responsible for it.
Necesitan saber que Daenerys es responsable de ello.
If it's Elf Hunters, I know where they trade.
Si se trata de Cazadores de Elfos, sé dónde comercian.
Well, they say it's... like a church for all churches, you know.
Dicen que es una iglesia para todas las iglesias.
They're gonna be throwing money at you. I just know it.
Te lanzarán dinero, sólo lo sé.
They need your brilliant fucking strategizing. You know, it'll be great for you.
Necesitan tus brillantes estrategias.
Russian women, they know how to hold it and most important they know exactly when to let it go.
Las mujeres rusas, saben cómo sujetarla y lo que es más importante, saben cuando soltarla.
It's obvious that they know.
Es obvio que lo saben.
I know it's crowded in there and they're not very considerate guests and they took my mouse and then they took my keyboard and then they took the whole computer.
Sé que hay mucha gente dentro... y que no son unos invitados muy considerados... y que han robado mi ratón... y que luego han robado mi teclado... y que después han llevado mi computador.
They will ask you questions. It's a crime case, you know.
Te harán preguntas Es un caso criminal, ya sabes.
But they don't even know what it means.
Pero ignoran lo que implica.
They just don't know it, but it's natural. It's natural to fear them because when you're on an island you're surrounded and stuff, and, anyway, I'm more inclined'cause I'm a Leo, and lions... they just have no place on an island.
Pero es natural temerles porque cuando estás en una isla estás rodeado, y yo tengo esa tendencia por ser un Leo y los leones no pertenecen en una isla.
I tried googling it, but you know, they don't make keyboards for paws!
Intenté buscar en Google, pero ¡ no hacen teclados para patas!
And their bodies...'cause you don't exactly know what they're gonna look like... or smell or feel like... until you do it.
Y sus cuerpos porque no sabes exactamente cómo se verán u olerán, o se sentirán hasta que lo haces.

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