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Through the woods tradutor Espanhol

670 parallel translation
The whole walking through the woods and hearing noises coming from places that, you know- -
Toda la caminata a través del bosque y oyendo ruidos provenientes de sitios que, sabes...
There's a spring right back there through the woods. Oh, uh...
La primavera vuelve a los bosques.
We were taking a short cut through the woods to Silver Lake when suddenly Mr. Taylor stopped the car and began pleading with me to marry him.
Atajamos por el bosque hacia Silver Lake. Mr. Taylor de repente paró el coche para pedir mi mano tras el divorcio de su mujer.
It leads through the woods.
- ¿ Sector? - Sector Saint André, ruta de leñadores.
Through the woods there.
Por el bosque.
Go through the woods, you cut three miles.
Por el bosque se ahorrarán cinco kilómetros.
They have gone back through the woods.
Ellos regresaron por el bosque.
So little red riding hood grabs herself a basket of chow and hot-foots it to her grandmother's, but the wolf, who was hangin'around for no good, gets a load of her trotting'through the woods
Entonces Caperucita Roja agarra una canasta de comida... y va de prisa a casa de su abuela. Pero el lobo, que andaba merodeando sin motivo... la ve en el bosque y la sigue.
I heard them guys walking through the woods...
Oí a los muchachos caminar por el bosque...
There's nothing like a good walk through the woods for clearing one's mind.
Nada como un buen paseo por el bosque para aclarar la mente.
She ran from the castle through the woods to Bousin and got lost.
Ella salío corriendo del castillo hacia el bosque de Bousin y se perdió.
Through the woods?
¿ Por el bosque?
Once the Crown had to pass through the woods because a landslide had closed the road.
Una vez la Corona también tuvo que pasar por un bosque porque un desprendimiento cortó la vía.
We'll be able to see it as soon as we get through the woods.
La veremos en cuanto salgamos del bosque.
Don't try to fly through the woods.
¡ No vuele entre los árboles!
I'm going through the woods to this side.
Yo voy entre los árboles a este lado.
They run through the woods without any clothes on and knives in their teeth.
Corren por los bosques desnudos con cuchillos en la boca.
That road. You knew a road through the woods.
Conocías un camino que cruza el bosque.
Don't laugh. What if, after all, for these thousand years, it has been our souls... haunting in the howling of the wind on the ramparts, and through the woods.
No se ría, y si después de todo, si después de mil años, nuestras almas se han buscado en los gemidos del viento, sobre las murallas, y en los bosques.
It was wonderful cycling through the woods this evening.
Ha sido maravilloso pasar por el bosque.
- How about going through the woods?
- ¿ Y si vamos campo a través?
Through the woods.
No sé, por el bosque.
Harness a dog team and start mushing through the woods?
¿ Buscarla por el bosque con unos perros?
- I'll save two miles by cutting through the woods.
- Me ahorraré dos millas.
It will follow you through the woods.
Te perseguirán por el bosque.
I followed some wagon tracks through the woods. - They were all grown...
Seguí unas huellas por el bosque.
We went on by foot.. because Bruno wanted to get to Rio Freddo before dark.. and through the woods we lost our way.
Seguimos a pie porque Bruno quería llegar a Rio Freddo antes de la tarde y a través del bosque perdimos la carretera.
I'll go through the woods myself when it's dark.
Pasaré a través del bosque por mí mismo Cuando está obscuro.
Sure, I guess we could all probably make it back on that thing, but... When you walk and walk through the woods and then suddenly they dangle a General in front of you like magic, and you know it's only for this once, you can't turn your back on'em.
Es cierto... que quizás podríamos regresar todos, sanos y salvos en esa balsa,... pero, cuando caminas sin parar por el bosque y de golpe y porrazo delante tuyo aparece el General, como por arte de magia,
You'll send an elephant here, an acrobat there, sneaking through the woods where the sentries can't cover every inch.
Enviarás un elefante, un acróbata, infiltrándose donde los vigías no pueden cubrir cada centímetro.
Tonight he went running off through the woods after some Highland hothead... who was gonna make all the people disappear... by crossing the wrong street.
Hoy persiguió por todo el bosque a un loco escocés... que iba a hacer desaparecer a todo el mundo... al cruzar la calle equivocada.
♪ Off through the woods He's a-marchin'along
Por el bosque comenzó a viajar
It satisfies his primitive nature, striding through the woods, picking up his kill.
Satisface su naturaleza al adentrarse por el bosque siguiendo el rastro de las piezas.
I see the ghosts of the Tuscaroras walking through the woods.
Veo el alcohol de Tascarora. El caminar para los árboles?
Well, one of them is "Over the River and Through the Woods."
Una de ellas es "Over the River and Through the Woods".
I can get next to the house by going through the woods without being seen.
Puedo acercarme hasta la casa yendo por los bosques sin que me vean.
If you're thinking of going through the woods, you might find it unpleasant.
Si piensa irse a través de los bosques, tal vez lo encuentre desagradable.
I told him not to go through the woods.
Le dije que no fuera por los bosques.
I ran across the fields and through the woods.
Corrí a través de Ios campos y de Ios bosques.
Here are the hills we've just left and there are the woods where they wait to take us through Varennes.
Estas son las colinas que acabamos de dejar y ahí está el bosque donde nos esperan para llevarnos por Varennes.
Well, what I always do, crawl down behind the tennis court through the kitchen garden and into the woods.
Me colaré por el jardín, hasta los árboles.
Bartlett, take six men and work through those woods in back of the cabin.
Bartlett, llévate a 6 hombres y cruza por el bosque detrás de la cabaña.
do re mi fa sol, through the Pretty Woods we stroll.
Mi fa do re mi, eres tú en Bois Joli.
Through it I could see the fields beneath the moon, the sea, the woods, and two bone meal factories.
A través de él podía ver los campos bajo la luna. El mar y los bosques y dos fábricas de comida.
Not so in Ox Head Woods, further south. Step into it off the abandoned road that hugs its length, and it's like passing through a wall and closing the door behind you.
Excepto en el bosque de Oxhead, en el sur si alguien entrara por el camino que lo rodea sería como cruzar un muro, cerrando luego la puerta.
I've owned the Ox Head Woods for years and... I'm as brave as the next man, but I wouldn't cross through those woods at night.
Hace años que soy el propietario del bosque y era valiente, pero jamás crucé el bosque de noche.
Now, you go through about a couple of miles... of the prettiest woods you ever saw.
Atravezando un par de millas, del bosque más bonito que hayan visto.
We'll go swimming together, lie in the sun together, go horseback riding through the pine woods.
Nos iremos a nadar juntos, tomaremos el sol juntos, cabalgaremos por los bosques.
We were walking silently in the woods imbued with the river's coolness cutting through our bodies and drowning our minds in happiness
Un día fuimos los tres al bosque, andábamos en silencio, sintiendo el frescor del río que parecía penetrar en el cuerpo, empaparlo, bañar el espíritu, y colmarlo de felicidad.
When they change the guard at the gate... it shouldn " t be too difficult to sneak it through into the woods.
En el cambio de guardia de la puerta, no debería ser difícl ir a escondidas hasta el bosque.
Just for an hour. We'll get through these woods and get to the hill.
Sólo una hora más, cruzamos el bosque y llegamos a la colina.

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