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To see him tradutor Espanhol

18,188 parallel translation
Here I used to see him every day, but I only went to Borgoventoso at weekends, for his therapy.
Aquí lo veía todos los días, pero sólo iba a Borgoventoso los fines de semana, para su terapia.
- She went to see him?
- ¿ Fue a verlo?
I went to see him.
Fui a verlo.
Tell Jimmy Harry wants to see him.
Dile que Jimmy Harry quiere verlo.
This jackass says you wanted to see him.
Este idota dice que querías verlo.
It'll be good for you to see him.
Será bueno que lo veas.
When I went to see him he had all these tubes hooked into him.
Cuando fui a verlo tenía muchos tubos conectados.
I have to see him.
Tengo que verlo.
- I need to see him.
Tengo que verlo.
Just keep an eye on him, I'll need to see him in 10 days.
Sólo cuídalo, lo veré en 10 días.
It would be good to see him again.
Hubiera sido bueno verlo de nuevo.
I was hoping not to see him.
Esperaba no verlo a él.
Conner's very specific when it comes to food, and it brings me great joy to see him love the treats that I prepare.
Conner es muy específico en cuanto a la comida y es un placer ver cómo ama los platos que le preparo.
Some tardy cripple bore the countermand And came too lag to see him buried.
Llevó la contraorden algún cojo... que fue llegando a la hora del entierro.
Would I be able to see him now?
- ¿ Podría verlo ahora?
I'm the one who gets to decide whether or not he has to see him anymore.
- Así que yo decidiré si lo ve.
I want to see him.
Quiero verlo.
Do you want to see him?
¿ Quieres verlo?
I wanted to see him.
Yo quise verlo.
I'm going to see him.
Voy a verlo.
I don't want to see him in here again.
No quiero volver a verlo aquí.
They wanted to see him.
Querían verlo.
Tell Dennis, I'd like to see him.
Dile a Dennis que quiero verlo.
I don't want to see him ever again.
No quiero volver a verlo.
That is why I want you to be the first to see him... speak to him, to touch and feel.
Por eso, quiero que sean ustedes los primeros en verlo... en hablar con él... en tocarlo y sentirlo.
I can't stand to see him licking his penis.
No soporto verlo lamiendo su pene.
Sorry, Sister. But I do so want to see him.
Lo siento, hermana, pero tenía muchas ganas de verle.
I don't wish to see him.
No deseo verle.
Get somebody up there to see him.
Mande a alguien a verlo.
I couldn't hear what Boone said to him, but I could see the effect it had on Mike.
No pude escuchar... lo que Boone le dijo, pero pude ver el efecto que tenía en Mike.
You see, my boyfriend thought we could get married so that I wouldn't have to testify against him in court.
Verás, mi novio pensó que podríamos casarnos para así no tener que testificar en su contra.
But... You could see by his eyes that... he'd taken something - - it speeded him up, made him quick to the draw.
Pero... se podía ver por sus ojos que...
You wanted to make him jealous, make him see what he was missing if he didn't compromise.
Querías darle celos, hacerle ver lo que se perdía si no aceptaba un compromiso.
See how she talks to him?
¿ Ves como le habla?
And I don't see him stopping till he gets to the promised land.
y no le veo deteniendose hasta consiguir la tierra prometida.
Tomorrow we'll go get Linda and see him, face to face.
Mañana buscaremos a Linda y lo veremos cara a cara.
I want you to see what I'll do to him.
Quiero que veas lo que le voy a hacer.
You can not ask him to take off his glasses, because you can not see him.
En teoría no puede pedirle que se los quite porque no puede verlo.
I kind of figured that I'd lose him if I tried to make him see it from my side, so I didn't.
Pensé que lo perdería si trataba de hacerlo ver las cosas de mi modo así que no lo hice.
He doesn't want people to see him, so if you go out of the room and you leave him alone,
Que es tímido. No quiere que la gente lo vea, así que...
Please, brahms. I need him to see, okay?
Por favor, Brahms, necesito que él lo vea, ¿ de acuerdo?
I used to tell him I could still see things when I couldn't.
Solía decirle que aún podía ver cosas cuando no podía.
Would you like for me to go up and see him?
¿ Quieres que vaya y lo vea?
We go and see a doctor, and we tell him about our amazing "juicervose" moment, and he's like, " Well, let me explain this to you.
Fuimos a ver al médico... y le contamos sobre la experiencia "sorbovoz"... y dijo : " Déjenme explicarles algo.
Nice and easy. - What we're witnessing now, Mr. Romano, the crime boss who's been accused of everything from prostitution to racketeering to murder, this may be the very last time we see him outside...
Lo que estamos presenciando ahora, el Sr. Romano, el jefe del crimen que ha sido acusado de todo desde prostitución a crimen organizado para asesinar, esta puede ser la última vez que lo veamos fuera.
It would have meant such a lot to him to see you one last time.
Hubiera significado tanto para él haber podido verte por última vez.
Cuando lo vea, lo patearé como una basura.
You breached your duty to defend Lee, because you see him as nothing more than a thief.
Incumpliste tu deber de defender a Lee, Porque no viste más que a un ladrón.
If we instead would like to see a young man with no criminal record turned into a criminal, then let's have him sit at Rikers as long as the slow wheels of justice take.
Si queremos ver a un joven sin antecedentes penales volverse delincuente dejémoslo en Rikers por el tiempo que demore la justicia.
I best see to him, Sister.
Será mejor que le cambie el pañal, hermana.
- Go away! Nana, I don't want him to see me like this...
Nana, no quiero que él me vea así.

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