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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / To see her

To see her tradutor Espanhol

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- You got to see her.
- Tienes que verla.
Like, so well you'd be excited to see her around every day?
Al igual que, tan bien que estaría emocionado de ver a su alrededor todos los días?
Call her, tell her I need to see her.
Llamadla, decidle que necesito verla.
She said she doesn't want you to see her like this.
Ella dijo que no quiere que usted la vea asi.
She said she doesn't want you to see her like this.
Ella dijo que no quiere que usted la vea como esta.
She probably... went to see her mom.
Probablemente fue a ver a su madre.
We haven't even had a chance to see her!
Ni siquiera hemos tenido la oportunidad ¡ para verla!
They may be the last ones to see her alive.
Deben haber sido los últimos en verla con vida.
I want to see her.
Quiero verla.
I need to see her, man!
¡ Necesito verla, tío!
I'd really like to see her if I can.
Realmente me gustaría verla si puedo.
But I promised Amelia I would call in to see her today, and I wanted you to have yours before I left.
Pero le prometí a Amelia que iría a verla hoy, y quería darte el tuyo antes de irme.
I have to see her.
Tengo que verla.
She shouldn't have to see her sister's body like this, so me and Jay will do the notification.
No debería tener que ver a su hermana de esta manera... así que Jay y yo haremos la notificación.
I only get to see her once a week.
Solo la veo una vez a la semana.
I need to see her.
Necesito verla.
That's why it's so insane to me that my ex doesn't even want to see her.
Es por esto tan loco para mí que mi ex no quiera verla.
She says you left your kid, that you don't even try to see her.
Dijo que tú dejaste a tu hijo, que no intentaste verla.
He came regular to see her.
Se hizo asiduo de ella.
So we unlocked it to see if her dead body was in there, but...
Así que la abrió para ver si su cadáver estaba allí, Pero...
You're gonna drop the charges against Jill Hartford on the grounds of self-defense, and you're gonna see to it that Emily Sinclair ends her witch hunt into me and my staff.
Estás va a retirar los cargos contra Jill Hartford Por motivos de defensa propia, Y se le va a ver a lo que Emily Sinclair
When you see Yeo Jin... tell her that I'll go up to the 13th floor if she's having a really hard time.
Cuando vea Yeo Jin... si ella está teniendo un momento muy difícil.
Where is Yeo Jin? I came to check on her condition, so I should go see her.
así que debería ir a verla.
I want to check with Yeo Jin before she dies to see if that was really her order.
Quiero comprobar con Yeo Jin antes de que muera para ver si era realmente la orden.
I'd like to start her with this, and I'd like to see Eileen tomorrow morning to talk about a treatment strategy.
Me gustaría que empezase con esto y me gustaría ver a Eileen mañana por la mañana para hablar de una estrategia de tratamiento.
I'd give anything to see that look in her eyes even one more time.
Daría lo que fuese por ver esa mirada en los ojos incluso una vez más.
Can I go down to your bunk just to look through Lara's things, see if she had a diary or anything that might help find her killer.
¿ Puedo ir a tu camarote a mirar las cosas de Lara, para ver si tenía un diario o algo que pueda ayudar a encontrar a su asesino?
That makes it harder to see how it happens, but I still see her die.
Eso hace que sea más difícil ver cómo pasa, pero sigo viéndola muerta.
See, I'd like to raise her by myself without you two getting in the way.
Veréis, me gustaría criarla por mi misma sin que os metierais en el camino.
I will go, but I would like to see that Eva is released, and I would like to have an hour alone with her.
Iré, pero me gustaría ver que Eva se libera, y me gustaría tener una hora a solas con ella.
You see, officers, apparently, Leslie thinks That talking to her friends is more important Than learning about diversity in third-world countries.
oficiales, Leslie piensa que hablar con sus amigas es mas importante que aprender sobre la diversidad de los paises tercermundistas es ella.
And then her heart transplant came in season 28. Came in season 28. To see someone like that go
Ver a alguien pasar por lo que ella pasó y nunca darse por vencida porque ella nos ha amado, y no hay forma en la que ella quisiera dejarnos, para mí eso es una enorme inspiración, seguir luchando por lo que quieres.
Did you see what he did to her?
¿ Viste lo que le hizo a ella?
I told her how you've all been here, and she can't wait to see you when she's a little better.
le dije que todos han estado aquí, y no puede esperar a verlos cuando esté un poco mejor.
I used to imagine she was my real mom and that one day she'd pick me up and take me away with her, and then we'd get matching see-through body stockings like normal mothers and daughters.
Solía imaginar que era mi verdadera madre Y que un día ella me recoja Y llevarme con ella,
Well, sometimes my mom leaves me home by myself, and I went on her iPad to see where she was, and turns out she goes to a motel with her boss.
Bueno, a veces mi mamá me sale de casa por mí mismo, y fui en su iPad para ver dónde estaba, y resulta que ella va a un motel con su jefe.
Well... my friends are telling me I shouldn't abandon my girlfriend on her birthday to see the new Star Wars movie.
Bueno... mis amigos me dicen que no debería abandonar a mi novia en su cumpleaños para ver la nueva película de Star Wars.
I thought you could dig around those sites tonight, see if there's anything else that can link her to...
Creo que podrías investigar esos sitios esta noche, ver si hay algo más que podamos vincular con ella...
No, I see her going to more of a real university that you didn't just make up.
No, yo la veo ir a más de una universidad real, que usted no acaba de hacer para arriba.
- I don't want her to see me.
- No quiero que me vea.
I was advised to see and tell my problem her.
Me aconsejaron verla y contarle de mi problema.
All right, you should've been able to see from your snooping that I haven't texted her since we got back together.
Muy bien, mientras husmeabas debiste haber visto que no le he escrito desde que tú y yo nos reconciliamos.
Caroline, if I have to see Oleg so much as honk one of her boobs,
Caroline Si tengo que ver Oleg tan tanto como bocinazo una de sus tetas,
We should upload them to ViCAP, see if we can ID her from her dental records.
Deberíamos subirlos al programa... para tratar de identificarla por sus registros dentales.
I combed through Klarissa's bank account to see if I could get a whiff of this big shift in her behavior.
He peinado la cuenta bancaria de Klarissa para ver si pudiera haber algún indicio de ese gran cambio en su comportamiento.
All right, we'll talk to her, see what she knows.
Muy bien, vamos a hablar con ella, a ver que sabe.
First, you got to let her go. I'm going to break a finger for every second that goes by that I don't see my stuff.
Primero, tienes que dejarla ir.
You didn't have to go see it in the theater with her.
Usted no tiene que ir a ver en el teatro con ella.
When we look at you, we see a person who is loving and kind and a person who would know what to say to a little girl if her mom and dad weren't there... ( chuckles ) and she was going to her first school dance
Cuando te vemos, vemos una persona que es amorosa y amable y que sabría que decirle a una pequeña niña si sus papás no estuvieran... Y si fuera a su primera clase de baile y se preguntara si alguien bailaría con ella.
To see what you had to see? Look at her, Matt.
¿ Para ver lo que tenías que ver?
I'll tell her Digger talked, see what she's got to say about that.
Le diré que Digger habló y que tiene que decir al respecto.

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