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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Want it

Want it tradutor Espanhol

123,270 parallel translation
What's real in this space is whatever you want it to be.
Lo que es real en este espacio es lo que quieras que lo sea.
If you want it.
Si tú quieres.
Now I just want it to end, so let's... get what we came here for.
Ahora solo quiero que se acabe. Así que... consigamos lo que vinimos a buscar para terminar con esto.
I don't want it anymore.
No quiero más.
Why do you want it?
Porqué lo quieres?
I know how much you want it.
Sé cuánto la deseas.
I never want it to seem like I take you for granted.
Nunca quiero que parezca que te doy por sentado.
Anyway, he clearly didn't want it, so I waited for him to go and then I dug it up.
Como sea, claramente no la quería... así que esperé que se fuera y la desenterré.
Whatever that is, I don't want it.
¡ Sea lo que sea, no lo quiero!
All right, I want you to concentrate on it.
De acuerdo, quiero que te concentres en ella.
I don't want to talk about it, okay?
No quiero hablar de ello, ¿ vale?
I don't want to talk about it.
No quiero hablar de ello.
What is it you want to know?
¿ Qué es lo que quieres saber?
- So if you want to make it out of here...
- Si quieres salir de esto...
Well, that just means that before long, certain people are going to want to look at it.
Que dentro de poco, ciertas personas querrán verla.
If you want our fortune, you can have it. Just leave Sunny alone!
Puedes quedarte con nuestra fortuna. ¡ Deja a Sunny!
It's enough to make you want to abandon civilization and live by a pond.
Dan ganas de abandonar la civilización e ir a vivir junto a un estanque.
What exactly is it you want?
¿ Qué es lo que quiere?
I want to see it.
Quiero verla.
I just wanted to let you know that... I'm ready... for whatever it is you want to show me.
Solo quería decirte que... estoy lista... para lo que sea que quieras mostrarme.
I don't want to do it again.
No quiero volver a hacerlo.
I don't want to become it.
No quiero llegar a ser la misma.
♪ It makes me see what I want to see ♪
? Se me hace ver lo que quiero ver?
It's a lie I told everyone, but I don't want to lie to you.
Es una mentira que le dije a todo el mundo, pero no quiero mentirte.
"Amigo, if you want me to put my finger there, you'll need to put a ring on it first."
"Amigo, si quieres que meta ahí el dedo tendrás que ponerle un anillo primero".
The future we want... the future we're working toward... it won't happen unless we make it happen.
El futuro que queremos... el futuro por el cual trabajamos... no ocurrirá a menos que hagamos que ocurra.
No, it's fine. Did you want something?
No, está bien. ¿ Querías algo?
And I don't want to lose it.
Y no quiero perderlo.
It's bad. You don't want to tell me'cause it's bad.
No quieres decírmelo porque es malo.
It's going to kill you, but you don't want to hear that, do you?
Va a matarte, Pero no quieres oír eso, ¿ verdad?
- Because I don't want to try and sell it to whoever you stole it from or their associates.
- Porque no quiero tratar de venderlo A quienquiera que lo robaste o de sus asociados.
If we want to know what's on Cindy's phone, it seems like a pretty easy problem to solve.
Si queremos saber qué había en el móvil de Cindy, es un problema bastante fácil de resolver.
If you fail to do so, the Fuhrer will want to speak to you about it...
Si falla en hacerlo, el Führer querrá hablar con usted sobre ello...
I don't want to talk about it, okay!
¡ No quiero hablar de ello, ¿ vale? !
Do you want to know what it was?
¿ Quieres saber lo que era?
It's a government-funded project, so they want me to, you know, protect their investment.
- Divorciado hace doce años. - Debe odiar realmente a Miller.
He doesn't want the D.O.D. to know what he's really doing here. It's a research program.
Miller acaba de recibir una visita de su abogado.
Tell'em I want all of it.
Nunca me propuse herir a nadie.
" Hey, man, if you're gonna make him a salad, like... like, what if I want, like, a breakfast thingy and it's not breakfast?
" Oye, amigo, si a él le vendes ensalada... ¿ Y si yo quiero un desayuno y no es hora de desayunar?
You don't know what's going on unless I want you to know it, right?
No se enteran de nada a menos que yo quiera.
They want our land,'cause no matter how much they have, it's not enough.
Querían nuestra tierra, porque no importa lo mucho te tengan, no es suficiente.
Well, if you really want to help, perhaps you could tell me who it was who alerted the police to the gunshot at Raymond Worrall's cottage.
Si en realidad quiere ayudar, quizá podría decirme quién avisó a la policía... del disparo en la cabaña de Raymond Worrall.
Maybe that's what you want to call it.
Puede que así sea como quiere llamarlo.
I want to hear you say it.
Quiero oírte decirlo.
That's what you want, isn't it?
Eso es lo que quiere, ¿ no?
I want to follow the truth, no matter where it leads.
Quiero seguir la verdad... sin importar a donde me lleve.
It says you want what everyone wants.
Dice que quiere lo que todo el mundo quiere.
Uh, I just want everyone to know that it was Barbie's idea to throw acorns at the tree house.
Sólo quiero que todos sepan que fue la idea de Barbie tirar bellotas a la casa.
It's what she wants... what we all want.
Es lo que ella quiere... lo que todos queremos.
You want to talk about it, what happened with your dad?
¿ Quieres hablar de ello? ¿ De lo que pasó con tu padre?
What, whatever it is, I just, I really... I really want you to just think it through.
Sea cual sea, quiero que... quiero que lo pienses detenidamente.

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