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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Were you surprised

Were you surprised tradutor Espanhol

560 parallel translation
Philip, were you surprised when I asked you to take me to dinner?
Philip, ¿ te ha sorprendido que te pidiese que viniéramos a cenar?
Were you surprised to find me married?
¿ Te sorprendió encontrarme casada?
- Were you surprised to see him?
- ¿ Te sorprendió verlo?
- Were you surprised?
- ¿ Te sorprendiste?
Were you surprised when they nominated you?
¿ Te sorprendió cuando te nominaron para alcalde?
Tell me, honey, were you surprised?
¿ Dime querido, estás sorprendido?
- Were you surprised to get my letter?
- ¿ Te sorprendió recibir mi carta?
... were you surprised when I- -?
... ¿ le sorprendería que yo...?
Were you surprised to hear from me so soon?
¿ Se sorprendió de tener noticias mías tan pronto?
Were you surprised to see her?
¿ Te sorprendió verla?
- Were you surprised by my call?
- ¿ Te sorprendió mi llamada?
Were you surprised?
¿ Te has sorprendido?
Were you surprised I married Paco?
¿ Te sorprendió que me casara con Paco?
Were you surprised when Maryk relieved the captain?
Le sorprendió saber que Maryk relevó al Capitán?
- Were you surprised?
- ¿ Lo sorprende?
No, I said, were you surprised to see me... and you said you certainly am.
No, yo decía que Ud. estaría sorprendido de verme... y usted decía que así era.
Were you surprised to get my invitation?
¿ Le sorprendió el aviso?
Were you that surprised?
¿ Estabas impactado?
By the way, your maid wasn't as surprised as you were... to receive a lady visitor at this hour.
Por cierto, su criada no estaba tan sorprendida como usted... de recibir a una visitante a esta hora.
I wonder which one of you would be more surprised if Robert Landis... were to walk in here right now.
Me pregunto cuál de ustedes se sorprendería más si Robert Landis... entrara en esta habitación ahora mismo.
- Were you really surprised?
- ¿ Te sorprendiste realmente?
You were as surprised as I was.
Te sorprendiste igual que yo.
- Were you as surprised as I was?
Nunca me volviste a contactar sobre... -...
Estábamos tan sorprendidos de verte aquí, Jeff.
Dr. Mitchell, I'm sure you were surprised to hear from me.
Dr. Mitchell, debe haberse sorprendido de que lo llamara.
Were you really surprised?
¿ De verdad, te sorprendió?
I wouldn't be surprised if you were chosen Queen of the Rodeo.
No me sorprendería que te eligieran como "Reina del Rodeo".
I was very surprised to see you here, herr von ribbentrop. I had no idea you were in moscow.
Qué sorpresa verlo en Moscú, Sr. Von Ribbentrop.
I wouldn't be surprised if you and Mrs. Brown were sick too.
No me sorprendería si tú y Mrs. Brown lo estuvieran también.
Go ahead. Were you really surprised?
Te escucho. ¿ Estás verdaderamente sorprendido?
I entered this room a moment ago... and you were not surprised.
Entré hace un momento en este cuarto... y no se sorprendió.
I know you don't like being surprised, but we were trying to please you.
Ya se que no te gusta ser sorprendida, pero tratábamos de agradarte.
You were hunting for it in Dilling study when he surprised you and you killed him.
Dilling te pilló y le mataste. Si tienes cargos, preséntalos.
I heard what a big hit you were tonight. Made me feel good, but I wasn't surprised.
Supe lo de tu gran éxito esta noche, y estoy muy contento pero...
I can't cease to be surprised at them. They were lumpy when I first saw you.
No dejan de sorprenderme, porque... eran gorditas y desiguales cuando te vi por primera vez.
You testified on direct examination... that you were surprised to see Mr. O'Mara, did you not?
Testificó ante el otro abogado... que se sorprendió de ver al Sr. O'Mara, ¿ no es así?
You were shocked and surprised.
Se quedó impresionada y sorprendida.
As a mean with a really good eye for antiques, I'm rather surprised you were so fooled.
Con tan buen ojo para las antigüedades, me sorprende que te engañara.
I was surprised when I heard you were going to be here.
Me sorprendí cuando oí que estaría aquí.
You knew who I was when I came here today, but you were surprised to see me alive, weren't you?
Sabía quién era yo cuando vine ayer, pero le sorprendió verme vivo, ¿ verdad?
I wouldn't be surprised if you were.
- No mucho.
Me quedé tan sorprendida al oír lo que estaban tocando que me vinieron a la mente recuerdos totalmente olvidados :
- I imagine you were surprised to...
- Imagino que le habrá sorprendido...
If you were surprised, I'd be surprised.
Si se sorprendiera, yo me sorprendería.
Believe me, I was as much surprised... by Julian's return last night as you were.
Créame, me quedé tan sorprendida... por el regreso de Julian como usted.
I suppose you were surprised to get my call.
Supongo que le habrá sorprendido mi llamada.
- You were surprised I called?
- Le habrá sorprendido mi llamada.
I guess you were surprised, butler.
Seguro que te has sorprendido, Butler.
When that reporter Barter surprised you... as you were replacing the defective camera in her room... he was stone-dead within the hour.
Cuando ese Barter te sorprendió... cuando reemplazabas la cámara defectuosa en su habitación... estaba muerto a la hora.
I put it to you that when they were surprised in their act of plunder by this 74-year-old widower, Arthur Baxter, they brutally put him to death with a knife.
Les mostraré que cuando fueron sorprendidos en su robo por este viudo de 74 años, Arthur Baxter,... le asesinaron brutalmente con un cuchillo.
We were kind of surprised, you know?
Es de maleducados no contestar.

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