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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Were you drinking

Were you drinking tradutor Espanhol

653 parallel translation
Don't you understand? Were you drinking that night, Summerill?
¿ Había bebido, Summerill?
─ Were you drinking?
- ¿ Había bebido?
What were you drinking last night?
¿ Qué bebiste anoche?
- Yes, why were you drinking on duty?
- Sí, ¿ beber estando de servicio?
Were you drinking?
¿ Has bebido?
Were you drinking?
¿ Has estado bebiendo?
- What were you drinking, may I ask?
- ¿ Y qué bebiste, si puede saberse?
Well, then, what were you drinking for?
¿ Por qué has bebido?
Were you drinking again?
¿ Otra vez has bebido?
What were you drinking?
¿ Qué ha bebido?
How long ago were you drinking with the Third Reich?
¿ Hace cuánto que no bebes con los nazis?
Min, you were so long getting that hair tonic I thought for goodness you were drinking it.
Min, tardabas tanto en coger ese tónico para el cabello que pensé que te lo estabas bebiendo.
Gibson, you've been drinking again... and you know what my orders were.
Gibson, usted ha vuelto a beber... a sabiendas de mis órdenes.
You were drinking that night.
Habías bebido esa tarde.
You know, when you came in, we were drinking to the future.
Sabe, cuando entró usted estábamos brindando por el futuro.
¿ Te acuerdas, Jim, poco después de que nos casáramos, cuando te fuiste de juerga a Moseley, y te encontraste a una mujer a la que llamaste una compañera de borrachera?
Again, you were drinking coffee.
Otra vez estuvo tomando café.
You wouldn't know what you were drinking.
Mejores que nunca. - No sabrías lo que bebes.
I hope that wasn't whiskey you were drinking.
Espero que eso no fuera whiskey lo que bebía.
Kaspar, we were just drinking a toast. Will you join us?
Kaspar, estábamos por hacer un brindis. ¿ Nos acompañas?
You were busy eating and drinking, but I saw through it all.
Estabas ocupada comiendo y bebiendo, pero yo me di cuenta de todo.
You were out drinking with militarists "
¡ Estaba fuera, bebiendo con los militaristas y oficiales cada noche!
You were drinking coffee from 2 cups?
¿ Siempre bebes café de 2 tazas?
I was watching you when you were drinking.
Te estuve observando mientras estabas bebiendo.
We were drinking to your health. Do you mind?
— Beber a tu salud. ¿ Te molesta?
I didn't know you were a drinking man.
No sabía que era bebedor.
It's not funny... you looking at me... as if I were a clown, while you're drinking saké.
No tiene gracia que me mires como si fuera un payaso mientras te tomas el sake.
Me, you were drinking.
- Yo, estabas bebiendo.
You were brawling through the streets of Timnath with the Philistines, drinking and dice-throwing with our enemies.
Estabas de pelea por las calles de Timnath con los filisteos, bebiendo y jugando a los dados con nuestros enemigos.
While you were drinking, your wife... went through a lot!
¿ Sabes cómo ha sufrido tu mujer mientras te emborrachabas?
You were seen there with him time and again, drinking.
Te han visto con el varias veces, tomando una copa.
You said you were out drinking with some marines when the holdup took place, only the marines never show up.
Dijiste que habías salido a beber con unos marines cuando se hizo el atraco... solo que los marines nunca aparecieron.
Well, you know how it is, we were drinking and I couldn't back out, not in front of all them guys.
Sabes cómo es, estábamos bebiendo... y no pude negarme enfrente de todos los muchachos.
I suppose that's why you started drinking the cocktails... like you thought they were celery tonic?
Supongo que por eso te pasaste la noche bebiendo.
Well, we were, but Don got to drinking and you know, the vanishing act.
Allí estábamos, pero Don empezó a beber. Y ya sabes el numerito de la desaparición.
I was drinking beer before you were born.
Bebo esto desde antes de que tú nacieras.
Coffee but I thought you were drinking milk
- Creí que estabas bebiendo leche.
You started drinking when you were 18, and you haven't stopped.
Vd empezó a beber a los 18 y nunca ha dejado de hacerlo
- Thought you were a drinking man.
- Pensé que le gustaba tomar. - Ahora no, capitán.
You were drinking, weren't you?
Has estado bebiendo, ¿ no?
When Angele told me that you were drinking... because you were in love with me I thought I'd try to help you.
Cuando Angèle me dijo que estabas bebiendo... porque estabas enamorada de mí, pensé en tratar de ayudarte.
Were you still drinking water you'd end up with the old timers.
Si hubieras seguido bebiendo agua habrías acabado en el Salón de los Artistas Franceses.
I thought you two were drinking together.
- Creía que habíais estado bebiendo juntos. - No.
While you were drinking, I became acquainted with a girl.
Mientras vosotros os dedicabais a beber, he conocido a una chica.
You were drinking last night. Then you started to fighting.
Ayer te emborrachaste y empezaste a reñir.
Rather different from the wine of the valley you were drinking.
Es muy diferente del vino del valle que estaba bebiendo.
While you were drinking in a pub, say?
Por ejemplo, bebiendo en un pub.
You gave me your solemn promise you were going to do your drinking out of soda pop bottles and coffee jugs.
Me hiciste la solemne promesa de que sólo ibas a beber... refrescos y café.
You were drinking again.
Otra vez has bebido.
You made better sense when you were drinking.
Tenías más juicio cuando bebías.
You were drinking...
Estabas bebiendo...

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