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Were you here tradutor Espanhol

13,683 parallel translation
Jason, did Eli talk to you before, when you were here?
Jason, tenía Eli hablar con usted antes, cuando estabas aquí?
You know, the whole reason that I came here is'cause I thought that you were cute and that they were going to be terrible.
Sabes, solo vine aquí porque pensaba que eras mono y que ellos iban a ser la peste.
But as I was saying to Mrs Slithe here, you were just merely holding on to these things for safe-keeping.
Pero lo que le dije a la Sra. Slithe, que estaban solo manteniendo estas cosas para su custodia.
Why were you boarding there, if you live here?
¿ Por qué estabas internada allí, si vives aquí?
I bought a radio back here when there was no TV and you, sir, were still in your dad's balls!
Compré una radio aquí cuando no existían los televisores ¡ y tú aún estabas en los huevos de tu papá!
Wanted to make sure you were here.
Asegurarse de que estabas aquí.
Christ, Dan, I wouldn't have said anything if I'd known you were here!
Cristo, Dan, yo no habría dicho nada si yo sabido que estabas aquí!
If I'd known you were here, I wouldn't have said a thing.
Si yo hubiera sabido que estabas aquí, Yo no he dicho nada.
Jason, if your mom were here, she'd want you on that ambulance.
Jason, si tu madre estuviera aquí te querría en la ambulancia.
What do you think your mom would say if she knew you were sitting here lying to me?
¿ Qué piensas que diría tu mamá si supiera que estás aquí sentado, mintiéndome?
But what about when I got home at five, you were here.
Pero cuando llegué a casa a las 5.00, tú estabas ahí.
Then we went down here south and there were, like... you can see there's two rows here.
luego fuimos al sur por aquí y había- - como ven, dos filas.
So what you conclude is that by human agency, bone fragments here were moved.
Así que usted concluye por decisión humana, que los fragmentos fueron movidos.
And based on the recovery method that was used here, are you able to offer an opinion about where these human remains were burned?
Y basados en el método de recuperación que se usó aquí, ¿ nos da su opinión acerca del lugar donde encontraron estos restos quemados?
And it was this man right here's trailer that you were in.
Y el remolque en el que estaban era el suyo.
They sat up here at press conferences and told you Manitowoc was not involved in this investigation, when in fact, now we know they were, and that they were four months later, even.
Dieron conferencias de prensa y les dijeron que Manitowoc no participaba en la investigación, y ahora sabemos que sí, y que seguía participando cuatro meses después.
You know, here are two officers who were accused of something just terrible.
Dos agentes fueron acusados de algo terrible.
It's true I didn't make it in time but you all were right here.
Es verdad que no llegué a tiempo. ¿ Pero qué hay de los que ya estaban aquí?
How did you know we were here?
¿ Cómo supiste que estábamos aquí?
[Krystle] Having left Vanuatu, the tropical blue waters and the incredible green rainforests, we're now here in this canyon in North America, you know 2000 foot walls and it's a stark contrast to where we just were.
Después de dejar Vanuatu, sus aguas azules tropicales y sus increíbles bosques húmedos ahora estamos en este cañón en Estados Unidos. Tiene paredes de 600 metros, muy diferente al lugar donde estábamos.
A little bit frustrating because we were here less than five minutes ago and we've just discovered this very, very fresh sort of outline of the tiger whose laid down in the sand and you can see the flick of her tail,
Es un poco frustrante, porque estuvimos aquí hace menos de cinco minutos y descubrimos la huella reciente de un tigre que se recostó en la arena hasta puedes ver el movimiento de la cola, así que tiene que estar cerca.
It came directly here while you were surveying.
Llegó mientras inspeccionaba.
If I were you, I would forget about that... and everything you've seen on here.
Si yo fuera tú, Me olvidaría de eso... y todo lo que has visto aquí.
The co-op board found out you were here.
La administración te descubrió.
People said before you came back here... before you were a preacher... you did things.
La gente decía que antes que volvieras aquí... antes de que fueras predicador... hacías cosas.
You were never really here in the first place, Jesse, so... what difference should your leaving make?
Para empezar, nunca has pertenecido a este lugar, Jesse... así que... ¿ qué más da que te largues?
Calvin, here, thought you were The Black Badger.
Calvin pensaba que tú eras El Tejón Negro.
An old contact of mine from the State Department told me that you were having a hard time down here, so...
Un antiguo contacto en el Departamento de Estado me dijo que tenías problemas por aquí, así que...
If it were up to me, you'd be outta here tomorrow, but that's not my decision.
Si dependiera de mí, estarías... fuera de aquí mañana, pero, esa no es mi decisión.
Yeah, except he was sitting across from someone older than you, before you were here.
Sí, excepto que estuvo sentado al otro lado... de alguien más viejo que tú, antes de que estuvieras aquí.
I thought you were gonna get here... tomorrow.
Pensé que vendrías mañana.
I'm not gonna ask what you were doing here.
No voy a preguntar qué hacías aquí arriba.
Bob, were you not here this past Saturday or Sunday?
Bob, ¿ no estuviste aquí el sábado o el domingo pasado?
Well, some sheep on the island were killed, You don't think they're here already, do you?
¿ Con las muertes de la isla, cree que ya llegaron?
When I was a kid, I believed nothing really bad could ever happen because you were here.
De niño creía que no podía pasar nada malo porque tú estabas aquí.
I wish you were here with me.
Me gustaría que estuvieras conmigo.
You were never here.
Tu nunca estuviste aquí.
I was wondering when you were going to show your face around here.
Me preguntaba cuándo ibas... a mostrar tu cara por aquí.
Were you working here 3 years ago? No, I wasn't.
¿ Estaba trabajando aquí hace 3 años?
What I do know about you is that you're an American, because my friends here told me that you were talking while you were unconscious which of course is typically American, isn't it?
Lo que si se sobre ti, es que eres americano, porque mis amigos me dicen que hablabas mientras estabas inconciente es tipico de un americano... y juzgando por tu maldita negativa a hablar ahora que estas plenamente conciente
Excuse me, I thought you were supposed to have a car here for me, right?
Perdone, pensé Se suponía que tienen un coche aquí para mí, ¿ verdad?
- Yeah, but you actually haven't lost a game since your freshman year at victory high, where you started all four seasons, and then you were recruited by all of the big conference schools, and now, here you are,
Sí, pero en verdad no has perdido un juego desde tu primer año cuando iniciaste en tus cuatro temporadas, y luego fuiste reclutada por todas las grandes escuelas de la conferencia, y ahora, aquí estás, mariscal de campo de los Western Indy Timberwolves,
♪ Wishing you were here and wishing we could run
♪ Deseando que estuvieras aquí y deseando poder correr
We were here to haunt the dude. Does he not seem haunted to you?
Estamos aquí para acosar al tipo. ¿ No te parece acosado?
Michael, I didn't know you were working undercover here.
Michael, no sabía que estuvieras trabajando encubierto aquí.
I knew you were in town, but I didn't know you were coming here.
Sabía que estaba en la ciudad, pero no sabía que vendría aquí.
- Your mom said you were here.
- Tu mamá dijo que estabas aquí.
Look, you're welcome to keep'em here with you if you want, but if they were my kids, I'd get'em on that bus.
Mire, si quiere los puede dejar aquí con usted pero si fueran mis hijos, los subiría al autobús.
Why were you brought here?
¿ Por qué te trajeron aquí?
- You were supposed to be here an hour ago to help me with the party.
Se supone que debias estar aquí hace una hora para ayudarme con la fiesta.
I heard you lived here and then I had to think about that day you were picked up from school.
Escuché que vivías aquí y... Me hizo pensar en el día cuando te recogieron de la escuela.

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