Which is fine tradutor Espanhol
489 parallel translation
You did everything according to the rules, which is fine in peacetime. But in a war, it doesn't work out that way.
Has seguido las reglas, lo cual está muy bien en tiempo de paz pero no en tiempo de guerra.
so you give the orders, which is fine by me.
tú das las órdenes, lo que está bien para mí.
I arrive at their hotel or their apartment and they're usually nervous, which is fine, because I'm not. I know what I'm doing.
Y llego a sus hoteles o a sus apartamentos... y usualmente están nerviosos, pero yo no.
Which is fine, but he's gone behind my back to do it.
Lo que está bien, pero lo ha hecho a mis espaldas.
It seems like half the city is trying to cover it up, which is fine by me. -
La mitad de la ciudad está tratando de ocultarlo, lo cual no me afecta -
So either we go on as we're doing, which is fine with me, or we end it :
O seguimos como estamos, que por mí está bien, o terminamos.
They call it other things, they call it making love, which is fine, they call it going to bed with someone, having an affair, sleeping together, but they don't call it fucking.
Lo llaman otras cosas, lo llaman "hacer el amor", lo cual está bien, lo llaman "ir a la cama con alguien", "tener un amorío", "dormir juntos", pero no lo llaman "coger".
Which is fine, except that you're marrying my daughter and I'm afraid that my grandchildren are gonna be little assholes.
Lo que estaría bien, si no fuera que vas a casarte con mi hija. Me temo que mis nietos serán pequeños idiotas.
Lo cual está bien.
Lo cual está bien,... cumpliría con mi trabajo... con el tiempo.
Μr Rafiel, it is nοw 11 ο'clοck at night, which is fine fοr yοu, but it is 4 ο'clοck in the mοrning in Εngland.
Sr. Rafiel, son las once de la noche, quizás no sea tarde para usted, pero también son las cuatro de la mañana en Inglaterra.
Just one, which is fine with me.
Solo una... lo que es bueno para mi.
Yeah, she phoned and told me... you'd be putting them up yourselves this year, which is fine.
Sí, telefoneó y me dijo... que los colocarían ustedes este año, lo cual está bien.
- Which is fine.
- Lo que está bien.
You know, Lieutenant, I can't help but notice that I'm doing most of the talking here, which is fine.
¿ Sabe, teniente? No puedo evitar notar que soy el único hablando. Lo cual está bien.
Suddenly she seems to be part of our lives, which is fine.
De repente, ella parece ser parte de nuestros vidas, lo que está bien.
Maxime never asks where I go or who I see when we aren't together... which is fine by me.
Sobre los lugares y la gente que frecuento Maxime no me hace preguntas y eso está muy bien.
I know you guys are doing this all for me, which is fine, thanks a lot.
Sé que lo hacen por mí, está bien, muchas gracias.
Which is fine, unless the person you're in the relationship with has a "Eight More Months of Guilt, Torture and Pain" card.
Y sería perfecto a menos, claro, que esa persona tenga un cupón de ocho meses más de culpabilidad, tortura y dolor.
Sisko would rather die, which is fine with me.
Sisko preferiría morir, lo cual no me parecería mal.
But between you and me, I think she's just a little overprotective, which is fine for the girls, but sometimes a man needs to get away.
Pero entre tú y yo, creo que está siendo excesivamente protectora. Está bien para las chicas, pero un hombre necesita evadirse.
Which is fine unless APTERN thinks you're flying upside down.
Lo que está bien, si el APTERN no cree que vuela bocabajo.
The bloodiest most brutal wars fought all based on religious hatred, which is fine with me.
Las guerras más brutales y sangrientas se basaban todas en intolerancia religiosa, lo cual a mí me parece bien.
Recipes, music, jugglers- - it's sort of like a steady diet of dessert, which is fine, but pretty soon, you want some meat and potatoes.
Recetas, música, malabaristas. Como si solo comiera postres. Pronto desearas carne con papas.
I mean, you're, uh, you know, you're as free as a bird, which is fine... for you.
Quiero decir que eres libre como un pájaro. Lo que está muy bien, para ti.
Which is fine.
Lo cual está bien.
Four thousand for this fine pair of chestnuts which is easily worth 7.
4000 por ese par de castaños que vale 7000.
The naked truth, which climbs out of the bath like the fine whore she is, splashing all over her surroundings.
La verdad desnuda, que sale del baño como la hermosa zorra que es, dispuesta a salpicar a su alrededor.
Don't let people dictate what you shall do or shall not do because it would be impossible for you to do anything which is not fine and decent and true.
No dejes que la gente te diga lo que puedes hacer o no porque es imposible que hagas algo que no sea bueno, decente y recto.
Which is fine,
Me parece bien, pero precisamente ahora.
Either the young lady is innocent, in which case everything is fine or she is guilty, in which case I will sell you my gun at a very reasonable price.
O la joven es inocente, en cuyo caso todo está bien o es culpable, en cuyo caso le venderé mi pistola a un precio muy razonable.
Another beloved tradition among breeders is presenting new prized breeds every year at the big fair in the south which, like fine horses, carry the name of their family.
- Untranslated subtitle - - Untranslated subtitle - - Untranslated subtitle -
Politics is fine, but which party?
Sí, la política, ¿ pero de qué partido?
The same holds true for the membrane which secures virginity - and for that purpose, a fine subject is that pretty daughter of yours.
Lo mismo ocurre con la membrana Que asegura la virginidad Y para ello, el sujeto perfecto es esa bonita hija tuya.
But in this case, it is, which works out fine'cause Kim is Korean.
Pero en este caso, lo es : así que es cierto, porque Kim es coreana.
Which of these fine houses is yours?
¿ cuál de estas casas es suya?
I notice you do not wear a watch. I have a fine one which is for sale.
Perdone, veo que no lleva reloj, y precisamente tengo uno de gran calidad que puedo venderle.
Which is in fact a fine title — more honorable than any the present system of floodlit... enlightenment is capable of bestowing.
Es bonito título, después de todo : el sistema de las luces actuales no otorga ninguno tan honroso.
There is a fine old saying, Mr. Darcy, with which everyone here is familiar.
Aquí hay un dicho muy viejo, Sr. Darcy, con el que todos aquí están familiarizados.
I'm sorry, but sometimes one is forced to consider the possibility that affairs are being conducted in a way which, all things being considered, and making all possible allowances, is, not to put too fine a point on it, perhaps not entirely straightforward.
A veces, uno se ve obligado a considerar la posibilidad de que las cosas se hagan de una manera que, teniéndolo todo en cuenta, no es, para decirlo sin rodeos, muy clara.
To the fine distinction between which half of the left of the left is recognized by Moscow as the real Communist Party in America?
¿ A concretar qué mitad de la izquierda de la izquierda... reconoce Moscú como Partido Comunista auténtico en EE UU?
This shit is so fine... it's going to turn your head inside out, upside down, in every which way.
Esta mierda es tan fina... Pone tu cabeza al reves, Hacia abajo, hacia, adentro en cualquier dirección.
Fine. To which theory is Dante referring in these verses?
Bien, ¿ a qué teoría se refiere Dante en estos versos?
[Groans] I'll be fine, which is more than I can say for whoever measured the powder in those blanks.
Estoy bien pero podían haber puesto menos pólvora.
Fine. Which way is the kitchen?
¿ Por dónde está la cocina?
But what you need to know is the Chief Constable dines here once a month, which is why you and I are wasting a fine summer morning on some footling art theft.
Pero lo que tienes que saber es que el Jefe de Policía cena acá una vez al mes, y por eso ambos estamos desperdiciando una linda mañana de verano en un trivial robo de arte.
Wasps chew up wood, mix it with their saliva and make it into a fine paste, which dries into a material that is both lightweight and strong - paper.
Las avispas mascan la madera, mezclándola con su saliva y formando una fina pasta, la que al secarse, forma un material liviano y resistente - papel.
Or this fine house, which is rotting from the ground up.
O esta casa que se está... pudriendo entera.
They denied everything, which is fine because now they can't hurt us.
Negaron todo.
Your semen liquefied immediately, which means your viscosity is fine.
Y tu semen se licuó enseguida, lo cual significa que tu viscosidad es la correcta.
I mean, maybe everything is fine, which would be creepy because nothing is ever fine.
Quiero decir, quizás todo está bien, lo que sería escalofriante porque las cosas nunca están bien.
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112