Which is nothing tradutor Espanhol
642 parallel translation
Well, that may prevent Ro-man from finding us and blowing us up which is nothing!
Impide que Ro-Man nos encuentre y nos pulverice... ¡ Que no es poco!
The last three years I've turned 29, which is nothing for a woman my age.
¿ Vieja? Los tres últimos años he cumplido 29. No soy vieja.
I see him behaving abominably, which is nothing new, is it?
Lo veo portándose horriblemente, lo que no es nada nuevo, ¿ no?
About as much as the captain, which is nothing at all.
Tanto como el capitán. Nada.
It's just paranoia, which is, excuse me, which is nothing...
Es solo esquizofrenia paranoide, que es, disculpa, que es nada...
But left to its own devices, the camera can be nothing more than a slack-jawed dumb recorder of whatever is put in front of it, which is precisely what Ed Ruscha allowed it to be in a series of seminal books he produced in the 1960s,
Pero dejada a su suerte, la cámara puede no ser nada más que un tonto grabador de cualquier cosa que se le ponga en frente, lo que precisamente Ed Ruscha le permitía ser en una serie de libros seminales que editó en los 60,
As per one book which is written by one expert of the Korean broadcasting system, even if young people in Vietnam don't know the name of their Chief Secretary of the Communist party, it's said that there is nothing they don't know about Hallyu star Jang Dong Geon.
De acuerdo a un libro de un empleado de una cadena de televisión... los jóvenes en Vietnam pueden no saber... el nombre de su máximo líder del Partido Comunista... pero saben todo lo que hay que saber de la estrella coreana Jang Dong Gun.
It makes one feel like a rejected parent, which is absurd, of course, because I'm nothing like a father to him.
Me siento como un padre rechazado, que es absurdo, por supuesto, porque no soy nada como un padre para él.
Signorina Carlotta, if this is nothing but a game for you, the pleasure of playing around or even worse, then you are, despite your sweet face and your voice which sounds like a message from heaven, a devil!
Senorita Carlota, si lo que haceis no es mas que un juego, un simple coqueteo o algo peor, sois, a pesar de vuestro dulce rostro y vuestra voz que suena cual mensaje celestial, una diablesa!
Well, if I were, which I'm not it's nothing to you, is it?
Si fuera así, que no es el caso, no es asunto tuyo, ¿ no?
The shameless way in which the deficiency bill has been delayed is nothing short of criminal.
La manera desvergonzada en que la ley sobre el déficit se ha retrasado no está lejos de ser llamada criminal.
The paper fortunes built up over the past few years crumble into nothing before this disaster which is to touch every man, woman and child in America.
Las fortunas reunidas en los últimos años se derrumban ante este desastre que afectará a cada hombre, mujer y niño de EEUU.
I know as much about this case as you do, which is absolutely nothing.
Sé tanto sobre este caso como usted, es decir absolutamente nada.
Patience is a game one only plays out of boredom which condition of mine it does nothing to relieve.
La paciencia es juego que sólo se juega por aburrimiento condición la cual mi estado mental no hace nada por aliviar.
Why is it she never seems to find enough time in which to do absolutely nothing?
¿ Por qué parece que ella nunca encuentra el tiempo suficiente para hacer absolutamente nada?
Journalistic ethics, honesty, which is the foundation of every decent newspaper, means absolutely nothing to him.
La ética y la honestidad periodística que es la base de todo periódico respetable no significan nada para él.
It's something that has never happened to me before... something I never expected would happen... but suddenly it is as if nothing else existed... even my music, which used to mean so much to me. Yes.
All of which goes to prove that nothing is wasted.
Todo se aprovecha, no se desperdicia nada.
Of which I know nothing by experience, though I know something by observation. I think that in practical life there is something about success, that is a little unscrupulous, something about ambition that is unscrupulous always.
... de la que sé únicamente por observación en la vida práctica creo que el éxito acarrea cierta falta de escrúpulos.
I knew nothing about this extraordinary voyage which is being prepared.
No sé nada de ese extraordinario viaje que prepara.
And, if nothing else exists, there is nothing left with which to compare it.
Y, si no existe nada más, no queda nada con qué compararlo.
In truth, there is nothing which so specifies.
La verdad, no hay nada tan específico.
I have nothing to give but my heart, which is so full... and these empty hands.
Solo puedo ofrecerle un corazón lleno a rebosar y unas manos vacías.
Just a dream of which almost nothing is left.
Un sueño del que no queda nada o casi nada.
You'II tell him you need company, which is true, by the way, and he'II have nothing against it.
Le dices que necesitas compañía, lo cual es verdad, y él no se opondrá.
I have nothing that is mine. I only have that which I've stolen.
Yo no tengo nada mío, solo lo que he robado.
They have nothing but destitute lives and they toil for a few lazy monks, each of which is rich enough to support dozens of people until they die.
No tienen nada salvo sus pobres vidas y trabajan para unos pocos monjes vagos, cada uno lo suficientemente ricos para sostener a docenas de gente hasta que murieran.
Is it a shivering void in which there is nothing that lives?
¿ Es un vacío tembloroso en el que no hay nada con vida?
But he sees no beauty nothing but some secret trouble which is always with him.
Pero él no ve la belleza. Sólo siente una tormenta interior que no ha sabido nunca vencer.
Well, nothing that is but the good ones, which I had to pay hard cash for.
Bueno, nada salvo lo que valía la pena. Por los cuales yo tenía que pagar un buen precio.
Which means you`ve got practically nothing to do... except, of course, marry the General`s daughter... who is arriving in Kobe tomorrow.
Eso quiere decir que no tendrá casi nada que hacer salvo casarse con la hija del General que llega a Kobe mañana.
Reverend Brown. I know it's the great zeal of your faith which makes you utter this prayer, but it is possible to be overzealous, to destroy that which you hope to save so that nothing is left but emptiness.
Brown, sé que es su ardiente fe la que inspira esta plegaria, pero puede que su exacerbación lo lleve a destruir lo que desea salvar, y ya nada más que vacío quede.
But the personal meaning... they have had for us is incommunicable, as is the secrecy of private life in general, regarding which we possess nothing but pitiful documents.
Pero el significado personal que han tenido para nosotros es incomunicable, como toda la clandestinidad de la vida privada, respecto de la que no poseemos más que lastimosos documentos.
The spectacle as a whole is nothing other than this era, an era in which a certain youth has recognized itself.
El espectáculo, en toda su extensión, es la época en la que cierta juventud se ha reconocido a si misma.
Which is why they'll get nothing.
Por eso, nunca reciben nada.
Which is saying absolutely nothing.
Lo cual no es decir gran cosa.
Your honor? You've got nothing in line in you from the bottom of your arches to where you part your hair which is pretty tough to find.
No eres más que un ladrón, de las plantas de los pies... hasta el poco pelo que te queda.
Which is, nothing.
Eso es : nada.
Mara, bring a lamp, which is not seen nothing.
Mara, trae una lámpara, que no se ve nada.
You've been cackling away all afternoon as if the invasion... in which the fate of nations and the lives of millions are at stake... is nothing more to you than a private joke.
Te has burlado toda la tarde como si la invasión... en la que está en juego el destino de los países y la vida de millones... fuera tan sólo un chiste entre amigos.
We know nothing of it except for there are six bodies one of which we can only assume is the sun.
No sabemos nada de él, excepto que son 6 elementos. Podemos deducir, que uno de ellos es el Sol.
There is nothing with which to take it out.
No hay nada con qué sacarla.
I have checked with Berlin- - they know nothing about it, which, of course, means that it is top secret.
He comprobado con Berlin- - no saben nada al respecto, lo cual es por supuesto, alto secreto!
You can go, 99, but remember- - as soon as you're sure which one of the wives is a KAOS agent, do nothing but watch her closely.
Puedes ir, 99, pero recuerda cuando sepas qué esposa es de KAOS solo ocúpate de vigilarla.
All right, say that we're investigating another country which is using the cover of men-from-space scare- - a scare, nothing more- - which we are trying to suppress.
Supongamos que investigamos a otro país que utiliza el miedo a los extraterrestres para encubrirse. Un temor, nada más, que intentamos suprimir.
You are bearing the burden of great sins which you must atone for, Man's justice is nothing at all, only God's justice matters.
Usted está llevando la carga de grandes pecados que debe expiar, la justicia de los hombres no es nada al final, solo la justicia de Dios importa.
Sensors reveal nothing which is inimical to human life.
Los sensores no revelan nada adverso para la vida humana.
The Parnassians, in love with the verse which is very strict and beautiful by itself, didn't see that it was nothing but an attempt at completion ;
Los parnasianos, enamorados del verso, que es muy estricto y bello en sí mismo, no comprendían que no era más que el intento de lograr algo completo ;
Tell me, Dr. Simon, which one of these musicians would you say is cunning enough and treacherous enough to stop at nothing to get what he wants?
Doctora Simon, ¿ cuál de ellos tendría la astucia y la malicia para hacer de todo por conseguir lo que quiere?
"than which nothing is better... " nothing to match...
" de los cuales nada es mejor, nada iguala...
I talk of dreams, which are the children of an idle brain, begot of nothing but vain fantasy, which is as thin of substance as the air
Hablo de sueños, que son hijos de un cerebro holgazán, que sólo surgen de vanas fantasías,
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112