Which is to say tradutor Espanhol
836 parallel translation
Which is to say, he would give his arms and legs for it.
Es decir que daría los brazos y las piernas por él.
Which is to say, I'm ahead of my time in the field of psychic treatment.
Es decir que soy un adelantado en el campo de la parapsicología.
Well, it's over, And good has Triumphed over evil, Which is to say, you and me.
Bueno, se acabó, y el bien ha triunfado sobre el mal, es decir, tú y yo.
Which is to say, she's mad as a hatter, poor child.
Es decir, que está loca de remate, pobre niña.
Which is to say that long, long ago your two families were sworn enemies.
Esto es, hace mucho, mucho tiempo sus dos familias eran enemigos jurados.
The fourth Clément carried on the basic traditions of the family, which is to say, a prudent marriage plus a lively interest in balloons,
El cuarto Clément siguió con las tradiciones familiares básicas, es decir, un matrimonio prudente y un vivo interés por los globos.
- Which is to say...
- Eso significa...
Truth is the link between things and phenomena. Which is to say the laws.
La verdad es el lazo que los une, o sea, las leyes que los rigen.
Which is to say find the internal ties in events occurring around us.
Veronique. 23 : 04 ¿ Cómo llegué al marxismo-leninismo?
That I'm your fiancée, which is to say I'm your love.
Que soy tu prometida, que es como decir que soy tu amor.
Which is to say, the war's not working.
Lo que quiere decir, que la guerra no funciona.
Which, in New York-speak is to say "Let's move on from there."
Lo cual, en lenguaje de Nueva York quiere decir "Vamos a dejar esto ahí"
People before us have translated that word, or transcribed it, I should say, as margarita, which can mean pearls or pearl mica, which is abundant in the deserts of Arizona and New Mexico and they've used this to support the northern route.
Anteriormente, las personas han traducido esa palabra... o la transcribieron, diría, como margarita... que puede significar perlas o mica de perlas... y que es abundante en los desiertos de Arizona y Nuevo México. Y la usaron para sostener la idea de la ruta del norte.
The Yonk is short for Yoknapatawpha, which took me some time to learn how to say.
El sonido es la abreviatura de Yoknapatawpha, que me tomó un tiempo para aprender a decir.
And in a few months from now when the war is over, you will be alive and in good health, which is more than most of us will be able to say.
Y en unos pocos meses, cuando acabe la guerra... estarán vivos y gozando de buena salud... que es mas de lo que la mayoría de nosotros podrá decir.
You mean to say that you, uh, don't find even a trace of that je ne sais quoi for which France is so famous?
¿ Quiere decir que no halla rastros aquí... de ese "no sé qué" que hace tan famosa a Francia?
Say, you don't happen to know in which room the big roving poker game is going on tonight, do you?
¿ No sabrá dónde se hará la gran partida, esta noche? No, señor.
You must forgive this "sentimentalish" old German to say... the one thing that consoles me... is the coming marriage of my other boy, Fritz... with Jeanne, the sister of Henri - the marriage to which you will all come, of course, this spring in Düsseldorf.
Tienen que perdonar a este viejo alemán sentimental, porque diré... que lo que me consuela... es la futura boda de Fritz, mi otro hijo... con Jeanne, la hermana de Henri. Una boda a la que todos asistirán, claro, esta primavera en Düsseldorf.
... with which I don't wish to say anything against... who says the number of sleeping polls one has to take is inversely proportional to the size of someone's bank account.
... con lo que no deseo decir nada en contra... quien dice el numero de pastillas para dormir que uno tiene que tomar es inversamente proporcional al tamaño de su cuenta bancaria.
- Well, I have something to say which is in the nature of a confession.
Tengo que hacer una especie de confesión.
And my friend Daniel is also part of this toast, because it was he who provided me - I really must say - the opportunity to make this toast and the others that'll follow, by bringing this bottle of Port, which I salute.
Y en este brindis incluyo a nuestro amigo Daniel, porque fue él quien me proporcionó - y digo muy bien - la voluntad de hacer este brindis y los otros que se van a seguir trayendo esta botellita de Oporto,
All I say is, if there is a war, which God forbid, then you can say goodbye to England, home and beauty, because the young chaps now, they can't fight.
Lo que digo es que si hay guerra, y Dios nos libre de eso, puedes decirle adiós a Inglaterra y a su belleza. Los tipos jóvenes de ahora no pueden luchar.
You say here : there's two types, an ordinary and an unusual man,... for the unusual man the law is sometimes a barrier,... which he sometimes must violate in order to attain his goals.
Aquí dice : hay dos tipos, el hombre común y el extraordinario. Para el extraordinario, a veces la ley es una barrera que debe franquear para alcanzar sus metas.
I have something to tell to you both... which I haven't told you before because everything I say is being reported immediately to the my mother-in-law, the Archduchess.
Tengo algo que decirles a los dos... que no les dije antes porque mi suegra, la Archiduquesa, se entera de todo lo que hablo.
Wyatt only said if he was Dutch, he'd go to Riker's, providing he was going to Tascosa, which is only what somebody said they heard Dutch say where he was going to.
Wyatt dijo que iría donde Riker siempre y cuando fuera a Tascosa... y eso es sólo adonde alguien le oyó decir a Dutch que iría.
I don't quite know how to say it... but I believe in a life in which one is not always afraid... in a life in which people are free and honest with each other.
No sé exactamente cómo decirlo... pero creo en una vida en la que uno no siempre tiene miedo... en una vida en la que la gente es libre y honrada.
I just wanted to say one thing... Which is... Thank you, Philip, for letting me come.
Solo quería decir una cosa gracias Philip por dejarme venir.
With all the respect which is due to you, I mean, I must say, that I have endowed right to decide the fate of the exalted Sultan's slaves.
Con el debido respeto, tengo que decir que soy yo quien ostenta el derecho, para decidir el destino de los esclavos de su majestad.
We're still without any decision as to whether this is an administrative problem, in which case we should consult Dr. Devanal... well, for the moment let's say it's a clinical matter since I'm here tonight and Dr. Devanal isn't.
Seguimos sin tener claro si este asunto es un tema administrativo, y por tanto compete al Sr. Doug. De momento, digamos que es un tema médico, ya que soy yo el que está presente.
It is not the type to which they say how do its job.
No es de los que aceptan indicaciones.
Now, as to the other side of the situation, which I won't mention well, all I can say is a certain attraction exists.
En cuanto al otro lado de la situación, el cual no mencionaré todo lo que puedo decir es que existe una cierta atracción.
I don't say you didn't burn them a little but you didn't burn them all up like you wanted to. - You listen to this, then figure out which of us is the silly one. - Yes.
Sí, se quemaron un poco pero no completamente, como querías.
You find it out to say which way the "porch of the hell" is street?
¿ Podría indicarnos dónde está la calle Pokot?
You find it out to say which way the amphitheatre is?
¿ Por dónde se va al anfiteatro?
I would venture to say it is some sort of radiation which we in medicine have never touched upon.
Me aventuraría a decir que hay algún tipo de radiación que la medicina nunca había enfrentado.
Me enorgullece decir que a mi poesía sólo la aprecian unos pocos entendidos.
But if ye turn away and forsake my statutes, then I will pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them, and this house which is high shall be an astonishment to everyone that passeth by it, so that he shall say
Mas si os apartáis de mis preceptos y renunciáis a mis mandamientos, os arrancaré de las tierras que os he entregado. Y esta casa ahora tan imponente asombrará a todo el que pasare, y tal será su asombro que dirán :
[Lt's hard to say which is which, very hard indeed.]
Difícil poderlo saber. Difícil.
A justification, however, is required for the name Hurlanger-Hiss, which for a long time, I want to say until today, was considered defamed.
Es el nombre de Hürlanger-Hiss lo que tiene esa necesidad.
After the murders, Francois Mauriac reacts : "We say that the murders committed by the Moors who have the Sacred Heart punctured on their clothes, by German and Italian aviators at the service of a Catholic leader who claims to be a soldier of Christ, we say that this is a horror whose consequences are frightening for the cause which we should place above all others and that is the kingdom of God on Earth."
Luego de estos asesinatos, François Mauriac responde : "Decimos que los asesinatos cometidos por los moros que tienen el Sagrado Corazón pinchado a su albornoz, por los aviadores alemanes e italianos aI servicio de un jefe católico y que se dice soldado de Cristo, decimos que eso es un horror cuyas consecuencias son temibles por la causa que debería importarnos por sobre las demás y que es el reino de Dios sobre la tierra."
Well, if our theory about this kind of mind projection is correct, then when we get to another planet and, say, the air is entirely toxic, we would have to become different creatures, without lungs, a different bloodstream, which would make it possible for us to live there.
Si nuestra teoría sobre la proyección mental es correcta, pongamos que llegamos a otro planeta y el aire allí es muy tóxico, deberíamos convertirnos en criaturas diferentes, sin pulmones, otra sangre, de modo que nos resultara posible vivir allí.
But his aphorism, has become a sort of personal motto to me, which I say as a joke, but which, I believe, is the most serious definition of intelligence.
Pero su aforismo... se ha convertido para mí... en una especie de divisa personal que digo bromeando... pero que, en el fondo, es... la definición más seria de inteligencia.
en la dimensión desconocida.
Which to say the least is very unlikely. I hope!
Que para decir lo menos es muy poco probable. ¡ Espero!
From where I sit, which as you pointed out is quite likely to be an electric chair, it's rather a central one, I'd say.
Desde mi punto de vista, que tal vez sea la silla eléctrica, me parece una pregunta clave.
If we all say just what is in our minds it might help us to find a common link which would identify him.
Si todos decimos lo que tenemos en la cabeza podría ayudarnos a encontrar un vínculo que podría identificarlo.
That is to say, the quantity of heat which disappears is equivalent to the quantity of other kind of energy produced...
( El Doctor monta la unidad que él modificó en el generador ) Es decir, la cantidad de calor que desaparece es equivalente a la cantidad de otro tipo de energía que se produce... ( El Doctor activa su dispositivo y el Dalek comienza a descontrolarse, dando vueltas y gritando ) Tonto!
All right, say that we're investigating another country which is using the cover of men-from-space scare- - a scare, nothing more- - which we are trying to suppress.
Supongamos que investigamos a otro país que utiliza el miedo a los extraterrestres para encubrirse. Un temor, nada más, que intentamos suprimir.
Tell me, Dr. Simon, which one of these musicians would you say is cunning enough and treacherous enough to stop at nothing to get what he wants?
Doctora Simon, ¿ cuál de ellos tendría la astucia y la malicia para hacer de todo por conseguir lo que quiere?
Say you've got upto 2 stitches to put in... no matter whether it's in the office or outside... you get the basic 1,800 lira... if you have to give 3 stitches or more you're operating... in which case you have the right to collect the maximum fee... which is 4,765 lira.
Si una herida necesita un punto o dos, los puede poner en la consulta o en el domicilio. Si la herida necesita tres puntos, se considera una intervención. y usted tiene derecho a la tarifa máxima : 2.825 liras.
And then they're forced up to a third level... which is that of the ordinary guns, most of them, I would say, Russian.
Y entonces fuerzan hasta un tercer nivel con armamento convencional, yo diría que la mayor parte ruso.
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37