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Who was she tradutor Espanhol

6,469 parallel translation
- Who was she?
¿ Quién era?
Who was she with?
¿ Con quién estaba?
Who was she?
¿ Quién era ella?
- Who was she?
- ¿ Quién era?
Who was she?
¿ Quién era?
Frank, the woman that you met, who was she?
Frank, la mujer con la que estuviste, ¿ quién era?
When my daughter was sick, at the hospital, I talked with my cousin who's a nurse there, and she explained to me how it worked.
Cuando mi hija se puso enferma, en el hospital, hablé con una prima mía que es enfermera allí, y me explicó cómo lo hizo.
She was the first one who named them.
Ella fue la primera en identificados.
There was this woman who was kicked out of her house... and she lost all her money.
Había una mujer a la que echaron de su casa. Perdió todo su dinero.
Your granddaughter walks in the room, you didn't even know who the fuck she was.
Su nieta paseos por la habitación, que ni siquiera sabías que ella era la mierda.
He hit on me no less than 27 times when he was married. And she is a chain-smoking gambling addict who never stops talking about Jesus Christ.
Él trató de levantarme no menos de 27 veces mientras estaba casado y ella es una fumadora empedernida adicta al juego que nunca deja de hablar de Jesucristo.
And the woman who mentioned my name... she would've been told that I was the reason the girl was moved.
Y la mujer que mencionó mi nombre, le dirían que yo era el culpable de que trasladaran a esa chica.
Got a contact who was so happy with the work I done, so she just wanted to help.
Alguien estaba muy satisfecha con mi trabajo y quiso ayudar.
She was an only child who had run away from home.
Ella era hija única y había escapado de casa.
She learned from a seriously wounded American GI... who was trapped in her village.
Ella aprendió de un soldado estadounidense gravemente herido... que estaba atrapado en su aldea.
She might try to take the credit, but it was me who recommended you.
Si trata de colgarse medallas, no la creas. Fui yo quien te recomendó.
She knew it was Oswald who has the gift.
Sabía que era Oswald quien tiene el don.
It was red pickup, she was running away from this guy who grabbed her.
En una camioneta rojo, ella estaba con un tío que la agarró.
Do you even know who she was?
¿ Tú sabes quién era ella?
It confronts her with the problem, and has since she was three, of who her father really is, a-a-and what her father really does.
La confrontaba con un problema, desde que tenía tres años, de quién era, verdaderamente, su padre, y... y... La... lo que realmente hacía su padre.
She asked me who I was. But as I was very little, [ l couldn t distinguish between Hutus and Tutsis.
Ella me preguntó quién era yo, pero como era muy pequeña, no podía distinguir entre hutus y tutsis.
My mother was left on her own when my father fell in love with a woman who was better at math than she was.
Mi madre se quedó sola cuando mi padre se enamoró de una mujer que era mejor en matemáticas que ella.
That woman who was here, she was absolutely nothing to me.
Esa mujer que estaba aquí, no era absolutamente nada para mí.
I had no idea who she was.
No tenía idea de quién era.
She was the one who told us about Sophie's death.
Ella fue la que nos informó la muerte de Sophie.
Well, she was always a woman who knew how to make enemies.
Bueno, siempre fue una mujer que sabía cómo hacerse de enemigos.
It was she who sold me the ill wish.
Fue ella la que me vendió el maleficio.
Who was this woman, and why was she so dead-set about returning to that hellhole?
¿ Quién fue esta mujer, y por qué estaba tan loca por regresar a ese hoyo del infierno?
Who she was gonna grow up to be.
En quién se iba a convertir.
When I get home, my wife who was pregnant said she craved cheesecake and was going to the cake shop for some.
Cuando llegué a casa, mi esposa, que estaba embarazada, tenía antojo de tarta de queso y quería ir a la pastelería a comprar un poco.
But she was stalked by a troll witch doctor who wanted her to atone for her sins.
Pero era acosada por una bruja troll llamada doctora. Que la quería expiar de sus pecados.
- He just wants to chat about your mom find out who she was as an artist.
Solo quiere charlar acerca de tu madre. Saber qué clase de artista era.
Joan Musson, and she'll be crowned by last year's queen who was,
Joan Musson y será coronada por la reina del año pasado, quien fue
She was a horrible old crone, who came in hobbling with a stick.
Era una horrible arpía, quien entró cojeando con un bastón.
I had a client... Who was going on a cruise to Alaska, and she needed someone to watch her house.
Tenía una cliente... que se iba en un crucero a Alaska... y necesitaba a alguien que le cuidara la casa.
She was a parlour maid who was having an affair with the plantation manager.
Era una sirvienta que tenía una aventura con el encargado de la plantación.
He'd just laugh at anyone who said she was real.
Se mofaba de quien dijera que eran reales.
So it was Elias who made sure he had a brief chat with Zeta when she arrived, which gave you just long enough to get around and into the room - making sure you locked the window from the inside.
Elias charló brevemente con Zeta para darle a usted tiempo suficiente para que se colara en la sala y cerrara la ventana desde dentro.
He was evidently living with a woman who had gotten pregnant and Janice only discovered that when she happened to call him and this woman answered the telephone.
El estaba viviendo con una mujer que ya estaba embarazada Janis lo descubríócuando le llamo por teléfono y esta mujer le contesto
She didn't know how to lead a band, that's one of the reasons it was a mistake, you know. She didn't know how to lead the band, and she was in charge, so she had people putting together that and for her, along with a lot of other strange people who were appointed band directors, you know.
Ella nunca supo como dirigir un grupo, esa es una de las razones por las que fue un error no sabia como liderar un grupo, ella estaba a cargo, así que puso a otras personas a armar el grupo,
She was in touch with her emotions and who she was in some a way that nobody else that I knew was that in touch with.
Ella estaba en contacto con sus emociones y con quien era de una manera en la que nadie que yo conozca ha estado.
I hate you! Did you see who she was talking to?
¿ Viste con quién hablaba?
I wanted you to know who she was and not just think about her in the abstract.
Y no sólo pensaras en ella en abstracto.
She was the one who told me to sit here.
Y ella me dijo que me sentara.
She told her husband, who thought she was mad.
Ella se lo contó a su marido, el cual pensó que estaba loca.
Well, until we can notify her family, she's a Jane Doe. Who was not robbed.
Bueno, hasta que seamos notificados por su familia, ella es una desconocida, que no fue robada.
She was pulled into the bushes by a masked assailant who told her to
Fue arrastrada a los arbustos por un asaltante enmascarado que le dijo
One day, I realized... I did not even know who she was.
Un día me di cuenta... de que ni siquiera sabía quién era.
-... I didn't know who she was.
- a que no sabía quién era.
Who she was.
Quién era.
She kept asking me who Lilith Primrose was.
Me preguntaba quién era Lilith Primrose.

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