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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Woulda

Woulda tradutor Espanhol

451 parallel translation
Her rocks. Woulda been a snap!
- El collar, la pulsera, los aros...
See, if I woulda had a gun there... why, one of us might have got hurt, and it might have been me.
Si hubiese tenido una pistola... uno de nosotros podría haber salido lastimado- - quizá yo.
Uh - I wish I woulda went.
Ojalá hubiese ido con él.
Otherwise, your friend Joe here is gonna woulda have to sleep in the park anyway.
De todas formas, su amigo Joe va a tener que dormir en el parque.
- If it hadn't been for this war, nearest you'd ever got to Europe woulda been the Staten Island ferry. - Anybody can go to Europe.
- Si no fuera por esta guerra, tu viaje más largo sería el del ferry a Staten Island.
Dean woulda had you a long time ago.
Dean ya os habría cogido hace mucho tiempo.
It woulda been five years this coming Christmas.
Habrían sido 5 años la próxima navidad.
Pearlo woulda killed him if he'd heard about it.
Pearlo le habría matado si lo hubiese sabido.
As I see it, if Susie woulda stood behind him today, he might've proved a threat.
En mi opinión, si Susie le ha defendido, el chico tal vez sea una amenaza.
You woulda had three eights.
Habrías tenido trío de ochos.
There was a time when I woulda caught all three.
Hubo un tiempo en el que las habría atrapado a las tres.
- My cut woulda been what?
- ¿ Cuál habría sido mi parte?
Ninguno de vosotros, claro, se habría fijado en mí.
Something... woulda made you more famous than Miss Rheingold.
Una cosa... que te haría más famosa que a la de Rheingold y de Schweppes.
It's the product that woulda brought you fame and fortune.
El producto que te hubiera hecho rica y famosa.
The key that woulda opened the key to Hollywood.
La llave que te hubiera abierto la puerta dorada de Hollywood.
He woulda been good for more, no?
Hubiera servido de algo más, ¿ no?
Coulda, woulda, shoulda.
Podría, Habría, Debería,
It's lucky I didn't. I woulda strangled you with one of Gus Gilroy's fancy ties!
Tuviste suerte. ¡ Te hubiera estrangulado con una corbata de Gus!
Well, who woulda thought a wet-nosed kid woulda made a big thing out of it?
¿ Quién iba a imaginarse que un mocoso se lo tomaría así?
If he'd have hit ya, he woulda killed ya.
Si te hubiera pegado, te habría matado.
The slopehead woulda killed me?
¿ Que ese amarillo me habría matado?
He woulda killed the Chink.
Se habría cargado al chino.
- He woulda put out your lights.
- Te habría dejado seco.
- Well, if you didn't sneak around and hang out at that strip all the time, nothing wrong woulda happened to you either.
No hubiera pasado nada malo si no anduvieras por allá. ¿ Qué pensarán las meseras?
If I woulda had a gun, i woulda killed'em.
Si tuviese una pistola, los hubiera matado.
I bet what happened to Shelly never woulda happened.
Lo que le ocurrió a Shelly no habría ocurrido nunca.
I sure woulda liked to have met up with you before you took to them clothes and them vows.
Me habría encantado conocerla antes de que hiciera los votos.
Five minutes more, we woulda got it remote from the bedroom.
Cinco minutos más, que woulda conseguimos remoto desde el dormitorio.
And a Rebel gunsmith woulda got his head handed to him.
Y a un armero rebelde le habrían cortado la cabeza.
Listen, ain't none of us woulda got outta Saint Joe without Jake.
Ninguno de nosotros nos habríamos ido de Saint Joseph si no fuera por Jake.
Never woulda had to put my shoes on if I hadn't heard you comin',
No me habría puesto los zapatos si no los hubiera oído venir.
But I woulda had it all back if they'd just give me a lousy two or three more days.
Conseguiré el dinero si me dan un par de días más.
I woulda killed you.
Yo te habría matado a ti.
If we'd gone another hundred yards, we woulda been...
Sí, ya te lo dije ayer, en unos cien metros más...
You woulda liked him.
Te gustaría.
That shit woulda never happened if Tommy was there takin'care of it.
Eso nunca habría sucedido si Tommy hubiera estado ahí.
If it had anything to do with you and Vickie, I woulda told you about it.
Si tuviera algo que ver contigo o Vickie, te lo hubiera dicho.
I woulda let you handle it, Harry but he doesn't go both ways.
Te hubiera dejado encargarte. Pero no funciona así.
Yeah, that woulda ruined it.
Sí, eso woulda arruinado.
I woulda throwed'em out on their ear.
Los iba a echar.
It woulda been a disaster.
Habría sido un desastre.
- If he had, then we woulda had a case.
- De haberlo hecho, tendríamos un caso.
I haven't seen you in a while, but they woulda sent me papers if you were divorcing me.
Hace tiempo que no te veo, pero me habrían mandado los papeles si quisieses divorciarte.
Who woulda thought?
Quién woulda pensamiento?
Now, two years ago, I woulda been one of those people but something happened -
Hace dos años, yo hubiera sido uno de ellos. Pero algo me pasó.
I woulda gotten a strike, but without my thumbnail, I'm no good.
Los hubiera tirado todos pero sin la uña del pulgar, no soy buena.
It woulda been a lot easier if I woulda been more like Stacy.
Todo habría sido mucho más fácil si me hubiese parecido a Stacy.
You woulda had him!
¡ Lo tenías!
- You woulda won, too.
Y hubieran ganado.
None of this woulda happened if it wasn't for you.
Esto no hubiera ocurrido de no ser por ti.

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