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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You coming with us

You coming with us tradutor Espanhol

1,493 parallel translation
Are you coming with us?
- ¿ Usted viene con nosotros?
You coming with us?
¿ Vienes con nosotros?
I'm gonna just stay here and enjoy my coffee... and enjoy the sights. Graine, are you coming with us?
Graine, ¿ vienes con nosotros?
Aren't you coming with us?
¿ No vas a venir con nosotros?
Why aren't you coming with us?
¿ Por qué no vienes con nosotras?
- You're coming with us.
- Debes acompañarnos. ¿ Qué?
So does this mean you're coming with us?
- ¿ Quieres decir que vienes con nosotras?
You're coming home with us.
Vienes a casa con nosotros. Te llevaremos a casa, ¿ está bien?
We can't leave anyone behind... to raise the alarm, now, can we? You're coming with us to Faithfulls Creek.
Vienen con nosotros a Faithfulls Creek.
Come on, Hector. You're coming with us. Let's go.
Te vienes con nosotros, Hector.
You're coming with us!
- Te llevamos.
When are you coming home to stay with us
¿ Cuándo vienes a casa a quedarte con nosotros?
- You're coming with us.
- Vendrás con nosotros.
You should consider coming with us.
Deberías considerar venir con nosotros.
You're not coming with us?
¿ No va a volver con nosotros?
Well, Christopher, are you coming in with us?
- ¿ Christopher, viene con nosotros?
You're coming with us, pal.
¡ No!
Well. Why don't you start coming to the court with us?
Bueno, ¿ Por qué no empiezas a venir a la cancha con nosotros?
Does that mean you're coming with us?
¿ Significa que vuelves con nosotros?
If we go back to this planet, you're not coming with us, are you?
Si volvemos a ese planeta, no vas a venir con nosotros, ¿ verdad? Es dudoso.
Are you coming to Disneyland with us, Grandma?
Vienes para Disney con nosotros, abuela?
- You're not coming in with us?
- ¿ No entras con nosotras?
- Oh, you're not coming with us?
- ¿ No vienes con nosotros?
- You're coming with us?
- ¿ Ud. viene con nosotros?
You're not coming with us?
¿ No viene con nosotros?
And you're coming with us.
Y vas a venir con nosotros.
I wish you'd reconsider coming with us, Lex.
Desearía que lo reconsideraras, Lex.
You're coming with us.
Ud. viene con nosotros.
You're coming with us, right?
Vienes con nosotros, ¿ no?
Well, I'm gonna take time right now and fucking have myself one, and I just wanna say cheers to all you guys and fucking thanks for coming down and getting nutty with us.
Sí. Voy a tomarme un descanso ahora mismo para beberme una. Quiero brindar por todos vosotros y daros las gracias por venir a desmadraros con nosotros.
You're not coming with us?
¿ No vienes con nosotros?
So, you're coming with us?
Así que, vuelves con nosotros?
So you're not coming with us?
Por lo que no vienes con nosotros?
You are not coming with us.
Vosotros no venís con nosotros.
See, either way, you're coming home with us.
Mire... En ambos casos, usted se viene con nosotros.
You're coming with us.
¿ Vienes con nosotros?
You're coming with us.
Vas a venir con nosotros.
You're coming with us.
Tu vienes con nosotros.
You're coming with us.
Vienes con nosotros.
- You're coming with us.
Usted viene con nosotros.
Ma wants to know if you and Debra are coming over to watch the opera on television with them and us tomorrow night.
Má quiere saber si Debra y tú vendrán a ver la ópera en televisión con ellos y nosotros mañana en la noche.
Thank you so much for coming all the way up here from Florida to be with us.
Gracias por haber venido de Florida para estar con nosotros.
So are you coming robbin'down Woollies with us later?
¿ Van a venir a robar a los gilipollas con nosotros?
You're coming with us, Agatha.
Vendrás con nosotros, Agatha.
You coming in with us?
¿ Vienes con nosotros?
Hey, Keith what's up, you're coming on the road with us next month?
Hey, Keith qué pasa, ¿ te vendrás con nosotros el mes que viene?
I understand you're not coming with us.
¿ Debo entender que no vienes con nosotros?
- You're making the right decision. - You're coming with us.
Has tomado la decisión correcta
Yeah, that's gonna have to wait,'cause you're coming with us.
Tendrá que esperar. Te vienes con nosotras.
No one's gonna notice anything. So that means you're not coming back to school with us?
¿ No volverás a la escuela con nosotros?
Come on, Harry, why do you think she wouldn't tell us who she's coming with?
Por favor, Harry ¿ por qué crees que no nos dijo con quién iba?

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