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You killed my mother tradutor Espanhol

171 parallel translation
Who baptized your other brats after you killed my mother?
¿ Quién bautizó a tus mocosos ya que mataste a mi madre?
You're in love with David, and you killed my mother to get him back!
Estás enamorada de David, ¡ y mataste a mi madre para recuperarlo!
I want to, so you'll keep on remembering what makes you ache, so that every time you look at me, you'll remember that you killed my mother.
Quiero que sigas recordando lo que te hace daño, para que cada vez que me mires, recuerdes que tú mataste a mi madre.
You killed my mother!
¡ Mataste a mi madre!
You killed my mother and my brother!
- ¡ Tu mataste a mi esposa! - ¡ Alto! ¡ Y mis hermanos!
Because you killed my mother?
¿ Porque mataste a mi madre?
And you killed my mother!
¡ Tú mataste a mi madre!
You killed my mother.
Mataste a mi madre.
You! You killed my mother and father, you blamed the night demons!
Usted mató a mi madre y mi padre, Se culpó a los demonios pero fueron!
You killed my mother!
Tu mataste a mi mamá!
A junkie just like you killed my mother in 1 974.
Un drogata como tú la mató en 1 974.
You killed my mother!
¡ Has matado a mi madre!
Like you killed my mother?
¿ Cómo mataste a mi madre?
You killed my mother.
Usted mató a mi madre. ¡
- You killed my mother.
- Mataste a mi madre.
Ever since you killed my mother.
Desde el día en que mataste a mi madre.
I'd be less offended if you killed my mother.
No me sentiría tan ofendido si hubiera matado a mi madre.
You killed my mother.
Usted mató a mi madre.
This is where you killed my mother, so why don't you finish it?
Aquí es donde mataste a mi madre, así que ¿ por qué no lo acabas?
You see, Mr Morgan, at the time my father and mother were killed...
Entienda, Sr Morgan, mi padre y madre Fueron muertos... - ¿ Muertos?
You see, he killed my mother.
mató a mi madre.
You who were killed by my mother?
¿ Tú que fuiste asesinado por mi madre?
While you were listening to your Mozart... my mother and my father were marched... to the gas chamber where they were killed.
Mientras usted escuchaba a Mozart... mi madre y mi padre fueron enviados... a Ia cámara de gas donde los mataron.
My aunt believes you killed your mother.
Mi tía cree que mataste a tu madre.
It was you who killed my mother!
¡ Has sido tú quien ha matado a mi madre!
You know, when I was a young director, and I directed the Bacchae at Yale... my impulse, when Pentheus has been killed by his mother and the Furies... and they pull the tree back, and they tie him to the tree... and fling him into the air, and he flies through space and he's killed... and they rip him to shreds and I guess cut off his head... my impulse was that the thing to do was to get a head from the New Haven morgue... and pass it around the audience.
Cuando era joven y dirigí "The Bacchae" en Yale... mi impulso, cuando Penteo es asesinado... por su madre y las Furias y le atan a un árbol... y le lanzan del árbol como en una catapulta... y sale volando por el espacio y le cortan la cabeza... mi impulso fue pedir prestada una cabeza a la morgue... y que el público se la pasara.
So many tests, maybe these times are more than I can bear alone. You see, these gangsters who have killed my mother, and kidnapped my sister, all for revenge.
aun que quiza esta vez es mas de lo que puedo aguantar estos gangsters, mataron a mi madre y secuestraron a mi hermana todo por venganza
That teacher you killed? That was my mother!
La maestra que mataste era mi madre.
I nearly killed my mother in order to be with you.
Estuve a punto de matar a mi madre por estar contigo.
I killed my father, my mother, my entire bloodline. For you.
Eh matado a mi padre, a mi madre, a toda mi familia...
You had my mother killed, and now I marry your whore.
Los vuestros mataron a mi madre. Y me he casado con vuestra concubina.
if you think my mother was killed, tell me who did it.
Ya tuve suficiente de esto. Si dice que mi madre fue asesinada, quiero saber quien lo hizó.
You hurt Toji and killed my mother!
¡ Papá!
For a few diamonds you and your men killed my mother and father Hariya
Por unos pocos diamantes tu y tus hombres... mataron a mi madre y a mi padre, Hariya.
- Just like you killed my real mother.
- Como a mi madre verdadera.
What you know may help me discover who killed my mother.
Lo que sabes puede ayudarme a descubrir quién mató a mi madre.
Sydney, you were there the day that my mother was killed.
Syd, tú estuviste ahí el día en que mataron a mi madre.
If you called my mother a slag and I then, er, killed you, provocation can reduce murder to manslaughter.
Si llamas a mi madre guarra, y entonces, yo, te mato, la provocación puede reducir asesinato a homicidio.
Yes, you beat up my mother and killed Christos!
¡ Sí, golpearon a mi madre y mataron a Christos!
I killed your mother to save my daughter. And you killed the amazons to avenge your mother. So the amazon killed your soldiers.
Maté a tu madre para salvar a mi hija tú mataste a las amazonas para vengar a tu madre y las amazonas mataron a tus soldados.
You know we've learned that Sydney Bristow's mother was a KGB agent who killed my father, among others.
Quería verme porque averiguamos que la madre de Sydney era del KGB y mató a mi padre, entre otros.
I talk to three separate shrinks about the fact that my cats respond to me in my mother's voice, and yesterday, when that stupid, pretty surgical nurse handed you latex gloves, I almost killed a guy I was stitching up because I couldn't stop thinking about you having sex on a box of steaks.
y ayer, cuando aquella enfermera mona te paso los guantes de goma, casi mato al tio que estaba cosiendo porque no podia dejar de imaginaros haciendooslo sobre una caja de filetes.
A week before she killed herself, my mother told me that you'd known about me since the day I was born.
Una semana antes de suicidarse, mamá me contó que sabías de mí desde el día en que nací.
It's you guys who killed my mother, isn't it?
¿ Son ustedes los que mataron a mi madre?
Did you have my mother killed?
¿ Ustedes la mataron?
Who do you think killed my mother?
¿ Quién crees que mató a mi madre?
You've groped my wife, you've killed our dog, and now you've hospitalised my mother.
Has tocado a mi esposa, matado a nuestro perro, y ahora hospitalizado a mi madre.
! - I'm not giving you away to the man who killed my mother.
- No le entregare a mi hija al hombre que mato a mi madre.
He killed my mother and my little brother, you motherfucker!
¡ Ha matado a mi madre y a mi hermano pequeño, capullo!
Mr. Shore, can you make room for the possibility... that I both killed my mother, and I'm devastated at losing her?
Sr. Shore, ¿ cree que es posible que haya matado a mi madre y que también me destroce perderla?
You know, when I was sixteen, my mother killed herself
¿ Sabe una cosa? , cuando yo tenía 16 años mi madre se suicidó

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