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You saw me tradutor Espanhol

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That place that you saw me at, Johnny Brenda's.
Ese lugar que me vio a Johnny Brenda.
Uh, tell them. Tell them you saw me.
Diles que me viste.
- You saw me?
- ¿ Me viste?
Talk about... the first time you saw me.
Habla de la primera vez que me viste.
She said, "I don't mind that you saw me naked."
Dijo : "No me importa que me hayas visto desnuda".
Instead of just coming to me when you saw me with Kitty you ran straight to Mom.
En lugar de simplemente venir a mí cuando me viste con Kitty... corriste directamente a mamá.
You saw me.
Me viste.
You saw me eat the bouillon.
Me viste comer el Bouillon.
- You saw me with my crew. Out drinking.
- Viste bien que era un tipo con amigos, botellas...
You saw me fight.
Me viste pelear.
- You saw me in the audience?
- ¿ Me viste entre el público?
I saw you called me.
Vi que me llamaste.
But I saw you checked out all these books on ghosts and the supernatural and I wondered whether it had anything to do with your experience here at the house.
Pero vi que saco todos estos libros sobre fantasmas y lo sobrenatural y me preguntaba si tenía algo que ver con su experiencia aquí en la casa.
But I'm so sorry that we fought the last time I saw you, and call me back.
Pero siento que hayamos peleado la última vez que te vi, y llámame.
What's that you saw in Rosie that you didn't see in me?
¿ Qué viste en Rosie, Johnny.. .. que no viste en mí?
Look, Danny, something happened to me when I saw you at the Stonewall.
Mira, Danny, me pasó algo cuando te vi en el Stonewall.
You know, the last time I saw you, you were begging me to get out of this life.
La última vez que te vi, me suplicabas salir de esta vida.
I didn't realize how much until I got here, saw all you guys.
No me di cuenta de lo mucho hasta que llegué acá, vio todos ustedes.
Show me what you saw.
Muéstrame lo que viste.
Yeah, I saw that. Could you see that?
- Sí, me di cuenta.
Yeah, she told me you worked as a psychic and that you were really amazing when she saw you.
Ella me dijo que trabaja como vidente. Y que es increíble.
It's just that I've been meaning to ask you for some time, since the first time I saw you, in fact, when it was perfectly clear to me that you are the most... wonderful and beautiful person in the Western hemisphere.
Es sólo que he tenido la intención de preguntártelo desde hace tiempo, desde la primera vez que te vi, de hecho, cuando era perfectamente claro para mí que eres la más maravillosa, y hermosa persona en el hemisferio occidental.
You're strong, nor everybody else ♪ I don't know what I ever saw in you.
No sé por qué me fijé en ti.
Tell me about that creature you saw.
Díganme sobre esa criatura que vieron.
You know, it became this kind for turning point for me in, you know, just... how I saw all this. And I definitely didn't want that to happen ever again.
Ya sabes, se convirtió esto en un punto de retorno para mi en, ya sabes... como vi todo esto y definitivamente no quería que volviera a pasar.
I was wondering if someone saw her or her boyfriend, here let me show you a picture.
Me preguntaba si alguien la vio, o a su novio, Tome, déjeme mostrarle una foto.
I saw you in the parking lot, Laughing at me and Brad and talking about shit.
Te vi en el estacionamiento, riéndote de mí y de Brad y diciendo tonterías.
Somebody want to tell me what the fuck just happened? You saw!
- ¿ Alguien puede decirme qué carajo pasó?
She told me she saw you leaving her husband's side - and running to our car before we drove off.
Me dijo que te vio al lado de su esposo... y que corriste hacia el auto antes de irnos.
You think that Robert decided that he wanted custody of Callie, simply because he saw me standing on his patio?
¿ Crees que Robert ha decidido que quiere la custodia de Callie por la simple razón de que me ha visto en su patio?
That monster was the same one I saw the other night... and you didn't believe me.
Ese monstruo era el mismo que vi la otra noche, y no me creíste.
If you tell me you saw something, I believe you.
Si me dices que viste algo, te creeré.
You saw the video. What else do you need to believe me?
¿ Qué más quieres para creerme?
And then, when I saw you at the reading, I realized that there might be an opportunity, an opening to somehow
Y luego, cuando te vi en la lectura, me di cuenta de que podría haber una oportunidad, abierta para que de alguna manera
Do you remember mentioning to me the last time you saw him?
¿ Se acuerda de haberme mencionado la última vez que lo vio?
You saw it. You sized me up, right?
Me has evaluado, ¿ no?
You just saw me fight.
Me acabas de ver peleando.
Maybe you did not see me, but I saw you, and I heard you sing.
Quizá no me viste, pero te oí cantar.
The most fantastic moment for me was when I saw you answered my shooting signal.
El momento más fantástico para mí... fue cuando te vi contestar La señal de mi flechazo.
Now tell me what you saw, quickly.
Dígame lo que vio, rápidamente.
I couldn't even tell you were pregnant till I saw you from the side.
Ni me había dado cuenta de que estabas embarazada.
- We just saw you... rob some homeless people and I'm missing my weed, so....
Te vimos robarle a los indigentes, y a mí me falta la hierba...
They all saw you humiliate me.
Todos le vieron humillarme.
I saw your web traffic and sniffed out your session cookie, and then I signed on as you.
Y vi el tráfico de tu página y descubrí tu sesión cookie, y luego me registré como tú.
So, you-you want me to ID him, and say that I-I saw him running out?
¿ Así que queréis que lo identifique y que diga que lo vi escapando?
What I saw at the party and what you're telling me now... maybe you need a vacation.
Eres tan buena en lo que haces.
I thought I saw you come out of the Major's room..... after the ball.
Me pareció verla salir de la habitación del Mayor... después del baile.
It wasn't until I saw you in Hu... that I realized what was happening.
No fue hasta que te vi en Hu que me percate de lo que pasaba
You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw Emily again.
Podrías haberme dejado inconsciente con una pluma... cuando volví a ver a Emily.
I saw fear in his eyes, okay? You keep doing what you're doing.
Tienes que atraparlo por los ojos, ¿ me entiendes?
Tell me what you saw.
Dime lo que viste.

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