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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You watch your mouth

You watch your mouth tradutor Espanhol

415 parallel translation
You watch your mouth.
Vigila lo que dices.
And in future, you watch your mouth.
En adelante, mide tus palabras.
- You watch your mouth.
Cuidado con lo que dices.
You watch your mouth now.
Cuidado con lo que dices.
- Hey, you watch your mouth, boy.
- Hey, cuida tu boca, muchacho.
You watch your mouth, young man!
¡ No seas respondón!
Will you watch your mouth?
¿ Podrías cuidar tu boca?
You watch your mouth, boy.
Cuídate la boca niño.
You watch your mouth.
Tú, cállate.
You watch your mouth, boy, or you don't get no dessert.
Cuidado con lo que dices, o no comes postre.
You watch your mouth peckerwood!
¡ Cuidado con lo que dices, cabrón blanco!
You watch your mouth when you're here.
Y cuando estás aquí tendrás que cuidar lo que dices.
Well, now you watch your mouth when you talk about her, boy. That's the woman I love.
Vigila lo que dices, estás hablando con su novio.
Watch your mouth or you'll pay for it!
Fíjese en sus palabras, le costarán caras.
Watch your mouth, byJudas, if you care to do business with me!
¡ Cuida tu boca, por Judas, si quieres hacer negocio conmigo!
Next is the Coast Guard. That's when you sweat, you crud. - Watch your mouth.
Ahora viene el guardacostas y te toca sudar, escoria.
This.. scoundrel refuses to follow you ; - Watch your mouth. - Don't anger him
¡ Este delincuente se niega a seguir mucho cuidado con lo que dice...
Watch your mouth, you don't know who I am.
¡ No sabes quién soy yo! ¡ Me estás comprometiendo!
Watch your mouth, or some day you'll regret it!
¡ Ay, compadre Gervilen! Si no cuidas tu boca, algún día lo lamentarás!
Watch your mouth, will you?
Por favor, cállate.
I can't hold up this train waiting for you to figure what a way to weasel out. - Watch your mouth.
No puedo detener este tren esperando a que se decida.
You can watch him sweat, wet his mouth, blink. While your eyes are taking all that in, he can kill ya.
Le ves sudar, tragar saliva, parpadear, y mientras lo miras, puede matarte.
You watch your motherfucking mouth, white boy.
Vigila tus putas palabras, blanquito.
Watch your mouth, unless you want to spit blood!
Si no quieres que te tratemos peor, estate calladito.
Hey, now, you're gonna have to watch your mouth. You know what I mean?
Vas a tener que cuidar lo que dices. ¿ Me entiendes?
And watch your mouth, the way you talk to us!
Y cuida tu boca, como hablas!
It's something bad. You better watch your stinking mouth or I'm going to kick you in the butt.
Te apuesto a que si Es malísimo.
You better watch your mouth, mister.
Más le vale que tenga cuidado con lo que dice, señor.
Watch your mouth or you're gonna find yourself floating home.
Controla tu boca, o flotarás de regreso a casa.
You'd better watch your mouth, kid.
Será mejor que cuides lo que dices.
Watch your mouth, or you'll get this in your face!
Ten cuidado de como hablas, o conseguirá que le ponga esto en su cara!
Watch your mouth, you could be executed!
Cuida tu boca, podria ser ejecutado
[Mighty Mouth chuckles] Better watch your mouth, or I'll turn you into a throw pillow.
Cuida lo que dices, o te convertiré en almohada decorativa.
Hey, today you must watch your mouth!
- No puedes decir eso más.
You watch your mouth too, old man.
- Cuida tu lenguaje, abuelo.
Wu Chin, watch your mouth Did you see us doing it?
Wu Chin, cuida tu boca nos lo has visto hacer?
You better watch your mouth right now.
Ten cuidado con tu lengua.
you just watch your mouth, mister.
Mejor cuide lo que dice, señor.
Hey, you watch your mouth.
¡ hey tu solo mirate la boca!
- Watch your mouth, you're in public.
¡ Cuidado con la boca!
You better watch your mouth, fat boy.
Cuidado con lo que dices, gordo.
Watch your mouth, you... You big-city scum-sucker.
Cuidado con lo que dices ¡ mamón de gran ciudad!
You should watch your mouth.
Cuide su boca.
"Watch how you hold your mouth, you look too sour."
"Vea como refrena su boca, luce muy agria"
What I think is you better watch your mouth.
Lo que creo es que debes callarte.
And you better watch your mouth, soldier.
Y tú cuida tu lenguaje.
You wanna watch your mouth.
¡ Cuidado con lo que dices!
- I said, you wanna watch your mouth.
¡ He dicho que tengas cuidado con lo que dices!
- Watch your mouth, he'll plug you.
- Mide tus palabras, o te dispara.
You want to watch your mouth?
¿ Quieres ver tu boca?
You watch your mouth.
Cuidado con lo que dices.

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