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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You watch yourself

You watch yourself tradutor Espanhol

649 parallel translation
- Why don't you watch yourself?
- ¿ Por qué no presta atención?
You watch yourself, black boy. Watch how you talk to me.
A mí no me hables así, negro.
You watch yourself.
Sé bueno con él.
You watch yourself, Rosa. Seems you got a tiger by the tail. Mm.
Ten cuidado Rosa, tienes a un tigre cogido por la cola.
Well, maybe because you're a doctor it'll make a difference but I suggest you watch yourself.
Bueno, igual como usted es médico es diferente pero le sugiero que ande con cuidado.
You need to watch yourself!
¡ Tienes que tener cuidado!
If you don't watch yourself, you'll be buggy-riding in a hearse.
No te metas en líos o acabarás criando malvas.
So you got to watch yourself on that account.
Tienes que acostumbrarte.
Only you gotta watch yourself to keep out of jail.
Solo tenéis que procurar que no os metan en la cárcel.
Why didn't you watch him? ! Well, what do you got to say for yourself?
¿ Por qué no Ie vigiIaste?
I'll be out of here in no time. You get yourself a nice place in San Francisco, and just you watch the newspapers
Búscate una buena casa en San Francisco y lee los periódicos sólo cuando haya salido de esta ratonera.
Watch yourself while doing it or you'll end up with an undertaker exploring you.
Pues tenga cuidado al hacerlo o acabará en el cementerio.
You got to watch yourself around here. You'll be ambushed by a bunch of gadgets.
Debes tener cuidado o te acecharán los electrodomésticos.
Now look, I flushed him, I stood watch while you armed yourself.
Mira, yo hice que él saliera... yo lo vigilé mientras tú te armabas.
You'll be tempted to, but watch yourself.
Te sentirás tentada, pero contrólate.
I used to watch you in the ring... handling yourself smooth as silk.
Solía observarte en el ring como te deslizabas, con suavidad y elegancia.
And watch yourself while you're doing it.
Y ten cuidado al hacerlo.
You'd better watch your step, sweetheart... or one of these days you're liable to outsmart yourself... right into that big stone cottage up the river.
Fíjese por dónde anda, cariño... o un día de éstos no será tan listo... e irá a dar directamente a la prisión.
As you Americans say, watch yourself, and let me hear from you.
Como dicen ustedes los americanos : "Cuídese", y manténgase en contacto.
- You'll have to watch yourself.
- Tendrá que tener cuidado. - Gracias.
Watch yourself when you go up against the kid.
Ten cuidado cuando intentes detener al chico.
Watch yourself, you yankee drip!
¡ Ten cuidado mentecato!
I beg of you, watch yourself. Be on guard.
Why don't you come out and watch me play so you can judge for yourself?
¿ Por qué no vienes a verme jugar y así podrás juzgar tú misma?
You must watch yourself, Mr. Kane.
Tenga cuidado, Sr. Kane.
Watch it, you can hurt yourself.
- Cuidado, que te haces daño. - ¡ No!
And how much longer do you think I can stand by and watch you destroy yourself?
¿ Y cuánto tiempo crees que yo podré seguir-- - contemplando cómo te destruyes?
You let me like a payed servant to watch out for the house and you go for a walk and let yourself be courted by others
Me dejas como a un sirviente para vigilar la casa y te vas de paseo a ser cortejada por otros.
You'll turn into one yourself if you don't watch out.
Si sigues así te convertirás en una.
You gotta watch yourself in this town.
Hay que tener cuidado en esta ciudad.
Watch out for yourself in back of you. On the wagon?
Tenga cuidado detrás de usted.
- If you get killed, I don't get paid. Watch yourself.
- Si te matan no cobro, cuídate bien.
- You better watch yourself.
- Ten cuidado.
You have to watch out for yourself.
Tengo que cuidarme yo sola.
You've never had to watch yourself 24 hours a day against somebody trying to cut you down, against stooges sent out to trip you up, against people you can't trust.
Nunca tuviste que cuidarte las 24 horas del día... de alguien que quiere hacerte pedazos... de soplones que hacen de todo para que cometas errores... de personas en las que no puedes confiar.
You got to watch yourself.
Hay que tener cuidado.
I've been trying to keep my nose out but I can't stand by and watch you make a fool of yourself.
No quería entrometerme pero no soporto ver cómo lo estropea todo.
Gotta watch yourself all the time, see? Watch what you're doing.
Tengo que ver a ti mismo todo el tiempo, ver Mira lo que estás haciendo.
Maybe seven more laps will teach you to watch yourself.
Quizá siete vueltas más le enseñen a tener cuidado.
[Both speaking] Would you please watch yourself on the curtain calls?
¿ Podrías tener más cuidado cuando salgas a saludar?
Brick, you're gonna have to watch yourself.
Brick, tienes que cuidarte.
You better watch out. You'll hurt yourself.
Deberías tener cuidado o te harás daño.
I respect your grief, but I'm not going to stand by... and watch you punishing yourself and punishing that boy.
Respeto tu situación, pero no voy a esperar... y ver como te castigas y castigas a ese chico.
Well, you should watch yourself.
Bueno, debería tener cuidado.
You're getting out. So watch yourself.
Saldrás en libertad, así que, ten cuidado.
You better watch yourself.
¡ Ve con cuidado!
How can you watch two TVs, chop your toenails stuff yourself with chocolates all at the same time?
¿ Cómo puedes ver la tele, pintarte las uñas inflarte de bombones y leer una revista a la vez?
I can't stand by and watch you destroy it and yourself.
No puedo ver de brazos cruzados cómo te destruyes a ti y a esto.
- With fire in your cheeks you are lovely but watch your tongue before you find yourself a slave, whipped and sold.
- Me gusta el fuego en tus mejillas pero tu lengua puede llevarte a ser esclava, azotada y vendida.
- Well, you just watch yourself, buster.
- Ándate con ojo, bandolero.
Well, I suppose you gotta watch yourself.
Bien, supongo que tienes que verte a ti misma.

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