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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You weren't wrong

You weren't wrong tradutor Espanhol

186 parallel translation
You were going in the wrong place. Weren't you?
- Ibas al lugar equivocado, ¿ no?
I told her that you weren't my friend, but I was wrong.
Le dije que no eras mi amigo, me equivoqué.
Console yourself, duchess, you weren't so wrong.
Consuélese Duquesa. No se equivocó tanto.
No quiero que él se entere de esto de forma equivocada.
No se equivocaron contigo, ¿ no?
Well, you were wrong, weren't you?
. Y te equivocaste, ¿ o no?
Perhaps you weren't so wrong at all. Maybe the whole thing is my fault.
Quizás no estabas tan equivocado, puede que la culpa sea mía.
You were completely proven wrong, weren't you?
Y siempre te dabas cuenta de que te equivocabas, ¿ no?
You weren't wrong, Maria.
No se ha equivocado, María.
You weren't wrong.
- No se equivocó.
- We weren't wrong, were you?
- No nos equivocamos.
No, you weren't wrong, Jeannie.
No, no te equivocaste, Jeannie.
Well, you weren't entirely wrong.
No te equivocas del todo.
When you were young, weren't you ever tempted to do something a little wrong?
Cuando eras joven,... ¿ nunca tuviste la tentación de hacer alguna pequeña maldad?
And you weren't wrong.
Y no te equivocaste.
No, you weren't all wrong.
No, no os equivocasteis todos.
Here now, wait a minute. You've got it wrong. We weren't going to nick this money- -
Un momento, se equivoca, no íbamos a robarlas.
If you weren't a fool, you'd know one can be decent, and wrong.
Si fueras lista, sabrías que puedes ser decente y estar errado.
You weren't wrong.
No hizo mal.
Miss, uh, Sandy Sandstone... you just must've been wrong in your assumptions, weren't you?
Esto... Sta.Sandy Sandstone... Como supondrá estaba equivocada al suponer eso... ¿ Verdad?
Then you were wrong about him, weren't you?
Entonces me mentiste sobre él.
If you weren't, you would've asked me what was wrong.
Si no, me habrías preguntado qué ocurría.
You know, they weren't doing anything wrong.
Sabes, no hacíamos nada malo.
- You weren't wrong.
- No se equivocaba.
Well, at least you weren't snoring in class. I don't know what's wrong with me.
Porque cada vez que tomo un lápiz hay marcas de dientes.
You said you weren't deaf, and nothing's wrong with your voice.
Dijo que no estaba sordo, que no le pasaba nada a la voz.
Once you weren " t threatened by any danger anymore, it was as if nothing had happened I turned back to the same little spoiled lady whom you had to watch over not to do anything wrong
Y cuando ya no estabas amenazado por ningún peligro... fue como si nada hubiera pasado. Volvería a ser la misma señorita mimada... a quien había que vigilar para que no hiciese nada malo.
And I promise you, nothing ever will, but... you weren't wrong about me.
Y te prometo que jamás lo habrá, pero... no te equivocabas con respecto a mí.
You know, the only thing wrong with this weekend was that you weren't there.
Sabes, lo único malo de este fin de semana era que no estabas allí.
You weren't wrong, Shinji.
Shinji-kun, no estuviste mal.
Maybe you did something wrong during the pregnancy or maybe you weren't careful enough or maybe there's something wrong with you.
Que quizá hiciste algo malo durante el embarazo, que no tuviste cuidado.
You weren't wrong. I really like you, and I'm a great guy.
De veras me gustas y de veras soy un tipo maravilloso.
And if you went back, it'd mean you weren't sorry, you weren't wrong and you'd betraying your children.
Y que si regresabas, significaría que no estabas arrepentida, que no estabas equivocada, que estarías traicionando a tus hijos.
Even if you thought you weren't responsible, it went wrong and you were there.
Aunque pienses que no eres responsable, salió mal y tú estabas allí
- No, you weren't wrong.
- Sí, así es.
Well then, you were wrong, weren't you?
Estabas equivocado.
You weren't entirely wrong, what you said in LA.
No estabas del todo equivocado en Los Ángeles.
Something was wrong with you if you weren't in the service.
En aquel momento, no alistarse resultaba sospechoso.
I could be wrong, but you were reaching out for money, weren't you?
Puedo equivocarme, pero diría que buscaba dinero. ¿ No es así?
You weren't wrong about the scalpel.
No te equivocaste con lo del bisturí.
You weren't wrong.
Tenía razón.
No, you weren't wrong, Dally.
No estabas equivocado, Dally.
No. You weren't wrong at all.
No te equivocaste en nada.
Well, I would let you handle it if you weren't handling it all wrong.
Te dejaría, si no estuvieras manejándola tan mal.
Well, you weren't entirely wrong.
No estabas del todo errada.
But you weren't wrong about that.
- Pero no hiciste nada malo.
You weren't wrong.
No te equivocaste.
Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't you a homicide investigator before?
Corrígeme si me equivoco, pero ¿ no eras un investigador de homicidios antes?
The minute something goes wrong, " Why weren't you here?
En cuanto algo sale mal, " ¿ Por qué no estuvieron ahí?
Even if it weren't wrong, would you really like to live a life style which means you could never get married never have children?
Inlcuso si no fuera malo, realmente te gustaría... vivir un estilo de vida que implica que nunca podrías casarte? nunca tener hijos?
Well... you weren't far wrong.
Bueno... no te equivocaste mucho.

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