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You worried about me tradutor Espanhol

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Were you worried about me?
- ¿ Estabas preocupado por mí?
Are you worried about me?
¿ Estás preocupada por mí?
I'm worried about you.
Me preocupas.
I'd be more worried about why no one told you.
A mí me preocuparía más por qué no se lo contó nadie. ¡ Oh!
You're kind of worried about me?
Estás preocupada por mí, ¿ no?
I wasn't worried about you when you were 12.
No me preocupaba cuando tenías 12 años.
Well, if you're worried about something like that, I'm here to go ahead and assure you nothing like that happens with me.
Si eso es lo que te preocupa estoy aquí para asegurarte que nada de eso te pase conmigo.
I'm worried about you, friend! No, I'm really worried!
Me preocupo por ti, hijo estoy muy preocupado
You're worried about me, because I have money.
Te preocupo porque tengo dinero.
Call me. I'm worried about you.
Estoy preocupada por ti.
If you're worried about me, don't be.
- Si estás preocupado por mí, no los estés.
So... why are you so damn worried about me being here in this life?
Entonces... ¿ por qué diablos te preocupas por mí aquí, en esta vida?
I'm worried about you.
Tú me preocupas.
Listen, Chloe, I can't be worried about Jack anymore, not after what you told me he did to Logan.
Escucha Chloe, ya no puedo seguir preocupándome por Jack no después de lo que me has dicho que le hizo a Logan.
You're worried about me and my parenting skills, ain't you?
Estás preocupada por mí y mis habilidades como padre, ¿ verdad?
I know you're worried about me, but I can handle it.
Sé que estás preocupado por mí, pero puedo manejarlo.
I know you're worried about me, and I also know that that kind of unselfishness doesn't come naturally to you.
Sé que estás preocupado por mí y sé que ese tipo de altruismo no es natural en ti.
Dr. Shaw. I was worried about you speeding like that.
Doctora Shaw, me preocupa verla correr así.
I was worried about what you might do.
Me preocupaba lo que podrías hacer.
I know you're worried about me, which is touching, but I've had enough.
Ahora escuchame. Sé que estás preocupado por mí, lo cual es conmovedor
I'm worried about you.
Me preocupas tú.
Then why would you be worried about telling me?
Pero entonces, ¿ por qué te preocupaba decírmelo?
I was worried about you.
Me estaba preocupando por ti.
Hmm-hmm. Ah, well, right now I'm more worried about a safe distance between you and me.
Ah, Bueno ahora estoy mas preocupado por una distancia segura entre tú y yo.
You know what, the only thing I am worried about... Is getting a boner.
Sabes, lo único que me preocupa es..... tener una erección.
And I was worried about you.
Y me preocupabas.
Master, I'm worried about you. worried a lot.
Amo, me preocupa usted, me preocupa mucho.
Me and Sonia are worried about you, man.
Yo y Sonia estamos preocupadas por ti, hombre.
You know what, Henry's the one I'm worried about.
¿ Sabes qué? Es por Henry Me preocupa que...
" I know you and mom are worried about me.
Sé que mamá y tú están preocupados por mi.
You're worried about me.
¿ Estás preocupada por mí?
No, I just like that you're worried about me,
No, es que me gusta que te preocupes por mi.
Zübeyde Mum was so much worried about you... that I felt forced to tell her that you were hiding at your auntie's.
Mamá Zübeyde estaba tan preocupada por ti que me sentí obligado a decirle que te escondías en casa de tu tía.
which is all I'm really worried about, just so you know,'cause I've checked every single hospital in a 50-mile radius every day for the past four weeks and all the morgues, and obviously I'm the only one who gives a crap, so - -
que es lo que en verdad me preocupa, sólo para que lo sepas, porque he revisado cada Hospital en un radio de 50 millas cada día durante las pasadas cuatro semanas y todas las morgues, y obviamente, soy la única a la que le importa, así que...
You were worried about me.
Estabas preocupado por mi.
You had me worried sick about you.
Me preocupaba muchísimo.
You're worried about me.
Tú estas preocupada por mí.
You're worried about me?
¿ Estás preocupado por mí?
That's not what I'd be worried about if I were you.
Si fuera tú, no sería eso lo que me preocupase.
And even though I think it's kind of sexy, I'm worried about you.
Y aunque me parece un poco sexy, estoy preocupada por ti.
And I'm just worried about when you leave.
Y me preocupa cuando te vayas.
And you were worried about me, weren't you?
Y estabas preocupado por mí, ¿ no?
I wanted to make sure you were all right. You were worried about me?
Quería asegurarme de que estuvieras bien. ¿ Estabas preocupado por mí?
I'm worried you're not thinking - Well, you're wrong about that, because I can't stop thinking about this. - this whole thing through.
Me preocupa que no lo esté pensando completamente.
And I would feel so sad if you felt that you couldn't tell me something or had to hide something because you were worried about how I would react.
Y sería triste si crees que no puedes contarme algo o que debes esconder algo porque te preocupa mi reacción.
By the way, if you're at all worried about working with me- -
Por cierto, si estás preocupado por trabajar conmigo...
I know, I just get so worried about you.
Lo sé, solo me preocupo por ti.
Lucrecia, since when have you worried so much about me?
Lucrecia, desde cuándo te preocupas tanto por mí?
You think I'm only worried about my profit. Is that it?
¿ Cree que sólo me preocupo por mis ganancias, es eso?
Right now is not a good time for me to be worried about you snapping.
Ahora mismo no es buen momento para preocuparme porque te descontroles.
It's not you I'm worried about.
No eres tú lo que me preocupa.

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