Your ex tradutor Espanhol
5,121 parallel translation
And, uh, your ex-husband, the mayor?
¿ Y tu exmarido, el alcade?
It's up to you, not... not your ex... wife, how much fun your daughters think you are.
Bueno, depende de ti, no de tu ex, cómo de divertido te vean tus hijas.
You do realize I'm in a... yeah, you're in a super... complicated relationship with your ex.
¿ Te das cuenta de que estoy metida en una...? complicada relación con tu ex.
Uh, give me just a secon... so, I've been told that you're actually better than your ex-boss.
Dame un segundo... Me han dicho que eres mejor que tu ex-jefa.
And your ex may be reasonable now, but if he was comfortable transitioning instead of working.
Y tu ex tal vez sea razonable, porque si él estuvo cómodo... estando en un estado de transición en vez de trabajar.
Maybe if you stopped stalking your ex online all day, you'd actually have some interviews of your own.
A lo mejor si dejaras de acosar a tu ex por internet todo el día podrías tener tus propias entrevistas.
When you said she was your ex, maybe you guys can work it out.
Cuando dijiste que era tu ex, quizás ustedes puedan solucionarlo.
Uh, sir, it's your wife... your ex-wife.
Señor, es su esposa... ex esposa.
It's odd watching your ex kiss another woman.
Es extraño ver a tu ex besar a otra mujer.
Wexler and your ex-wife were going to be married the following weekend, but your ex was with her family in Washington Crossing in Bucks County.
Wexler y tu ex-esposa iban a casarse el siguiente fin de semana, pero tu ex-esposa estaba con su familia en Washington Crossing en el Condado de Bucks.
I hope you represent yourself in our breakup just like you wanted to with your ex-wife!
Espero que usted representa usted mismo en nuestra ruptura Al igual que tú quisieras con tu ex-esposa!
Hey, your ex is here to see you.
Oye, tu ex ha venido a verte.
Dude, why are you going to your ex-wife's engagement party at all?
Tío, ¿ qué haces yendo a la fiesta de compromiso de tu exmujer?
You can't live in your ex-wife's basement anymore.
No puedes vivir más en el sótano de tu exmujer.
Still stalking your ex-wife?
¿ Todavía estás acosando a tu ex-esposa?
- I didn't drive two hours to watch some psychodrama with your ex-boyfriend.
- No he conducido dos horas para ver algún tipo de psicodrama con tu ex novio.
Your ex-fiancée told you to never call her again, and you licked your wounds at a card table?
¿ Tu ex-novia te dijo que no la volvieras a llamar, y te lamiste las heridas en una mesa de juego?
Police have found DNA evidence linking fashioned car for your ex-girlfriend.
El asunto es que la policía ha encontrado ciertas pruebas de ADN de nuestra amiga común.
Your ex started at least not fighting in childbirth classes.
Al menos no ha sido el loco de tu ex el que ha empezado una pelea en clases de parto.
Oh, hey, if you really wanna turn her on, you should talk about your ex-wife.
Oye, si en verdad quieres excitarla, deberías hablarle de tu exesposa.
Just don't start stalking your exes.
Pero no empieces a cotillear a tus ex's.
Once the option of stalking your exes is presented, - you can't not do it. - Oh.
Una vez que se presenta la opción de cotillear a las ex's no puedes dejar de hacerlo.
Look, all I'm saying is that being friends with your exes, it's like a complete fantasy.
Mira, lo único que digo es que ser amigo de tus ex es una auténtica fantasía.
I should have never pushed you to be friends with your ex.
Nunca debí haberte empujado a ser amigo de tu ex.
Well, your ex-husband and his old friend Baptiste didn't exactly roll out the red carpet for me, as you can imagine.
Bueno, tu exmarido y su viejo amigo Baptiste no han sacado la alfombra roja al verme, como podrás imaginar.
Ok. What about your ex?
Bien. ¿ Qué hay de tu ex?
Because he's your ex-boyfriend?
¿ Porque es tu exnovio?
I'm not calling you as your ex.
No te estoy llamando como tu ex.
So I'm thinking "crime of passion," "jealousy" for your ex-wife when you got a woman like Maxine that you want so bad that you are willing to make her a wedding band.
Así que pienso en crimen pasional, celos por tu exesposa, cuando tienes una mujer como Maxine a la que quieres tanto que estás deseando fabricarle un anillo de bodas.
A-Tuo, she can't be the dyke who stole your ex away from you?
A-Tuo... no puede ser... ¡ ¿ La marimacho que te robó a tu ex-novia? !
So Your ex didn't leave you for a lesbian, she turned into a lesbian!
Entonces... tu ex no te dejó por una lesbiana...
Your ex-friends are here tonight.
Tus ex-amigas están aquí esta noche.
Hey, at least you got away from your ex.
Hey, al menos te saliste de su ex.
Yeah, but, Danny, I'm not like your ex-girlfriends, okay?
Sí, pero Danny, yo no soy como tus ex novias, ¿ vale?
See, when your ex writes, "What's up?"
Mira, cuando tu ex dice : "¿ Cómo estás?"
If you're worried about collateral damage, you're talking to the wrong side, because when your ex-wife finally goes down, she will find a way to drag you with her.
Si te preocupan los daños colaterales estás eligiendo el bando equivocado porque cuando tu exmujer por fin acabe cayendo encontrará la forma de arrastrarte con ella.
Mrs. Bidwell, we can't seem to find your ex-husband Sam anywhere.
Sra. Bidwell, no encontramos a su exmarido por ninguna parte.
Your ex-wife... Have you found her?
Tu exesposa, ¿ la encontraste?
You just upended your ex-wife's entire life.
Acabas de destrozar completamente la vida de tu ex mujer.
I, uh, I've had enough ex drama for today, so y'all figure your stuff out.
Tuve suficiente ex-drama por hoy, así que solucionad vuestras cosas.
But your former colleague, Dr. Lancefield, he's trained, isn't he?
Pero su ex-colega, el Dr. Lancefield, él sí que es un experto, ¿ verdad?
Your father is Oscar Isaacs, former member of the Socialist Party of America, current resident of the Missouri state penitentiary.
Su padre es Oscar Isaacs, ex-miembro del Partido Socialista de América, residente en la actualidad en la cárcel del estado de Missouri.
He came very highly recommended. And you can't just sit around and mourn your piece of shit ex-husband forever, right?
Y usted puede y apos ; t simplemente sentarse alrededor y lloran su pedazo de mierda ex marido para siempre, ¿ no?
This is channel 7 at 7 : 00, reporting live from the former Gotham juvenile facility center in downtown, with your minute-to-minute updates.
Este es el canal 7 a las 7 : 00, informando en directo de la ex Gotham centro de centro de menores en el centro, con las actualizaciones minuto a minuto.
But the other one... is Allen Langer, your former employee.
Pero el otro... es Allen Langer, tu ex-empleado.
Your ex-wife's sister.
- Por la hermana de tu ex mujer.
Did your scary ex-colleague make you want a guard?
¿ Tu aterradora excolega te hizo querer un guardia?
Your former confidential informant?
Su ex informante confidencial?
~ Very nice ex, to iron your shirts for you. ~ Very recent ex.
Muy amable tu ex, plancharte las camisas. Una ex muy reciente.
What about your women - daughters, stepdaughters, granddaughters and exes?
¿ Y tus mujeres, hijas, hijastras, nietas y ex?
Gentlemen and shonda rhimes, your 2014 dartmouth alumni beer-pong champions :
Caballeros y Shonda Rhimes, sus ex-alumnos de Darmouth 2014 :
your excellency 487
your excellence 19
excuse me 38382
exactly 13088
experience 101
execute 80
extreme 42
excuse you 68
excuse 205
explosion 159
your excellence 19
excuse me 38382
exactly 13088
experience 101
execute 80
extreme 42
excuse you 68
excuse 205
explosion 159
explore 23
execution 60
express 32
existence 25
exile 33
executive 19
extra 268
exactement 34
exist 43
excusez 81
execution 60
express 32
existence 25
exile 33
executive 19
extra 268
exactement 34
exist 43
excusez 81