And like that tradutor Francês
30,990 parallel translation
Well, that and you look like Spanish Superman.
Il y a de ça et aussi que tu ressembles à un Superman espagnol.
It's going to look like that to the fans, and the talk radio and the Twitter people.
Les fans vont le percevoir comme ça, les radio également et tout Twitter.
And I felt like it was very important for me to get out of my comfort zone and see if that made me turn into an adult.
Et il me semblait important de quitter ma zone de confort pour voir si cela m'aidait à devenir adulte.
And we had this beautiful house that overlooked this valley, like,
On avait une belle maison qui surplombait la vallée.
I mean, all you're missing is maybe, I don't know, the Royal Family and the Pope or something like that as well.
Il ne manquait peut-être que la famille royale ou le pape.
We watched Amélie, and in the middle of watching Amélie, I got a text message from Patrick saying that I didn't have to come into work, and I was like, "Yes!"
On regardait Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain, et en plein film, j'ai reçu un message de Patrick, me disant que je ne travaillerais pas ce soir-là, et j'étais super contente!
But there's only some spots of blood and then that, so maybe someone cut themselves, something like that.
Entre les gouttes de sang et ça, je me suis dit que quelqu'un s'était coupé.
Like, there was blood everywhere and that her throat had been slit and...
Qu'il y avait du sang partout et qu'on lui avait tranché la gorge.
I knew that I had fucked up, and I felt like I had fucked up, and that I didn't know what to do.
Je savais que j'avais merdé, et je sentais bien que je ne savais pas quoi faire.
And when you see something like that, you just think,
Et quand on voit ce genre de chose, on se dit :
Well, you didn't show up for work, and that's not like you,
Tu ne t'es pas montrée au travail, et ce n'est pas toi,
And, honestly, I don't think I've ever really felt this much like myself than right now, and so there's a reason for that.
Et, honnêtement, je ne pense pas que je me sois senti autant moi-même qu'aujourd'hui, et donc il y a une raison à cela.
And you didn't feel like giving me a heads-up that you were inviting him or, I don't know, that you have a boyfriend?
Et t'as pas pensé à m'informer que tu l'invitais, ou que t'avais un petit ami?
You want to spend your time like all the other girls going to dances and chasing boys, that's fine by me.
Fais comme les autres filles, va au bal et chasse les garçons, ça me va.
Oh, right, Dom told me that he just really didn't feel like coming in today and that I should cover for him by telling you that... wait, go back.
C'est vrai, Dom vient de me dire qu'il n'avait pas envie de venir aujourd'hui et que je devais le couvrir en te disant que... attends, on recommence.
Why, you'd think you were Batman and Robin, rushing out like that.
On aurait cru Batman et Robin, à vous voir vous précipiter ainsi.
He won't take any pills that aren't chewable and shaped like a Flintstone.
Il ne prendra aucune pilule qu'il ne peut pas mâcher et n'a pas la forme des Pierrafeu.
Then one night we were having dinner and my daughter Kate, who was twelve at the time, says that that meal... was like being in a shark tank.
Puis un soir que nous prenions le dîner, ma fille Kate, qui avait douze ans à l'époque, dit que le repas... c'était comme être dans un bassin à requins.
And I'll tell you how to make it as soon as you relay a message to Jeff that goes a lot like this :
Et je te dirai comment le faire dès que tu auras transmis à Jeff un truc comme :
Like that guy who's on TV sometimes and he's always like,
Comme ce type à la télé qui fait toujours :
And I'd like some reassurance that whatever goes on here... and whatever goes on wherever it is you and Mike do whatever it is you do, is separate.
Et je veux avoir la garantie que peu importe ce qui se passe ici... peu importe ce qui se passe et où ça se passe avec Mike, quoique tu fasses, ce sont deux choses bien distinctes.
No, but honestly, I-I think it's great that you and Mike are able to still be friends like this.
Je pense que c'est bien que toi et Mike restez amis.
I don't believe in "meant to be," though, or fate or anything like that, and if you knew how Jess died...
Je ne crois pas au "censé être", cependant, ou au destin ou les trucs comme ça, et si tu savais comment Jess est morte..
I met this woman today, and she seemed like she had it all together, but the truth is that she didn't.
J'ai rencontré cette femme aujourd'hui, et on aurait dit qu'elle avait tout pour elle, mais en vérité non.
We have so much in common, like telling long stories and joints that make cool noises.
On a tant de choses en commun, on aime raconter des histoires, et nos articulations font des bruits cools.
And unless that they know the bayou like Pride does, no chance.
Et a moins qu'ils ne connaissent le bayou comme Pride, ils n'ont aucune chance.
If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible and die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor, and that of his country :
Si vous négligez cet appel, je résisterai le plus longtemps possible et mourrai en soldat n'oubliant jamais ce qui est dû à son honneur, et à celui de sa patrie :
The ambassador leaned to the right when he passed that door, and he put his hand on Walt's back, like he was trying to guide you away from it.
L'ambassadeur s'est penché sur la droite quand il est entré, et il a posé sa main sur le dos de Walter, comme s'il essayait de le guider ailleurs.
The Navy did all that they could. But then... the Feds and the State Department got involved, saying that paying a ransom was against policy or some crap like that.
La Navy a fait ce qu'elle a pu, mais... les fédéraux et le Département d'État s'en sont mêlés et ont dit que payer était contre leur politique ou une connerie de ce genre.
You want to stand there and pretend like you're not scared of this surgery or that you're A-OK with this breakup with Toby, then... keep on acting.
Tu veux rester là à faire semblant que tu n'as pas peur de cette opération ou que tu es ravie de ta rupture avec Toby, eh bien... continue.
For saving my life, and especially for understanding that even though it might not look like it, there's a person and mind inside of me.
Pour avoir m'avoir sauvé la vie, et particulièrement pour avoir compris que même si ça n'en a pas l'air, il y a une personne et un esprit à l'intérieur de moi.
He, like, runs up to the bear and, like, tweaks its nipples and smacks it in the face, and then says, like, "That guy did it."
Il fonce tête baissée, il te tord les tétons, il te gifle, puis il dit : "C'est pas moi, c'est lui."
- I wanted to make it even, and I knew you were gonna react like that,
- Je voulais me racheter. Je savais que tu réagirais ainsi.
No, look, we were in the concert, this crowd of people, and it's like, that's the person I locked eyes with through all of these bodies?
Non, on était à un concert, ça grouillait de monde, et j'ai croisé son regard au milieu de tous ces gens.
- That's just how it happened, and if it sounds like love, then it sounds like love.
- C'est arrivé comme ça. S'il faut appeler ça de l'amour, eh bien, allons-y.
Like, that would have sucked if you read that text and you were, like, and you were reading about homework.
Ça aurait été nul, de lire un texto sur les cours.
- And, like... - [chuckles]... you're a human being that has feelings that are valid and real and...
T'es un être humain qui a des sentiments qui sont valables et sincères...
And I feel like you've put me in a position, or that you think that I'm somehow, like, becoming a different person.
J'ai eu le sentiment que tu me regardais comme si je n'étais plus la même.
Yeah. [inhales sharply] I mean, I know that, like, okay, it's been, like, a long time since I put somethin'out and now I got nobody?
J'ai rien sorti depuis un moment, mais de là à faire un bide?
That's just sort of like, "Look, I fucked this guy and he's sleeping."
"J'ai baisé ce type, et il dort."
- I was asleep and- - - [Alison] See, like, that's really personal, and you didn't ask me if you could share that with everyone, so...
- Je dormais, et... - C'est personnel. Tu m'as pas demandé si tu pouvais le raconter.
I mean, everybody's like, it's the cliché that, you know, the... It's the girl that wants to, like, you know, have kids or whatever, and... and he was there, he was at that point.
Tout le monde croit au cliché... de la fille qui veut avoir des enfants, mais c'est lui qui en était à ce stade.
- Mmm-hmm. I see you guys and I'm like, "Yeah, that is like something that I would want."
Quand je vous vois, je me dis que j'aimerais la même chose.
I'm so in love with you and I'm so in love with the way that we met, but like... where was Tinder when we were dating?
Je suis fou amoureux de toi et de la façon dont on s'est connus, mais comment on a fait sans Tinder?
Like, to be able to... to maintain that, you need a lot of money. - And so, like- -
Pour que ça se fasse, il faut beaucoup d'argent.
Well, honestly, we just started this because we loved doing something together, and we loved, like I said, watching people enjoy something that we were able to... to produce.
En fait, on s'est lancés là-dedans, parce qu'on voulait faire un truc ensemble et on adorait faire plaisir aux gens avec un produit de notre création.
- And then you... you quickly learn, as you grow up, that you're a small fraction of an opinion or a palate, so we started creating systems and, like, having all of our baristas at our different stores
- Oui. Puis on apprend vite qu'on n'est qu'une fraction de l'opinion, alors on a créé des systèmes et on envoie tous nos baristas dans nos différentes boutiques faire les mêmes cafés.
You have a boring job that you hate, you know, and, like, making the transition to, like, running a fucking brewery, that's a no-brainer. All right?
T'as un job que tu détestes, donc passer à la gestion d'une brasserie, c'est facile, y a pas photo.
And I know I'm very fortunate to be able to say that, but, like, I... I love... I love working at Dark Matter, man.
J'ai de la chance de pouvoir le dire, mais j'adore bosser à Dark Matter.
- But I just, I... When I think about all that, I don't know why I would... I would give that up to, like... to work more and to fucking stress more.
- Mais quand je pense à tout ça, je vois pas pourquoi je devrais y renoncer pour plus de boulot et de stress.
That's like me asking to borrow your dumb cop jacket and then... just crashing it.
Câ € ™ est comme si je vous empruntais votre bête veste de flic et que... je lâ € ™ écrasais.
and like you said 33
and like it or not 28
and like i said 57
and like 54
and like you 18
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
and like it or not 28
and like i said 57
and like 54
and like you 18
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that's my man 51
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that's my man 51
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20