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Appa tradutor Francês

232 parallel translation
How can I steal something that belongs...
Joe essaye de voler un bien du gouvernement. - Comment je peux voler ce qui m'appa...
Where's Appa?
Où est Appa?
Not Billy Joel the person... but the romance, the sweetness, the intention of his words.
Appa.remment, Billy Joel a. vu le film. Il a. pa.ssé plusieursjours à cha.ntonner. :
Mekka-dekka license, appa registration.
Mekka dekka plaque, appa immatriculation.
Cheche... if Appa and I...
Cheche! Si Apa et moi- -
We'll have a great deal of news for Appa, won't we?
Nous aurons des tas de choses à raconter à Apa, n'est-ce pas?
Doctor, please, would you ask him if he would like to become... a Christian like Appa and myself?
Docteur, veuillez lui demander s'il veut devenir chrétien, comme Apa et moi.
Appa! ( Dad )
Appa ( père )
I'll make sure Appa doesn't eat all your hay.
J'empêcherai Appa de manger tout le foin.
Appa's not too noticeable!
Quoi? Appa n'est pas trop voyant.
But Appa's tired already, aren't you boy?
Mais Appa est fatigué, pas vrai?
No, Appa!
Non Appa!
I promised the girls that I'd give them a ride on Appa.
J'ai promis aux filles une balade sur Appa.
I'll call Appa.
J'appelle Appa.
Appa, yip yip!
Appa! Yip-yip!
I'm calling Appa!
J'appelle Appa.
You need to meet my good friend Appa!
rencontrer mon ami Appa.
Appa and I go way back. Don't we boy?
Appa et moi, on se connaît depuis un bail.
Looks like you haven't been giving Appa enough attention.
Apparemment, il manquait d'affection.
I'm not one to complain, but can't Appa fly any higher?
Je veux pas me plaindre mais Appa peut pas voler plus haut?
Maybe we could dump some on Appa?
Il faudrait en donner à Appa.
Momo, I need you to find Appa and bust us outta here!
Momo, il faut que tu dises à Appa de nous sortir de là.
Go on, boy, get Appa!
Allez. Va chercher Appa.
Eh, how was Appa supposed to save us anyway?
Comment Appa nous aurait sauvés?
Appa is a ten ton flying bison, I think he could figure something out.
C'est un bison volant de dix tonnes, il aurait trouvé quelque chose.
This is Appa, my flying bison.
- C'est Appa, mon bison qui vole.
Well, if you guys are stuck Appa and I can give you a lift.
Si vous êtes coincés, Appa et moi, on peut vous déposer.
Appa, yip yip!
Tenez-vous. Appa, yip-yip!
Come on, Appa.
Allez Appa!
Appa's just tired.
Appa est fatigué.
Did Appa sneeze on me?
Appa m'a éternué dessus?
Appa and I can personally fly you to the North Pole.
Appa et moi, on peut t'amener au Pôle Nord.
Appa, wait here!
Appa, attends-moi ici.
Please, Appa, we need your help.
S'il te plaît, Appa. Aide-nous.
Sokka doesn't believe you can fly, but I do, Appa.
Il croit que tu ne sais pas voler. Moi, je crois que si.
Appa! Are you ok?
Appa, ça va?
I was talking to Appa.
Je parlais à Appa.
Appa, yip yip!
Appa, yip-yip!
Well, no one has seen an airbender in a hundred years.
Appa m'a éternué dessus? Personne n'a vu de maître de l'air depuis cent ans.
We're home, buddy.
On est rentré, Appa.
You, me, and Appa.
Toi, moi et Appa.
I'm sorry Appa.
Pardon, Appa.
It's because they spot Appa...
C'est à cause d'Appa.
Come on, Appa, you can do it!
Allez Appa, tu vas y arriver.
Take care of Appa for me until I get back.
Occupe-toi d'Appa jusqu'à mon retour.
Let's go Appa!
On s'en va, Appa.
Can't you make Appa go any faster?
Appa peut pas aller plus vite?
Uh... why are they all looking at me like that? Did Appa sneeze on me?
Pourquoi ils me regardent comme ça?
Right, Appa?
Ça m'étonnerait que la Nation du Feu en ait, hein Appa?
Appa! Hey buddy, I'm right here.
Appa, je suis là.

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