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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ B ] / But you were wrong

But you were wrong tradutor Francês

244 parallel translation
I'm sorry I had to contradict you. But you were wrong.
Je ne voulais pas te contredire, mais tu as tort.
You thought I would keep my mouth shut but you were wrong.
Vous vous espériez que je me taise, vous vous trompiez.
You see, after listening to my accumulated life story... you naturally assumed that I'd say "yes." But you were wrong.
Après avoir écouté l'histoire de ma vie, vous en avez déduit que je dirais oui, mais à tort.
You've been playing us for saps, but you were wrong.
Tu nous a pris pour des andouilles, mais tu avais tort.
You know, honey, I hate to argue with a man after he's been so nice to me, but you were wrong about one thing.
Je n'aime pas être contrariante, chéri, surtout que tu as été gentil avec moi, mais tu t'es planté sur une chose.
You thought you could waltz through life and never bump into me again. But you were wrong, Jerry. You were wrong.
Tu m'as prise pour une pute, mais tu t'es gouré, Jerry!
Look, I was wrong to touch you but you were wrong to send me to the gas chamber.
J'aurais pas dû te toucher, mais t'y es allée fort.
But you were wrong.
Mais tu avais tort.
I thought you two were having a bad connection, but I guess I was wrong.
Je croyais que vous étiez tous les deux dans une mauvaise relation mais j'avais tort.
I'm sure there were extenuating circumstances... but you do realize it was wrong, don't you?
On peut imaginer tout ce que l'on veut... mais ce que tu as fait, c'est mal.
That's fine, but in this instance I'm sure you were wrong.
Très bien, mais là, vous avez eu tort.
And now I'll wait and see! They thought I was some jackass, you know, but they were wrong because I am a...
Et je vais voir maintenant, on me considérait bête comme un âne, mais ils se trompent parce que je suis un...
I didn't lie to you, but you were right and I was wrong.
Pour moi, tu as toujours raison.
But you are wrong, because if today were better you really have to injections...
Si vous allez mieux aujourd'hui, vous le devez aux injections.
Sure. But you were brought up on the wrong side of the tracks.
Oui, mais tu es né dans la zone.
- Oh, please excuse me if I got you wrong but I thought that you were a real man!
- Oh, excusez-moi, si je me suis trompée, mais j'ai cru, que vous étiez un vrai homme!
Tu as tort! Mais comme j'aimerais que tu aies raison!
Of course, you were wrong to wound a customer, but I understand completely how you felt.
Bien sûr, tu as eu tort de blesser un client, mais je comprends très bien ce que tu as ressenti.
I can understand. I know that in a moment of confusion or of anger you could make a mistake, but you must have the courage to admit that you were wrong.
Je peux comprendre que dans un moment de colère, on soit amené à commettre une faute.
I don't know where you were brought up, kid but wherever it was, you were brought up wrong.
Je ne sais pas où tu as été élevé. Mais où que ce soit, on a fait du sale boulot.
Col. Carruthers. I know this may sound horrible, but you were right and we were all wrong.
Colonel Carruthers, c'est peut-être affreux de le dire, mais vous aviez raison, et nous avions tous tort.
I thought you were a reliable samurai but I see that I was wrong.
Je voyais en toi le meilleur de mes samouraïs. Je m'étais trompé.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you say that if there were enough accidents at that intersection that the city then would install a traffic signal?
Peut-être ai-je tort, mais n'avez-vous pas dit que s'il y avait assez d'accidents à ce carrefour, alors la ville installerait un feu de signalisation?
You were completely wrong then But you persist with this nonsense
Vous vous étiez complètement trompé et vous persistez avec ces absurdités.
I wish I were wrong, Mrs. McBain, but you're liable to end up selling the place for a plate of beans.
J'aimerais me tromper, Mme McBain, mais vous risquez de vendre la propriété pour des haricots.
I'm sorry, but you were going the wrong way, magician.
Je suis désolé mais vous alliez vraiment du mauvais côté, magicien.
- I decided you were wrong, but...
- J'ai décidé que tu avais tort, mais...
You were wrong when you said I deserted you... but you were right about the pants.
Tu avais tort de dire que je t'avais abandonné, mais tu avais raison pour le pantalon.
I thought you were mature enough to leave unsupervised but I guess I was wrong.
Je vous croyais assez matures pour rester sans surveillance. Mais j'avais tort.
But now I realize... I should've remonstrated with you when you were wrong.
Mais quand j'y pense, lorsque vos ordres étaient absurdes,
But you, too were wrong
Mais tu as mal agi aussi.
But, Matt, you thought it was all over for you once before, and you were wrong then.
Matt, tu as déjà pensé que c'était fini pour toi, et tu avais tort.
- You were right. - I know, but more importantly... - I was wrong.
Je comprends votre trouble.
Now you may have been proven right, Mr Hunter, but insofar as the letter of the law is concerned, you were both right. And you were also both wrong.
Les événements ont pu vous donner raison, M. Hunter, mais si l'on observe la loi à la lettre, vous aviez tous les deux raison, et tous les deux tort.
They were, you know, conservative Bible folk, but they had a powerful sense of right and wrong.
Ils étaient conservateurs et très religieux... mais ils avaient un sens profond du bien et du mal...
We thought you were brain-damaged or something... but we were wrong.
Vous savez, on pensait que vous aviez le cerveau dérangé ou quelque chose comme ça, mais on avait tort.
I ran you with my good friends at the F.B.I., Bill. You're clean with us, but you were wrong with them.
J'ai parlé de toi à mes bons amis du FBI.
They said you owed Catalina money, but I know they were lying because I raised you to know the difference between right and wrong.
Ils disaient que tu devais de l'argent à Catalina, mais je sais qu'ils mentaient parce-que je t'ai élevé pour que tu distingues le bien du mal.
Don't get the wrong idea, but you were much better off inside.
Ne le prends pas mal mais tu as sauvé ta vie en allant en tôle.
He thought you were wrong about the Maquis but he forgave you which is ironic considering you never forgave him. You can't forgive any of us.
Il pensait que vous aviez tort au sujet du Maquis, mais il vous avait pardonné, ce qui est ironique quand on songe que vous ne lui avez jamais pardonné.
But you were wrong.
Vous avez tort.
No, but I will tell them that you realize that you were wrong.
Je leur expliquerai que tu sais que tu t'es trompée.
- But you were the one who took the wrong child from Sister SigIinde's arms, when the Turkish family was there.
- Mais c'est vous qui avez pris Ie mauvais bébé des bras de soeur SigIinde, lorsque les Turcs étaient là.
Lieutenant Roberts, my instincts may have been right over Suva Reka, but they were dead wrong when it came to you.
Lieutenant, j'avais peut-être vu juste au-dessus de Suva Reka, mais pas en ce qui vous concerne.
Not only were you completely wrong, but you made me out to be the crazy one!
Non seulement tu avais tort, mais tu me fais passer pour folle!
I respect what you're saying. I'd say the same to me but what if we were wrong?
Je vous crois et à votre place, je dirais pareil... mais si on se trompait?
I've come a long way, but when I saw you, it brought me back to a time when I thought that the feelings that I was having were wrong.
J'ai beaucoup changé, mais te revoir m'a rappelé une période de ma vie où je pensais que mes sentiments étaient faux.
I was wrong and you were right, and I'm not just saying that so we don't have to talk about it anymore, like at home.
J'ai eu tort et tu avais raison et je ne te dis pas ça dans le but de ne plus en parler, comme on fait à la maison.
" You say you're looking for someone who's never weak but always strong To gather flowers constantly whether you were right or wrong
Vous rêvez d'un type fort, d'un redresseur de torts.
I could be wrong, but you were reaching out for money, weren't you?
Je peux me tromper... mais vous cherchiez de l'argent.
Crichton thought you were safe here... but he was wrong
Crichton te croyait en sécurité ici. Mais il s'est trompé.

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