But you have tradutor Francês
51,696 parallel translation
I know you don't, but you have to.
Je sais, mais tu dois y aller.
I know she enjoyed her party, But you have to admit her excitement seemed tempered, And that's because chloe and a couple of other favorite friends weren't there.
Je sais qu'elle a aimé sa fête, mais admets que son enthousiasme a été contrarié, vu qu'il manquait Chloe et sa bande.
But you have no idea the hell that you would unleash on the world.
Tu n'imagines même pas quel enfer tu déchaînerais sur le monde!
You have records for everything. But you have nothing about SCID!
Tu archives tout, mais tu n'as rien sur le DICS!
And we're not totally sure what it means, but you have it.
On ne sait pas trop ce que ça veut dire, mais tu l'as.
Yeah, but you have no idea, because you were popular, I'm not.
Mais tu ne piges pas, car t'étais populaire, pas moi.
But you have to tell me why.
Mais tu dois me dire pourquoi.
I'm not gonna judge you, but you have to tell me what's going on.
Je ne te jugerai pas, mais tu dois me dire ce qui se passe.
I can give them the signal to stop this, but you have to tell me right now.
Je peux leur donner le signal d'arrêter, mais tu dois me le dire maintenant.
But you have to leave.
Mais vous devez partir.
You know that. But you shouldn't be ; You have blackouts.
Tu devrais pas, avec tes absences.
You know, I love those girls, but I really just don't want to have a party weekend right now.
J'adore mes amies, mais j'ai pas envie de faire la fête.
But... you have impressed me, David.
Mais... tu m'as impressionnée, David.
But the truth is... the Lady and I have a lot more in common than you'd ever guess.
Mais la vérité est... que nous avons bien plus en commun que vous ne pourriez l'imaginer.
But do you know why North Salem doesn't already have a GSA?
Savez-vous pourquoi Salem Nord n'a pas encore d'association de soutien?
But if you go after Margot, she'll go after you, and I promise you I will break myself out of here if I have to to keep that from happening.
Mais si tu poursuis Margot, elle te poursuivras aussi, et je te promet que je m'évaderais par moi-même pour empêcher que ça arrive.
I know I should've called, but I wanted to surprise you, and my key didn't work, and so I set off your alarm, and I may have broken your door.
Je sais que j'aurais dû appeler, mais je voulais te faire la surprise, et ma clé ne fonctionnait pas, alors j'ai déclenché ton alarme, et j'ai peut-être cassé ta porte.
Well, I can't tell you where to find them, but I can tell you what they all have in common.
Je ne sais pas où tu peux les trouver, mais je sais ce qu'ils ont en commun.
And you have no idea about the lengths I had to go to to get it done, but don't bother to thank me.
Et tu n'a aucune idée des responsabilités que j'ai du prendre pour que ce soit fait, mais ne me remercie pas.
But if you have to go back to your office, then I understand.
Je comprends.
I don't have it, but I'll get you the 14.
Je ne les ai pas, mais je vous apporterai les 14.
But when people have oversexualized behavior like yours, sometimes that's evidence of past childhood trauma and I just wanted you to feel safe talking to me.
Quand on a un comportement hyper-sexualisé comme le tien, c'est parfois dû à un traumatisme dans l'enfance, je veux que tu sois à l'aise pour en discuter.
But i know that i have to keep moving forward, you know?
Mais je dois continuer à aller de l'avant.
She doesn't talk about it anymore, but she used to say that, "You'd understand when you get older " and when you have your own relationships. "
Elle n'en parle plus, mais avant, elle disait... que je comprendrais plus tard, quand je serais en couple.
No, thank you, but I already have a job waiting for me
Non, merci. J'ai un boulot qui m'attend.
But you do have to start getting angry.
Mais il va falloir vous mettre en colère.
You could have, but...
Vous auriez pu compter, mais...
But first, you have to go down on your knees, and I will hit you with this.
Mais d'abord, vous devez aller sur vos genoux, et je te frapperai avec cela.
Look, I don't have you down, but I'll get you a table right away.
Ecoute, tu n'as pas réservé, mais je te donne une table.
But you'll have to leave my son out of it.
Mais tu dois laisser mon fils en dehors de ta presse.
It's possible we've met, but you don't have a memorable face.
On s'est peut-être rencontrés, mais vous avez un visage très ordinaire.
But before we do that, I'd like to take a moment and have you join me in... bowing our heads... And let your subconscious... take you somewhere else.
Mais avant cela, j'aimerais prendre un moment pour qu'on incline tous la tête... et que vous laissiez votre subconscient vous amener autre part.
We hate to trouble you, but I'm afraid we have a flat tire.
On ne veut pas vous déranger, mais on a un pneu crevé.
But see, most people would be surprised that'd you want to have a script and...
Les gens sont surpris que tu veuilles un script.
I don't have it. But it's getting there, you know.
Mais je vais y arriver.
But she posts about it because that's the only communication you have anymore.
Mais elle l'a mis en ligne. C'est la seule communication qu'il nous reste.
Yeah, but you actually have to be there to win.
Oui, mais il faut y être pour gagner.
I don't think they'll let you have a camera in prison, but maybe you can draw pictures.
T'auras pas le droit d'avoir d'appareil en prison, mais tu pourras peut-être dessiner.
I'll tell you who it is... but you're going to have to wait.
Je te dirai qui c'est, mais tu vas devoir attendre un peu.
But look on the bright side... you don't have to follow me anymore.
Au moins, tu n'auras plus à me suivre.
You started out the school year really strong... but your grades have steadily dropped.
Tu as commencé l'année en force, mais tes notes n'ont fait que baisser.
But did you have a sense?
Mais aviez-vous une impression?
But I don't have to go if you don't want me to.
Je n'irai pas si vous ne voulez pas.
So, the idea is, you can have a super power, but it has a drawback.
Tu peux avoir un super pouvoir, mais il y a un prix à payer.
And it's not that I don't have sympathy for these parents, kiddo, but you didn't have anything to do with this, and shouldn't have to be put through it.
Je compatis pour ces parents, mais tu n'as rien à voir avec tout ça.
Now, I don't think I have to worry about this. But who knows how truly smart you are?
Je ne pense pas avoir à m'inquiéter, mais vu comme tu es malin, on ne sait jamais.
But you can't have them.
Mais vous les aurez pas.
You can certainly blame me for the fact that you have a life, but after that what are you going to do with it?
Tu peux m'en vouloir parce que tu n'as pas perdu la vie, mais la question est : qu'est-ce que tu vas en faire?
Now, I appreciate that you've been delivering, but... things have been unnecessarily tense, and that makes me unnecessarily tense.
Je te suis reconnaissant de tes livraisons, mais... l'ambiance est inutilement tendue, et ça déteint sur moi.
I don't want to have to kill her, but that's exactly what you're gonna make me do.
Je veux pas la tuer, mais tu vas me forcer à le faire.
Dad, it's great to have you back, no matter where we are, but wouldn't you like to go home?
Papa, c'est bon de te revoir, peu importe où nous sommes, mais tu ne voudrais pas rentrer à la maison?
but you haven't 45
but you have to 69
but you have to know 21
but you have to understand 54
but you have to trust me 43
but you have to believe me 30
but you have to help me 17
but you have to admit 30
but you 1775
but you can't hide 39
but you have to 69
but you have to know 21
but you have to understand 54
but you have to trust me 43
but you have to believe me 30
but you have to help me 17
but you have to admit 30
but you 1775
but you can't hide 39
but you know what 1239
but you said 161
but you know 863
but you don't 308
but you and i 59
but you didn't listen 29
but you didn't 486
but you don't believe me 17
but you didn't answer 24
but you don't understand 77
but you said 161
but you know 863
but you don't 308
but you and i 59
but you didn't listen 29
but you didn't 486
but you don't believe me 17
but you didn't answer 24
but you don't understand 77