By the door tradutor Francês
1,352 parallel translation
I can't come out. They're right by the door.
Ils sont devant la porte.
We'll just wait by the door and catch them one by one.
Put them by the door.
Mettez-les dans l'entrée.
There's one spot by the door where the paint's chipped off.
Il y a une tache sur la porte, là où la peinture est écaillée.
- By the door.
- Près de la porte.
- In the storeroom by the door.
- Dans la réserve près de la porte.
- Stand by the door.
- Va à la porte.
Barnes is dead. He got cut in half by the door.
Coupé en deux par la porte.
No, she was there... by the door smiling at me.
Non, elle était la pres de la porte, elle souriait.
No idea. It was by the door this morning.
Je sais pas, je l'ai trouvée ce matin, pres de la porte.
You don't know him. Leave them by the door.
Balance les si tu ne le connais pas.
Stand by the door
Reste à cette porte
One day, the SS woman walked by the door... and she saw me in the corner.
Un jour, une SS est entrée et m'a vue dans le coin.
Don't forget your library books by the door.
N'oublie pas tes livres de la bibliothèque près de la porte!
I didn't want to be separated from my mother, but just by the door I was hit on the head with a truncheon.
Je ne voulais pas être séparé de ma mère, mais devant la porte, j'ai reçu un coup sur la tête. Un coup de bâton.
That sign by the door.
Et la pancarte à l'entrée.
One through the window by the door.
Un près de la porte.
I told you it was hot, by the door.
Je t'ai dit qu'il faisait chaud, près de la porte.
Je vais mettre ces cookies près de la porte
But I also knew, by sealing that door,..... I was sealing the fate of the men locked behind it.
Mais aussi qu'en scellant cette porte, je scellais le destin des hommes enfermés derrière elle.
Computer indicates that was triggered by sensors in the front door.
Elle a été déclenchée par le capteur devant la maison.
You were standing by the back door, holding it open for her, she saw you, she ignored you, and she got in the front seat?
Vous lui teniez la porte arrière ouverte? Elle vous a vu? Elle vous a ignoré et s'est assise devant?
The door seems to be closed by someone
On dirait que quelqu'un vient de fermer la porte.
Ends up we have to kick in the door... and there's this guy sitting in the middle of his floor... naked, surrounded by a bunch of lousy paintings... with no skin on his legs.
On défonce la porte et on tombe sur un type assis, à poll parmi des tableaux merdiques. Il n'avait plus de peau sur les jambes.
She quivered and, while assistants were knocking on the door, they slipped to the ground, taking their clothes off, breathless, anxious, each wanting to hide in the other as if their desire to enjoy was stolen by someone else.
Elle tressaillit et tous deux, pendant que les aides tapaient à la porte, roulèrent à terre en arrachant leurs habits, à bout de souffle, anxieux, chacun voulant se cacher dans l'autre comme si leur désir de jouir était dérobé à quelqu'un d'autre.
Casey, go to my house... get the bag in the chair by my front door, and hurry.
Va chez moi, prends la sacoche dans l'entrée. Vite!
This young fool wants me to sit by the service door.
On me place près de l'office.
I was met at the door by P.R. Director Keith Peters... who warned me that Phil Knight's wife... had given Phil my book... as her wedding anniversary present to him... with his face circled.
Je fus accueilli par Keith Peters : l'épouse de Phil Knight lui avait offert mon livre comme cadeau d'anniversaire de mariage en entourant sa photo au crayon.
At night, I was taking care of that house... cleaning a set of marble stairs... as the Iast preparation to the arrival of our new guest. I was not done yet, the bell rang, I Ieft the bucket by the stairs... and went to the door.
Le soir, dans cette maison... je nettoyais un escalier en marbre... pour finir de préparer Ia maison pour Ie nouveau venu... quand on a sonné.
Even ifl could convince the security guard... to leave a door unlocked and turn the alarm off... what person in their right mind... would believe they could erase their entire criminal past by stealing one file?
Bon. Même si je pouvais convaincre le garde... de laisser la porte ouverte et de débrancher l'alarme... quelle personne saine d'esprit... croirait qu'on peut effacer tout son passé criminel en volant un dossier?
He came by to pick me up, I opened the door and it was just like, "click!"
Dès que je lui ai ouvert la porte, ca a fait clic!
I sat near the door so she'd have to pass by me if she wanted to switch cars.
Je bloquais la porte. Elle devait passer devant moi... pour changer de wagon.
They're 50 yards long, so if Daniel opened the door to the west... there, in the hotel, then Frank is intended to fulfil the prophecy by opening the door to the east.
Elles font 50 m de long, donc si Daniel a ouvert la porte de l'ouest sous l'hôtel, Frank réalisera la prophétie en ouvrant la porte vers l'est.
It's in my tool kit by the door.
- Il est dans ma trousse.
Boris Badenov alters the road signs, which causes them to walk onto a secret military base, where they are picked up by a car with no windows, no door locks, and there are silent explosions from a compound called Hushaboom.
Boris Badenov retourne les panneaux indicateurs, et ils se retrouvent dans une base militaire secrète. Ils croisent une voiture sans fenêtres ni poignées, et un composé, le "Chutaboum", provoque des explosions silencieuses.
He's camping by the lake. He wears red leather armor, and he sleeps with his back to the door.
Il porte une armure rouge et dort contre la porte.
For the first few weeks we froze every time the door rang. or a car drove by.
Au début, on s'immobilisait au moindre coup de sonnette ou de klaxon.
I caught her by the kitchen door.
Elle vous écoutait.
Usually that line is screamed at me by somebody running out the door... not standing in front of me and staying.
D'habitude, c'est un gars qui part en courant qui m'hurle ça... et non quelqu'un en face de moi, et qui souhaite rester.
Paul, Martin, you two stand by the back door
Paul, Martin, vous deux restez à la porte de derrière
Just by the door.
Où en as-tu vu?
By getting mad, you distracted yourself from distracting yourself and I slipped in through the back door.
La colère vous distrait... de votre distraction. Je suis entrée par derrière.
Well, if you want to embarress yourself and your entire family even further than nature intended than by all means, throw your amazing girl-next-door quality into the ring.
Si tu veux embarrasser ta famille... plus que ce n'est déjà fait... que la fille du coin entre en lice.
They're meeting over by the front door.
Ils se retrouvent devant la porte.
I know we got off to kind of a bad start, but your bird which is lovely, by the way, made a mess on my door.
On est partis du mauvais pied, mais ton oiseau, qui est magnifique, d'ailleurs, a sali ma porte d'entrée.
- Who? - The man that just walked by my door.
Il faut baisser les volets de blindage.
It's time to take off those pumps, put on those espadrilles you're so fond of- - which, by the way, aren't coming back ever- - kick down that door, and let him get used to the fact
- qui ne reviennent pas du tout à la mode - taper du pied et lui faire comprendre que tu vis avec lui!
Dumb son of a bitch sat with his back to the door, killed by a drunk.
L'abruti s'est assis le dos à la porte, un ivrogne l'a tué.
Put it by the tent door.
Laisse-le à l'entrée de la tente.
I came into the execution field... from a back-door standpoint, because I was very concerned about the humanitarian aspects of death by torture, similar to what happened in the state of Florida two years ago... with Mr.Jesse Tafero,
Des exécutions, je connaissais l'envers du décor, et j'y suis venu par souci humanitaire, à cause de tous ces cas où la mort devient torture. Par exemple, en Floride, il y a deux ans, quand on a exécuté Jesse Tafero, sa tête a pris feu.
He figures they're gonna leave by the front door.
On l'a trouvée sur votre bureau. Ça suffit!
by the way 9822
by the sea 31
by the end of the week 21
by the end 42
by the power vested in me 31
by the grace of god 46
by then 159
by the river 32
by the sound of it 17
by the looks of it 63
by the sea 31
by the end of the week 21
by the end 42
by the power vested in me 31
by the grace of god 46
by then 159
by the river 32
by the sound of it 17
by the looks of it 63
by the 56
by the window 25
by the time you read this 25
by the end of the day 31
by the by 46
by the book 43
by the year 20
by the look of it 40
by the time i got there 34
by the time i was 17
by the window 25
by the time you read this 25
by the end of the day 31
by the by 46
by the book 43
by the year 20
by the look of it 40
by the time i got there 34
by the time i was 17