Explain that to me tradutor Francês
609 parallel translation
I'd like you to explain that to me.
J'aimerais que vous m'expliquiez.
You're going to have to explain that to me. You're going to have to explain it very carefully.
Il va falloir que vous m'expliquiez cela très consciencieusement.
You'll have to explain that to me.
Pardon, expliquez-moi...
Would you explain that to me, Miss Hudson?
Vous pouvez m'expliquer, Mlle Hudson?
Well, perhaps Mr. Spock will be good enough to explain that to me later.
M. Spock aura peut-être l'amabilité de m'expliquer cela tout à l'heure.
Explain that to me further.
Since that's the way you think... Since you attach such importance to something so trivial, let me explain once and for all.
Puisque vous dites des choses pareilles et que vous donnez de l'importance à une histoire qui n'en a pas, il faut que je m'explique.
He tried to explain to me the quarrel between England and America and said that it might have been avoided had England been more understanding.
II m'a expliqué que le différend entre l'Angleterre et l'Amérique aurait pu être évité si l'Angleterre avait été plus compréhensive.
That I have your full support in all I do without having to explain it or answer to you for it.
Laquelle? Que vous souteniez tous mes actes sans que je doive me justifier.
It's very important that I meet this man to explain to him what happened... although if I saw him, I wouldn't know what to say.
Il faut que je lui explique ce qui s'est passé. Je me demande comment je m'y prendrai.
You can only imagine how welcome you are when I explain to you that I sent for you because my eyes will no longer permit me to use the microscope.
Votre aide ici est grandement appréciée. Je vous ai demandé parce que mes yeux ne me permettent plus d'utiliser le microscope.
Will you forgive me, my friends, if, as a penance, I explain to you what it is that I have been trying to achieve?
Me pardonnerez-vous, mes amis, si, pour me repentir, je vous explique ce que je tente d'accomplir?
- Now I can explain why I said that to you.
Je me devais de revenir! Il reste quelques minutes... Vous vous demandez :
Would Your Honor kindly explain to the jury that since the district attorney ´ s put me in the position of a witness that I am committed, as the defense attorney, to cross examine myself?
Votre Honneur pourrait-elle expliquer aux jurés... que puisque le procureur m'a fait appeler en tant que témoin... je peux faire un contre-interrogatoire de ma propre personne?
That I wanted someone to explain life to me
Sur quelqu'un qui m'expliquerait ma vie
Pistol... allow me to explain something that may be a guide to you in the future.
Je vais te donner un bon conseil pour l'avenir.
What do you want? I'm sorry sir, but the countess has asked me to explain to you that there are strange echoes in this castle and by the time the echoes have carried you to the second floor your voice, which by itself may not be offensive...
Je regrette mais la comtesse m'a prié de vous dire qu'il y a d'étranges échos dans ce château qui parfois font résonner au second étage votre voix, qui, sans vouloir vous offenser...
He might do the gentlemanly thing and let me divorce him. If? If I were in a position to explain to him that otherwise he will be jeopardizing the social position not only of the future duke, but also the future duchess of Chalfont.
Il pourrait me laisser demander le divorce Si je pouvais lui expliquer qu'autrement, il compromettrait non seulement le futur duc mais aussi la future duchesse de Chalfont.
Explain yourself. Are you going to tell me that you decided to come here?
Me dites pas que vous êtes ici, car vous êtes venue.
Allow me to explain. Things could be facilitated by the fact that I have a certain experience regarding these things.
Si je puis me permettre, mon expérience dans ce domaine pourrait vous être utile.
Then what about Joey? How would I ever explain that to him?
Comment me justifier auprès de Joey?
But first I should like to explain to you that... what experiences I have had in my life before... have left me... suspicious.
Mais d'abord, je voudrais vous expliquer que... les expériences que j'ai déjà eues dans ma vie m'ont laissé... méfiant.
I'll explain to her that you're no slave to me... ... but my future Princess of Troy.
Je dirai que tu n'es plus une esclave... mais la future princesse de Troie.
Remind me not to explain that to you later.
Rappelle-moi de ne pas t'expliquer ça plus tard.
- No. No, I'll never understand that, so don't try to explain it to me.
Non, et je ne le comprendrais jamais, ce n'est pas la peine de m'expliquer.
Can you explain to me what that car business is?
- Peux-tu m'expliquer ce que c'est qu'une affaire d'automobile.
You will please explain to your Uncle that with me Behind the throne and him in front of it,
Expliquez à votre oncle qu'avec moi derrière le trône et lui, devant,
Would you like me to call him and explain to him that you're here?
Vous voulez que je lui dise que vous êtes ici?
You know, Lory, when I try to explain things to you and make them clear that helps me to make them clear for myself.
Lory, quand j'essaie de t'expliquer les choses, de les clarifier, cela m'aide à les rendre clair pour moi.
There is something I would like you to explain to me. What you said last night, that you no longer were a child.
En attendant, je voudrais que tu m'expliques pourquoi tu as dit que tu n'étais plus une enfant.
Would you please explain to him that I loved his dance.
Pouvez-vous lui expliquer que sa danse me plaisait?
Listen up Roberto there are some things that are hard to explain for me, because I'm so tight-lipped.
Comprends Roberto... J'arrive pas à te le dire parce que je suis plutôt renfermé.
I was tryin'to explain to that darn lady teacher... why he didn't have no money for his lunch, and she got sore at me!
J'essayais d'expliquer à la fichue maîtresse... pourquoi il avait pas d'argent pour manger et elle s'est fâchée!
- l remember when - - l sometimes try to explain to her... that if you're going to produce anything decent... in the way of serious music... you must have the right atmosphere.
- Je me rappelle quand... - J'essaie parfois de lui expliquer que si on veut créer une musique honnête, dans le sens de musique sérieuse, il faut la bonne atmosphère.
Before I name the killer... I will explain to you the facts... that led me to discover his... or her... identity.
Avant de nommer le tueur... je vais vous expliquer les faits... qui m'ont conduit à découvrir... son... identité.
That's it. He killed some ex-detainees. Please explain to me.
Certes, j'ai fait un don à l'État pour aider les ex-détenus, mais je ne vois pas le rapport.
Explain to this individual that what interests me is Mr. Goh.
Expliquez à cet individu que ce qui m'intéresse, c'est Mr Goh.
But would you explain to me, what is that girl doing here?
Peux-tu me dire ce qu'elle fait ici?
I can't explain it, but with you around to give me handy hints I can do things that I could never do before.
J'ignore pourquoi, mais quand vous êtes là pour m'aider, je fais des choses que je n'avais jamais faites.
Dr. Bellows has given me until tomorrow morning to explain that painting and I couldn't explain it in a million years.
Bellows m'a donné jusqu'à demain pour m'expliquer, mais je ne pourrai rien expliquer.
And that's exactly what's gonna happen to me if I don't explain that thing by tomorrow morning.
Et c'est ce qui va m'arriver si je ne m'explique pas avant demain matin.
Could you not explain to him that you found me in a bottle on the beach?
Pourquoi ne pas lui expliquer que tu m'as trouvée dans une bouteille sur une plage.
What exactly did you do with that film? Well, let me see if I can explain it to you accurately...
Voyons si je m'en souviens encore...
He'll come down, and he'll explain that he's the one that got me the clearance to bring Ginger in here.
Il viendra vous expliquer que c'est lui qui a obtenu l'autorisation pour amener Ginger ici.
I don't like people talking to me in that insolent way. Kindly explain what "affairs" you're talking about.
Je n'aime pas qu'on me parle avec insolence.
Let me explain it a bit better... The worst thing that can happen to a woman happened to me...
C'est une brute, qui hait mon mari... hait mes amis, il veut m'emmener loin de vous tous...
Look, I've have no culture to explain the answer to that question.
Mais il me manque de la culture pourvous expliquercette question.
Well, that's what I'd like to say, but let me explain.
Mais je vais quand même t'expliquer.
And, even imagining that I corrupt the young as you explain, these young persons, now grown up, are not here to criticise me of it?
Tu as raison! Et même en imaginant que je corromps la jeunesse, comment expliquer que ces jeunes, maintenant adultes, ne sont pas ici à me critiquer?
What if they kill our officer or blow up an important object? How would I explain to the Army Tribunal that, instead of combing the forest and catching those Germans, I was sleeping somewhere.
Quand ils auront descendu un grand chef ou fait sauter un objectif important, tâche de leur expliquer, au tribunal, pourquoi au lieu de ratisser le bois et de neutraliser les boches je me suis fourré le diable sait où.
explain that 67
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
explain 380
explanation 33
explain yourself 110
explain what 96
explain it 26
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
explain 380
explanation 33
explain yourself 110
explain what 96
explain it 26