He was my father tradutor Francês
1,360 parallel translation
He was my father.
C'était mon père.
He was my father, sir.
Il était mon père, monsieur.
Thusly, he became my son-in-law... and my step-daughter became my mother... because she was my father's wife.
Il est donc devenu mon beau-fils, et ma belle-fille est devenue ma mère.
My father was hell-bent on getting me to go to Harvard Law School, like he did.
J'avais même bien réussi. Mon père voulait à tout prix que j'aille en Droit à Harvard comme lui.
I remember, for instance, my father's back when he was carrying me.
Si, bien sûr. Par exemple, le dos de mon père quand il me portait.
I heard a conversation between my father and another man... and he was telling my father... what the Nazis are doing in Poland.
J'avais surpris une conversation entre mon père et un homme. Il racontait à mon père ce que les nazis faisaient en Pologne.
And my father, he died in battle, he was even decorated.
Et mon père, il est mort au combat, il a même été décoré.
First, it was that my father bred racehorses instead of what he really did, which was drive rich tourists around downtown in his horse and buggy.
J'ai dit que mon père élevait des chevaux, alors qu'en réalité, il conduisait de riches touristes dans sa calèche.
He said he had proof that my father was still alive.
Il avait la preuve que mon père était vivant.
- My father had a car-salesman buddy. He was gonna fix him up real nice.
Un vendeur devait trouver une affaire en or pour mon père.
My father always said she was the bravest woman he ever met.
Mon père disait toujours que c'était la femme la plus courageuse qu'il ait connue.
I looked to my father to see if he was going to kill it, but he wasn't my father anymore.
J'ai attendu de voir si mon père allait le tuer. Mais ce n'était plus mon père.
My father once was the greatest of men, but he can rule no longer.
Mon père était par le passé un grand homme, mais il n'est plus en état de régner.
My father painted that. It's where he was born.
Mon père a peint sa région natale!
My father told me he was a loser, and a fraud with his phony disguises and that silly mustache. But...
Avec ses déguisements et cette moustache ridicule!
He was kind to me after my father died.
Il m'a soutenu après la mort de mon père.
JOHN : When my uncle found him, Father was unbalanced. He never recovered.
Quand mon oncle l'a retrouvé, mon père était devenu fou.
My father went with Dom Manetta and Tommy D. Fat Tommy. He was running the family then.
Mon père y était, avec Dom Manetta et Tommy le Gros... notre parrain à l'époque.
And then you could go and tell my father I was clearly murdered... and he wouldn't be tortured by uncertain wonders.
- et on pourra certifier à mon père que je suis réellement mort... - ça lui évitera la torture du doute.
My father woke up one morning and he realized he was worth more dead than alive.
Mon père s'est réveillé un matin, et a réalisé qu'il valait plus cher mort qu'en vie.
I was telling Him, first He took away my father, and now it's Nandini.
Je Lui disais qu'il avait pris mon père, et maintenant Nandini...
He was like a large pillow - my father.
C'était un gros oreiller, mon père.
When I was small, I knew my father was in politics. I didn't know what that was, or why he went to Washington.
Petite, je savais ce que faisait mon père... mais je ne savais pas ce qu'était la politique.
When my brother called me and said that my father had a heart attack... and that he locked himself in the bathroom, all the way going over there, I was thinking of... how I was gonna tell him what a bastard he was.
Mon frère m'a appelé : "Papa fait un infarctus, il s'est enfermé dans les toilettes." En y allant, je pensais que j'allais le traiter de salaud.
He was in People magazine, my father.
Mon père était dans le magazine People.
Uh, my father- - Well, he was in television. My mother- -
Mon père faisait de la télé, ma mère...
My father was killed here. But that was during a construction accident while he was restoring interiors.
Mon père... a bien été tué ici, mais par accident, en restaurant l'intérieur.
I use my father's name as he was my source of inspiration I followed in his footsteps
Je porte le nom de mon père, qui a été ma première motivation pour prendre ce chemin.
Well, he was more like my friend than a father, taking me out on the circuit bringing me up his way, you know?
On m'a envoyé ici quand mon père a été coffré pour fraude. C'était plus un ami qu'un père.
He was the son of a Shogunate employee, and I had known him since we were little. He was very much like my father.
Il était de la même maisonnée, le cadet.
My father told my mother, when he was teaching the kids he could always look up and see the red banner.
Mon père disait à ma mère que lorsqu'il faisait la classe, il levait toujours les yeux et voyait la bannière rouge.
Look, we both know that I have seen ghosts before, aboard the Hornet, Lieutenant Tate, he was with my father.
Écoutez, on sait que j'ai déjà vu des fantômes, à bord du Hornet, Tate était avec mon père.
But my father was a... He was a very stubborn man.
Mais mon père... était un homme très obstiné.
He was a good guy, my father. Everybody liked him.
Mon père était un homme bon, aimé de tous.
This is the part where I'm supposed to tell you how terrible my father was and the terrible things he did and how he ruined my life.
Je devrais être en train de vous raconter... que mon père était horrible, qu'il me maltraitait... qu'il a fichu ma vie en l'air.
When he beat the shit out of that guy I told the class how tough my father was.
Après l'avoir vu cogner ce type... je frimais devant mes copains.
He had chronic convulsions and I was left with him while my father went for help.
Il faisait des convulsions. Je suis resté en attendant de l'aide.
My father, he died when I was really young...
Mon père est mort quand j'étais petite.
My very own father, who says that he was a good friend of yours... until you lost your mind in the war.
Mon propre père! Qui était votre ami jusqu'à ce que vous perdiez la tête à la guerre.
"Caregiver"? Your Honour, my client has been living with Ms Reynolds... since the child was born. He's performed all the daily functions ofa father.
Mon client a vécu avec Mlle Reynolds... depuis la naissance de l'enfant, assumant les devoirs d'un père.
And I was laying there for a good half hour. And finally... I hear my father's voice up the street, and he's calling my name.
Je suis resté allongé une bonne demi-heure quand j'ai enfin entendu mon père plus haut dans la rue qui m'appelait.
I got out in time, but... my father... he said he was too old to walk a step.
Je me suis enfuie à temps mais... mon père... se trouvait trop vieux pour faire un pas.
After that, my father's wife gave birth to a son... which became my brother and my grandchild. Because he was the son of my daughter. - What?
Puis la femme de mon père lui a donné un fils qui est devenu mon frère et mon petit-fils, car il était le fils de ma fille.
Maybe Baldwin was right, maybe he was wrong... but as my father often told me...
Baldwin avait peut-être raison, ou tort. Mais, comme me le disait souvent mon père :
My father was a big boy. He knew what the life was.
Mon père savait ce que la mafia impliquait.
Actually, he replaced my father, because... my father died before I was born.
- La pénétration d'autres langues, cultures... - La langue s'est altérée avec la progression vers le Sud.
My father was always busy during the week but when he was home, he often took me for walks. By the river mostly.
Mon père travaillait la semaine, mais quand il était là, il m'emmenait souvent promener le long de la rivière.
My father was not there, he was still in a concentration camp.
Mon père n'était pas là. Il était en camp de concentration.
There was a moment that my father took me between his knees and he said :
A un moment donné, mon père m'a prise entre ses genoux et m'a dit :
And my father was in seventh heaven that he had his little Pupela, his little girl, back.
Mon père était au septième ciel, il avait récupéré sa petite Pupela.
My son was a year old when he lost his father.
Mon fils avait un an.
he wasn't 318
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was right 258
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was right 258
he was afraid 36
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was a hero 41
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was drunk 101
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was a hero 41
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was drunk 101
he was here 335
he was angry 46
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83
he was my best friend 70
he was angry 46
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83
he was my best friend 70