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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / How did you feel

How did you feel tradutor Francês

608 parallel translation
How did you feel when they told you?
Qu "as-tu ressenti quand on te l" a dit?
How did you feel when you were presented with the Nobel Prize last year... for your contributions in the cause of brain surgery? Scared to death.
Qu'avez-vous ressenti en recevant le prix Nobel?
How did you feel feeding donuts to a horse?
Qu'est-ce qui vous a pris de donner des beignets à un cheval?
- How did you feel? Quick!
- Comment te sens-tu?
Tell me, muchacho, how did you feel when you were fighting that bull? Sort of gay.
Comment te sens-tu devant un taureau?
How did you feel about becoming a woman officially?
Ça t'a fait quoi de devenir officiellement une femme?
Tell me, how did you feel when he left you?
Qu'avez-vous ressenti quand il vous a quittée?
How did you feel when you got your first one?
Ça vous a fait quoi quand votre premier est né?
Brandon, how did you feel?
- Brandon, qu'as-tu ressenti?
How did you feel?
Qu'as-tu ressenti?
And after you shot him, how did you feel then?
Qu'est-ce que vous avez ressenti après?
- How did you feel -
- Qu'avez-vous ressenti -
How did you feel when you were facing certain death?
Qu'avez vous ressenti face à votre mort assurée?
How did you feel when they told you?
Qu'as-tu ressenti quand on te l'a dit?
Tell me... how did you feel today at the funeral?
Dis-moi... Qu'as-tu éprouvé à son enterrement?
How did you feel?
Que ressentais-tu?
Karen, how did you feel when you went across the border?
Karen, comment t'es-tu sentie quand tu as traversé la frontière?
And how did you feel yesterday evening?
Et hier soir?
How did you feel about that?
Qu'en pensez-vous?
How did you feel about going to Vietnam?
Aller au Viêt-Nam, ça vous dit?
How did you feel about what happened yesterday?
Qu'avez-vous ressenti, hier?
Perhaps you'd like to tell them- - How did you feel... actually being in the Beatles'hotel room?
Vous aimeriez peut-être leur dire ce que vous avez ressenti... en vous retrouvant dans la chambre d'hôtel des Beatles?
How did you feel about what I just did? - Why?
Qu'avez-vous ressenti quand j'ai fait ça?
- How did you feel?
- Qu'avez-vous ressenti?
How did you feel when you walked out on the committee?
Comment vous êtes-vous senti lorsque vous avez quitté le Comité?
how did you feel about that?
Et maintenant?
And how did that make you feel?
Je crois bien, mais Tuesday Weld, ça veut rien dire.
Did you have trouble finding us? - No. - How do you feel?
Tu ne t'es pas perdu?
Did you ever get to feel how good mud is?
Vous avez déjà senti combien la boue est bonne?
- How did it feel? - Oh, when you were drifting around on the ocean on a tiny raft for days and days. - When?
- Comment était-ce?
I don't know how you did it, but you made me feel about that big.
Je ne sais pas comment vous faites, mais je me sentais toute petite.
How did you feel?
Qu'avez-vous ressenti?
Did you tell her how you feel for her?
Lui as-tu dit ce que tu ressentais?
How friendly did you feel when Big Brains here ditched the car on your lawn and the police walked in Christmas Eve?
Avez-vous apprécié que ce gros malin laisse la voiture devant votre porte et que la police débarque à Noël?
How did it feel when you killed that man?
Ça t'a fait quoi de tuer cet homme?
But if you're looking for a time to avenge what I did... I will feel very therefore, Kid. But if you want, tell them how and where they want to fight.
Mais si tu viens pour un règlement de comptes... et ce serait regrettable... dis-moi où et comment.
How did your parents feel about you going out with Frank Borgmann?
Que pensaient vos parents du fait que vous sortiez avec Frank Borgmann?
How would you feel if you'd done what I did?
Comment je me sens, d'après vous, après ce que j'ai fait?
I did feel how important it was to you and you didn't say anything.
Je sentais que c'était important pour toi et tu n'as rien dit.
If you're trying to show me how small you feel because of what you did...
Vous vous sentez toute petite?
I meant, how did you personally feel about it?
Je voulais dire, qu'avez-vous éprouvé?
How do you feel now? I did not like what was done.
Comment vous sentez-vous?
How did it feel to you?
Qu'as-tu ressenti?
How did that make you feel?
Quel effet ça vous a fait?
And if I did not, then how remorseful you would feel after? .
Et si je te cédais, imagine tes remords après coup.
How did you feel? I got mad.
Tu t'es senti comment?
- How did it make you feel?
Toi, tu te sens bien?
Comment vous sentez-vous?
Isn't this the first time you've shot someone? How did it feel?
Quel carton, pourquoi ne pas avoir tiré dans le tas?
How did you feel about Jack?
Elizabeth, Elizabeth!
Could you say how long since...? Did you feel like a girl?
Tu peux me dire quand tu as eu l'impression... d'être une fille pour la dernière fois?

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