I called him tradutor Francês
2,220 parallel translation
I don't know. I called him a couple times.
Je l'ai appelé deux fois.
So I called him outside on his lunch break and I told him,
Alors là, à la pause de midi, je l'ai fait sortir et j'ai vidé mon sac.
I called him, I haven't heard back yet.
Je l'ai appelé, il ne m'a pas encore rappelée.
I called him "jibber." He was a talking walrus.
Je l'appelais "Jibber." C'était un morse qui parlait.
I called him and pretended to be you!
Je l'ai appelé en me faisant passer pour toi.
Do you think he'd be OK if I called him erm Stanley?
Vous croyez que ça ira si je l'appelle... Stanley?
Is he here yet? - I called him.
Je l'ai appelé.
Well, I called him on the way home to tell him that I would do it.
Je l'ai appelé en chemin pour lui dire que j'allais le faire.
Don't know why I called him.
- Pourquoi l'ai-je appelé?
Well, I called him...
- Je l'ai appelé.
- I called him.
- Je l'ai appelé.
i called him, he's on his way.
Je viens de l'appeller, il arrive.
I called him.
Je l'ai appelé.
That's what I called him.
Je l'appelais ainsi.
Just before Warren died, I called him, livid, about money missing from my account.
Avant que Warren meure, je l'ai appelé, livide, à propos d'argent qui avait disparu de mon compte.
I called him Anouar. The bearer of light...
Je l'ai appelé Anwar, "le porteur de lumière".
I called him that night.
Je l'ai appelé ce soir-là.
Je l'ai appelé tête de scrotum.
I called him three times.
Je l'ai appelé trois fois.
I think whatever Jake called me about, that's why Bahia killed him.
Quelle que soit la raison de l'appel de Jake, je pense que
I thought he was dead. They called him "the butcher," right?
- "Le Boucher", c'est ça?
The fbi just called. they found him.
- Le F.B.I. l'a trouvé.
He knows this because he called me and I told him we haven't got any beds.
Il le sait, car il m'a appelée, et que je le lui ai dit.
I'm supposed to meet with senator rudd at the harrison club tonight, but I was called away to new york for a meeting, and I was hoping you would entertain him.
Je suis censé rencontrer le sénateur Rudd au club Harrison ce soir, mais j'ai été appelé pour une réunion à New-York, et j'espérais que tu puisses le rencontrer.
( Erica ) ( high-pitched muttering ) ( whispers ) I can't believe you called him.
Je n'en reviens pas que tu l'aies appelé.
Sir, that I cannot and will not do. For a man who promises to be true to someone then betrays him may truly be called a traitor.
Monsieur, je ne peux faire cela ni ne le ferai, car quiconque promet fidélité à quelqu'un et le trahit, mérite justement d'être appelé traitre
Well, he may not have called because I never gave him her number.
Il ne l'a pas appelé car je ne lui ai pas donné son numéro.
I stepped out, and my wife called me about him.
- Oui. Je faisais un tour, mais ma femme m'a appelé à ce sujet.
His friends called him "Beaver," I assume because of his last name, which is Bouvier.
Ses amis l'appelaient "Beaver" [castor] je suppose à cause de son nom, qui est Bouvier.
He's not picking up his phone, and I've called him, like, a million times already.
Impossible de le joindre. Et je l'ai appelé environ un million de fois.
- Maybe I should have called him a cab.
- J'aurais dû lui appeler un taxi.
I called you and I told you to remove him!
Je t'ai appelé pour le mettre à l'abri!
Yes, I even called him.
Oui, et je lui ai téléphoné.
Your mom doesn't want him. She doesn't want a dog, so I called the guy and told him to pick him up.
Ta mère ne veut pas de chien, alors, j'ai demandé au mec de venir le prendre.
Plus, I already called and told him that you were dying to go out, { with him, so } have fun.
Je lui ai dit que tu en mourais d'envie. Éclate-toi.
I gave him a medium coffee'cause if you get the combo... it's the same price, and he called me an angel.
Je lui ai donné un café moyen car si vous prenez cette combinaison c'est le même prix, et il m'a dit que j'étais un ange.
This afternoon, I looked him in the eye and called him an honest man.
Cet après-midi, je l'ai regardé dans les yeux, et lui ai dit que c'est un homme honnête.
- I only called him a nancy boy.
- Je l'ai juste traitée de folle.
Oh, I called my agent and told him to pass on the play.
J'ai appelé mon agent, je ne jouerai pas dans cette pièce.
Ari, jeffrey tambor called 10 times To make sure I paired you with him and his sons.
Jeffrey Tambor a appelé 10 fois pour que tu sois avec lui et ses enfants.
I've called him 20 times.
- J'ai appelé 20 fois.
I called Jake, and I told him everything about who I am and how you spied on us.
J'ai dit à Jake que tu avais écouté notre conversation.
No, I haven't called him yet.
Non, je ne l'ai pas encore appelé.
He's called Gene, he sleeps in his room, he looks just like him, and I bet when he starts talking, he's gonna sound just like him, too.
Il s'appelle Gene, il dort dans sa chambre, il lui ressemble et quand il parlera, il aura la même voix, je parie.
I told him I was going to expose him. and have the wedding called off.
Je lui ai dit que j'allais tout raconter et annuler le mariage.
My mom was dying, she called the dad I never met, told him he had to step up.
Ma mère mourrante a appelé le père que je n'ai jamais vu pour qu'il s'implique.
So to get back at him I kind of called him a cradle robber.
Alors pour me venger, je l'ai appelé "dragueur de maternelle".
And when she filed against him, he showed up in court and he called her a... B-I-T-C-H.
Elle l'a poursuivi en justice et au procès, il l'a traitée de... s-a-l-o-p-e.
I ran after him, rushed back to Steve, checked his pulse, called an ambulance, and... here we are.
J'ai couru après lui, je suis revenu vers Steve, j'ai pris son pouls, appelé une ambulance et... Et voilà.
Would you prefer if I called the chief, asked him to get involved?
Vous préférez que j'appelle le chef, pour lui demander de s'en mêler?
I might have called him.
Je l'ai appelé.
i called it 59
i called you 172
i called 270
i called them 49
i called earlier 21
i called her 89
i called the police 46
i called the hospital 16
i called the cops 33
i called your office 21
i called you 172
i called 270
i called them 49
i called earlier 21
i called her 89
i called the police 46
i called the hospital 16
i called the cops 33
i called your office 21
i called dr 19
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him who 26
him or me 60
i call shotgun 25
i call her 23
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him who 26
him or me 60
i call shotgun 25
i call her 23