I promised him tradutor Francês
916 parallel translation
Now, I promised him that we'd put the show on.
Je lui ai promis que nous monterions le spectacle.
When he died, I promised him that I would marry Janos.
À sa mort, je lui ai promis que j'épouserais Janos.
I promised him if there were another war, I should try to stop it.
Mais je lui ai promis que j'essaierai d'empêcher ça.
- I promised him five dollars.
Je lui ai promis cinq dollars.
I promised him you'd go to a specialist about that giddiness.
Je lui ai promis que tu verrais un spécialiste.
When I told him what salary you made, he was a little worried but then I promised him you'd get a raise, and he felt better about it.
Quand je lui ai dit votre salaire, il a eu l'air soucieux, mais ma promesse que vous seriez augmentee l'a rassure.
I promised him I'd stay here for two weeks.
Je lui ai promis de rester deux semaines.
I promised him I'd wait for him.
Je lui ai promis De l'attendre
The cab is still waiting out in front... and the driver was so nice to me that I promised him, if
J'ai promis au cocher... Je sais!
He's not interested in the survey, and I promised him he wouldn't be bothered.
Ça ne l'intéresse pas et j'ai promis qu'on ne l'embêterait pas.
- I promised him I'd finish rigging tomorrow.
Je lui ai promis de finir le gréement demain.
I promised him I wouldn't. Thanks for the trust.
- Merci pour la confiance.
He was a Iittle worried at first... but I promised him I'd try to get you a raise.
Il a d'abord eu l'air inquiet mais je lui ai promis que j'essaierais de vous augmenter.
There is no school tomorrow, I promised to take him to the restaurant.
Il a pas école demain je pourrais l'emmener au restaurant.
I can't figure a guy walking back into this... just because they promised to spring him in 90 days.
Je n'arrive pas à imaginer qu'un mec revienne ici juste parce qu'on lui a promis de le libérer dans 90 jours.
Of course, I forgot. I promised Charlie I'd meet him at the dance.
J'ai oublié que j'ai promis à Charlie de le rencontrer à la danse.
You are very fortunate in having Captain Harvey for a protector, as I have promised to return him alive.
Vous avez de la chance de l'avoir pour protecteur. J'ai promis de le rendre en vie.
He was tossing the last night I saw him. Has he promised to give up drinking?
Il tanguait sacrément l'autre soir.
Yeah. I promised to meet him at 12 : 30.
Je devais le rejoindre.
He promised to be good, so I brought him down to the party.
II a promis d'être sage, donc je l'ai emmené à la fête.
I really promised this dance to the Duke of Riverbotham... but as the old fogy isn't here, we'll let him wait.
Enfin, je l'ai promise au duc de Riverbotham, mais comme ce vieux croulant n'est pas là, il attendra.
I promised I'd marry him.
Mon amoureux! Je lui ai donné ma parole.
Yeah. I promised I'd date her up for Beezy till Christmas, to save her for him.
J'ai promis à Beezy de sortir avec jusqu'à Noël, pour lui garder.
I gave Peter Dugan $ 1 2 out of my bank account for a down payment on a car and promised to give him the remaining $ 8 by the 23rd.
J'ai donné à Peter Dugan 12 $ comme acompte pour une voiture... et j'ai promis de lui donner les 8 $ restants avant le 23.
I promised Mr. Smirnoff we'd hear him read the part of the father. Thank you, Mr. Davis.
Je lui ai promis de l'auditionner dans le rôle du père.
If only I hadn't promised Ashley. If only I hadn't promised him!
Si seulement je n'avais pas promis à Ashley!
Better send for the headmaster. I promised to let him know.
Envoyez chercher Ie Directeur.
I saw Dick give that girl a ring, and she promised to marry him.
J'ai vu Dick lui donner une bague, et elle a promis de l'épouser.
I promised Taylor if his brother identifies the men who drove into the garage and agrees to stand as witness for us, we'll drop all charges against him.
J'ai promis à Taylor que si son frère identifiait ceux du garage et acceptait de témoigner pour nous, nous abandonnerions les poursuites.
He promised me he would if I got you there. I was dumb to believe him.
Il me l'avait promis et j'ai été assez idiote pour le croire.
- I'd promised the morning to him, it seems.
Il dit que je lui avais réservé ma matinée.
Violet promised me she'd sweep him out of the house with the trash while I was getting you from the station.
Violet m'a promis de le jeter d'ici avec les ordures, le temps que je vienne vous chercher.
They promised me L500 if I'd help them, and I did. Then we found out that Joel Cairo intended to desert us taking the falcon with him and leaving Floyd and me nothing so we did exactly that to him.
Ils m'ont promis 500 livres et on a découvert que Cairo essayait de nous doubler, Floyd et moi.
I promised to meet him.
J'avais promis de le retrouver.
I promised to knock his head off if I caught him making a nuisance of himself.
J'ai promis de le rosser s'il jouait les importuns.
I promised Daniel I'd keep him company while he drove.
J'ai promis à Daniel de lui tenir compagnie.
I have promised Mr Petersen that you would conduct your enquiry without having to put him through any interrogations, or searches which would be both useless and disturbing to him.
J'ai promis à M. Petersen que vous mènerez votre enquête sans qu'il soit importuné par des interrogatoires, des perquisitions qui ne seraient être que vexatoires et inutiles.
I promised to drive him to the train.
Je l'accompagne au train.
I called him on it. He promised to cough up.
Quand je lui ai dit, il a promis de le rendre.
Frank's road fever wasn't very serious. He forgot about it as soon as I promised you'd pay him $ 3.00 more a week.
Je lui ai promis... une augmentation de 3 dollars par semaine.
I promised Count de Guyon that I'd go dog sledding with him.
J'ai promis au Comte de Guyon d'aller faire du traîneau à chiens avec lui. Non.
I have promised to marry him, to stay by him no matter what comes.
J'ai promis de l'épouser, de l'appuyer quoi qu'il arrive.
I privately promised him that I would make it my business to see there was room for him.
Je lui promis, en moi-même, de veiller à ce qu'il ait sa place.
I promised it to him once.
C'est une vieille promesse.
I've promised a certain party to buy him.
J'ai promis à une certaine personne de l'acheter.
Couldn't go on with the play or anything else until I promised to marry him.
Il ne pouvait continuer tant que je n'avais pas promis de l'épouser.
I promised I'd look at him well and make a report to you.
J'ai promis de bien veiller sur lui et de vous en informer.
I promised my uncle some time with him during my vacation.
J'ai promis à mon oncle de passer mes vacances avec lui. Parfait!
But since I promised to write to him...
Mais puisqu il est parti et que j'ai promis de lui écrire...
I could hardly permit him to fall into the hands of the law... having promised myself the pleasure of killing him personally.
Je ne pouvais le laisser arrêter, après cela. Je me suis juré de le tuer de ma propre main.
I promised him.
Je lui ai promis.
i promised myself 21
i promised you 42
i promised her 30
i promised 121
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
i promised you 42
i promised her 30
i promised 121
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60