It worked for me tradutor Francês
243 parallel translation
It worked for me.
Il s'ouvre avec moi.
It worked for me.
II travaillait pour moi.
Well, it worked for me.
Ca a marché, sur moi.
"It worked for me It'll work for you"
Ça marche pour moi Ça marchera pour vous
It worked for me.
Ça marchait pour moi.
I can only tell you it worked for me.
Tout ce que je peux te dire, c'est que ça a marché pour moi.
It worked for me once.
Je l'ai déjà fait.
- It worked for me.
En effet.
Well, I worked on until about half past 3, or maybe a quarter to 4 it was when Charlie Corrigan come in and said Dave was out of prison after being on a hunger strike for 18 days.
J'ai travaillé jusque vers 15 h 30. Là, Corrigan me dit que son frère est libre après 18 jours de grève de la faim, et qu'il est là.
While I worked on it, my mother sent for me. My chisel slipped.
Quand ma mère m'a appelée... le burin a glissé.
I would have worked for her. I would have washed, ironed, scrubbed, done everything she wanted of me, whether she paid me for it or not.
J'aurais travaillé pour elle, lavé, repassé, récuré, fait n'importe quoi pour elle!
It worked miracles for me.
Ça a été comme un miracle.
It was he told me what to do. Worked with me for months.
Il m'a guidée, on a travaillé pendant des mois.
You're the only man who ever worked for me... who could get me to do what he wanted and make it seem like a favor to me.
Vous êtes le seul de mes employés à m'avoir fait faire ce qu'il voulait en disant qu'il me rendait service.
You know, if it had worked out I was gonna ask you to let me have Ted for the Pacific.
Si ça avait marché, j'allais te demander de me laisser Ted pour le Pacifique.
Ever since I first set eyes on West Point... ever since I first saw the young men of the corps... Sure you told me I was a silly woman for talking about it, but... if our son should be born here... where you've worked so hard... After the time we've waited, after what the doctor told you... it's enough for me that we're having a child at all.
Depuis que j'ai vu West Point... dès que j'ai vu ces hommes jeunes... tu m'as dit que c'était idiot d'en parler, mais... si notre fils naît ici... où tu as travaillé si dur... après avoir tant patienté, après ce qu'a dit le docteur... attendre cet enfant me suffit.
you and me worked for Lew Agry for nigh on a year and though I don't guess we was ever real buddies, I'm sorry it was me
Toi et moi, on a travaillé pour Lew Agry pendant presque un an, et même si on peut pas dire qu'on était vraiment amis, je suis désolé d'avoir dû te buter.
I've been behind this desk for over 30 years now, Gil and I've worked hard at it, and I've got a lot to show for it.
Je me tiens derrière ce bureau depuis plus de 30 ans. J'ai travaillé dur. Je peux voir les résultats.
For you, maybe. Not so much for me. It worked for me.
Je suis seule, dans ma grande maison vide, comme quand tu m'auras pris ma fille.
I worked for the service for 18 years, then they kicked me out as if it had been 18 minutes.
J'ai travaillé pour eux pendant 18 ans, ils m'ont viré comme si ça faisait 18 minutes.
I didn't get dough handed to me because of my good cheekbones, I worked for it.
Je n'ai pas été façonnée à cause de mes belles fossettes. J'ai travaillé pour ça.
I worked for productivity, I increased output, increased it!
J'augmentais la productivité. Je me crevais au boulot!
Couldn't have been luckier for me how it worked out, when you think of it.
Tout s'est drôlement bien goupillé, quand on y pense.
And so it came to me why you worked like a slave to make me ready for this scholarship.
J'ai réalisé pourquoi vous aviez travaillé telle une forcenée à me préparer pour cette bourse.
Now, for example, I'd developed this - Well, I got this idea which I... Now, it was very appealing to me at the time, you know... which was that I would have a flag, a large flag... and that wherever I worked, this flag would fly.
Par exemple, il m'était venu l'envie d'avoir un fanion, un grand fanion qui flotterait où que je sois.
You'll say I should have worked it out for myself.
Tu me diras... J'avais qu'à comprendre toute seule.
And it's really worked out very well for me.
Et ca a très bien marché.
It all worked out very neatly... except for me, the odd man out.
Sauf pour moi. Le vilain petit canard.
That someone can steal everything that I've worked so hard for since I was 14 years old, and there's nothing I can do about it?
On peut me voler tout ce que j'ai gagné en travaillant dur depuis l'âge de 14 ans et je ne peux rien faire?
I mean, if your life hasn't worked out, stop blaming me for it.
Ce n'est pas de ma faute si ta vie n'est pas une réussite.
I worked my ass off to make a better future for Rita... and she's throwing it away because of you, you piece of shit!
Je me suis cassé le cul pour offrir un avenir à Rita, et elle le gâche à cause de toi, connard!
All of the things that I've worked for... school, my science projects... getting into the Academy... I've done it all because I want you to be proud of me.
Tous les projets sur lesquels j'ai travaillé l'école mes projets scientifiques entrer à Starfleet Academy j'ai fait tout cela pour que vous soyez fier de moi.
It's everything I worked for. I need you to help me out.
Je ne travaille que pour ça.
I spend the whole week psyching myself up for this party... and I've got it worked out in my head.
Je passe toute la semaine a me préparer mentalement pour le diner... et tout est organisé dans ma téte.
You know, I've used this position before, many times, and it has always worked very effectively for me.
J'ai déjà pratiqué cette position et elle a toujours très bien marché.
Of course, it has not worked out well for me. It has not been great and... A few weeks after Jack and Sally split...
Bien sûr, ça n'a pas bien tourné pour moi... Quelques semaines après la séparation de Jack et Sally lui et moi on se parlait peu, parce que... je le trouvais fuyant.
I worked in America for ten years and what did it get me?
J'ai travaillé en Amérique pendant 10 ans. Pour quoi? Pour rien.
Remind me of how it worked for Lupe, last seen with her head in the toilet.
Rappelle-moi comment cela a marché pour Lupe dont sa dernière image fût sa tête dans les toilettes.
What kills me is however much I spent on writers and coaches... it hasn't worked for you, Tommy.
Avec tous les auteurs et les répétiteurs que je t'ai payés, tu n'as pas réussi.
You know, it's funny, but none of your techniques worked for me.
C'est curieux, mais ta technique n'a pas marché.
I worked very hard for that reputation, so don't do it.
J'ai ramé pour l'obtenir. Alors me déçois pas, d'accord?
- Paul, listen to me. It would have never worked for me.
On veut des choses opposées!
I've worked out it will cost me at least four times as much to pay freight and customs for Baddi's TV than to do what I always do : just buy what I'm told.
J'ai calculé, ça me coûtera 4 fois plus en frais de transport pour la TV de Baddi, que de faire comme toujours :
I've worked too hard for this delivery to have Coburn anywhere near it.
Je me suis trop battue pour ce bébé pour supporter sa présence ici.
If it worked for him, it could work for me.
Si je le gardais?
Well, I fucking worked my fucking ass off to get to New York City, and you sure as fuck are not gonna fucking blow it for me!
Je me suis cassé le cul pour bosser à New York! Et putain, vous n'allez pas tout faire foirer!
I worked for it before... You can wire me what you owe me
Vous pouvez bien m'envoyer un mandat.
I worked for it. Now I need it It's simple.
Il me faut cet argent.
You tell me, can you stand by and watch everything you've worked for die right before your eyes knowing you could have done something to stop it?
Aimeriez-vous voir tout ce pourquoi vous avez lutté... s'effondrer sous vos yeux, sachant que vous auriez pu empêcher ça?
I figured it always worked for you, Londo.
Je me suis dit que comme ça marchait toujours pour vous...
Hey, it worked out great for me, McDermott.
Moi, ça m'a bien servi.
it worked 1260
it worked out 27
for me 3075
for men 33
for me too 49
it wouldn't matter 49
it works 619
it works for me 42
it won't work 371
it won't take long 230
it worked out 27
for me 3075
for men 33
for me too 49
it wouldn't matter 49
it works 619
it works for me 42
it won't work 371
it won't take long 230
it won't matter 76
it won't happen again 518
it won't last 65
it would be nice 40
it won't last long 21
it won't start 41
it won't hurt you 22
it would have been 21
it would be great 34
it won't be easy 142
it won't happen again 518
it won't last 65
it would be nice 40
it won't last long 21
it won't start 41
it won't hurt you 22
it would have been 21
it would be great 34
it won't be easy 142