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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / It would be great

It would be great tradutor Francês

843 parallel translation
- Oh, no. It would be great to cut out the finals entirely.
Ce serait une bonne idée de supprimer les examens finaux.
It would be great!
Ce serait merveilleux!
Because no one feels the way I do. And it would be great to find a person...
Je me dis que ce serait vraiment formidable de trouver une personne... qui se sente aussi seule que moi.
It would be great not to break a cup every time I wash up, but I don't see what's that got to do with security.
Je vais casser toutes les tasses. - En quoi cela nous concerne-t-il? - La poterie n'est que de la boue.
Great. It would be great.
- Ce serait incroyable!
It would be great eh?
Ce serait chouette.
It would be great to move around in a place like that.
Ce serait génial de tourner dans un tel endroit.
- It would be great in that square!
- Regardez, ce serait pas mal dans ce parc.
It would be great publicity.
Il nous ferait de la publicité.
Obviously, it would be great.
Évidemment, ce serait magnifique.
Because it would be a great comfort to him to know he was leaving it to her, to know that she was being taken care of.
Il serait réconforté de la savoir nantie. Et en sécurité.
In one way it's not important, as you and Dad have provided for me, but it would be a great honor.
Pour moi, ça n'a aucune importance d'être major, ma situation est toute faite grâce à papa et à toi, mais ce serait un grand honneur.
It would be a great innovation if your mind... could stretch further than the next wisecrack.
Vous devriez élargir vos idées au-delà de vulgaires quolibets.
Yes, it would be a great pity if you hadn't any money.
Cela aurait été dommage que vous n'ayez pas eu d'argent.
It would be a great chance for her. Chance?
- Laisse-la saisir sa chance.
That's what I thought... such a pretty girl with great personality it would be a shame not to keep
C'est ce que je pensais... une si jolie fille avec beaucoup de personnalité ce serait dommage de ne pas la garder
Dora, if you can manage to control yourself long enough to get Miss Dee dressed it would be a great help.
Si vous pouviez vous dominer pour aller habiller Miss Dee, ce serait d'une grande aide.
But, Mr. Joyce from my study of the case, I believe that if my friend could be induced to deliver the letter into our hands, it would save- - lt would save a great deal of trouble.
Si je pouvais persuader mon ami de nous remettre cette lettre, cela nous éviterait de grands ennuis.
It is suggested that a warm drink in a thermos... would be of great comfort to small children... who might have to be awakened at an unusual hour.
Pour les tout petits, un thermos de boisson chaude, car on risque de les réveiller!
Naturally, I told him what a great piece of luck it would be... and I told him about the things he could buy with gold. Like the airplanes.
Je lui ai dit... qu'avec de l'or, il pourrait acheter un avion.
Your affection means a great deal to me and now that I've lost the chance for ever, I want you all to know how much it would have meant to me to be Mayor, or the City Clerk or the Assistant City Clerk or the dog-catcher of this town, which is my grandfather's farm.
Votre affection compte beaucoup pour moi, et maintenant que l'occasion est passée et ne reviendra pas, je tiens à vous dire combien aurait signifier à mes yeux devenir maire, ou secrétaire municipal, ou assistant secrétaire, ou ramasseur d'animaux
But if some crime did break, it would be a wonderful chance for him to show his father what a great detective he is.
Mais s'il y a un crime, il pourra prouver à son père ses dons de détective.
On the other hand, if somebody was to get a great artist like Emily Edwards to introduce it with the band on the radio this man's fortune would be made, and his genius preserved for posterity.
Mais si une artiste telle qu'Emily Edwards la chantait à la radio, sa fortune serait faite, et son génie préservé pour l'éternité.
- Well... It would be a great relief to ask you several, were it not forbidden.
En effet, M. Jaggers, si ce n'est pas interdit.
It would be a great pleasure if you'd have dinner with me tonight.
Oui? Ce serait un vrai honneur de dîner avec vous, ce soir.
You can joke about it. A beach like that would be great for car races.
- Cette plage serait super pour les courses.
It would be of great use to learned man of medicine such as myself.
II serait fort utile à un savant de Ia médecine tel que moi.
Was it possible that he would be a part of a great battle in a great war?
Il livrerait une grande bataille dans une grande guerre.
- It would be a great honor.
Bonne chance.
It would be a great honor, sir, if you'd let me.
Ce serait un grand honneur, Monsieur, si vous me permettiez.
Oh. It would be a great help, Flo.
Oh, cela nous rendrait un fier service, Flo.
It would be a great mistake.
Ce serait une très grande faute.
That would be great, wouldn't it?
Ah oui? Ça serait extra.
It's a great gimmick. Any of these models would be alright.
Un de ces modèles fera l'affaire.
I know it would be a great story. Page one.
Ça ferait un bel article en première page :
- La production de masse.
Besides, you'd be wearing sunglasses all the year round, and no one would see the color of your eyes. - It would be a very great pity.
De plus, vous devrez porter des lunettes de soleil toute l'année et personne ne pourra voir la couleur de vos yeux, et ce serait vraiment dommage.
He made a great error in going along with the Nazi movement, hoping it would be good for his country.
Il a commis une grave erreur en s'alliant avec le parti nazi dans l'espoir que cela profite à son pays.
Well, it would be a great favor.
Eh bien, ce serait une grande faveur.
Now, I've made a list here and I'd appreciate it if you would... He's gonna be a great ball player if he gets more control... over where that ball goes.
Ce sera un excellent joueur, s'il apprend à se maîtriser.
How great would it be to incriminate a bailiff?
inculper un huissier, ce serait trop beau, mais ça il faut pas y compter
It would be a great help if you were on hand to answer any difficult questions that crop up.
Vous seriez d'une grande aide si vous étiez là pour répondre aux questions épineuses qui se poseront.
To think how great it would be to walk in that wind... or to run out of houses to see where the blue patch got to.
Ce serait génial de marcher dans ce vent, de courir autour des maisons pour retrouver l'oiseau.
The study of it would be of great use, Captain.
Il serait fort intéressant de l'étudier, capitaine.
If Shigetomo made the statue, it would be another story, but this is too great an honor for an unknown youth.
Si Shigetomo avait fait la statue, ce serait une autre histoire, mais c'est un trop grand honneur pour un jeune inconnu.
It would be a great prize.
Ce serait un beau trophée.
It would be a great achievement for me to bring home the Enterprise intact.
Ce serait une grande victoire pour moi de ramener l'Enterprise.
It sure would be great to have more money.
Avoir plus d'argent, ce serait beau.
It would be a great tragedy if these boys do not live.
Ce serait une grande tragédie si ces enfants ne vivaient pas.
A great insecurity with small islands of safety, it would be better, not?
Une grande insécurité avec des îlots de sécurité, ce serait mieux, non?
Why, if it had not been for Zira here, he would still be here, a stuffed specimen in the great hall of the Zaius Museum with his two friends.
Sans l'insistance de Zira, il serait toujours ici, empaillé dans le hall du musée Zaius avec ses deux amis.

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