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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ L ] / Let's have dinner

Let's have dinner tradutor Francês

264 parallel translation
Let's have dinner together.
Dînons ensemble.
All right. Come ahead, Paul. Let's have some dinner.
Allez, Paul, allons dîner.
I have an idea. Let's have dinner tonight.
Faisons comme ça... ce soir, on va dîner ensemble.
Let's have Chinch play for us after dinner.
Et si elle nous jouait un morceau après le dîner?
Go on up and slave, only let's have dinner together tonight for a change.
Va t'épuiser au travail. Mais dînons ensemble, pour une fois.
- Well, let's have dinner first.
- Dînons avant.
Let's go and have some dinner, hmm?
Allons prendre une bouchée, hein?
- Let's have dinner without him.
- On dîne sans lui?
- Let's have a game after dinner. - With ya.
On joue après dîner?
Now let's have dinner.
Maintenant, allons dîner.
And if you want to have it a pleasant dinner, let's get our harsh words over with now.
Si tu veux avoir un souper agréable, engueulons-nous immédiatement.
Let's have dinner at my place.
Allons diner chez moi.
Darling, let's have dinner at home tonight, just the two of us.
Ma chérie, dînons à la maison, ce soir, en tête-à-tête.
Well, let's give him the money and have our dinner.
Donnons-lui l'argent puis allons dîner.
Let's have dinner and talk it over. "
Parlons-en en dînant. "
I'll tell you what. Let's have an early dinner and take in a movie, huh?
Si on dînait tôt et qu'on allait au cinéma, hein?
Come on, let's have dinner, I'll talk to you about it.
Allons dîner.
Dad, we have dinner at Victor, so let's go to the Congo...
Père, nous avons le dîner à Victor, nous allons au Congo...
Let's get your little girls and have dinner.
Allez chercher vos deux petites et allons dîner.
Let's have a light dinner tonight.
Pour le repas de ce soir, faites quelque chose de plus léger.
We've got to go through London so let's have a darn good dinner a bottle of wine, a musical with lots of dazzling girls and... and the night train back.
Allons à Londres nous payer un bon dîner une bouteille de vin, un spectacle avec plein de jolies filles et... et le train de nuit pour rentrer.
Let's have dinner tonight. Can you?
Viens dîner ce soir.
Let's have some dinner.
Come on. Now. Let's go and have dinner in Merced.
Et si on allait dîner à Merced?
We'll skin them, and let's have'em for dinner.
On va leur enlever la peau, on les mangera ce soir.
- I'll tell you what, let's have dinner and we can try another countdown.
- Ecoute, allons dîner ce soir et tenter un nouveau compte à rebours.
Let's have dinner and then start searching!
Allons déjeuner! Nous les chercherons après!
Let's have dinner tonight.
Dînons ensemble ce soir.
If you're not doing anything tomorrow night, how about let's have dinner?
Si on dTnait ensemble demain soir?
- Let's have dinner tonight!
- Nous dinons ensemble ce soir!
Listen let's have a wonderful dinner out tonight.
Oui, écoute... Allons dans un grand restaurant.
- Let's have dinner Friday.
- Vendredi soir, on dîne ensemble.
Let's have dinner and talk about it.
Parlons-en autour d'un dîner.
Let's have dinner tomorrow.
- Dînons ensemble.
Let's stay at the Ritz in Cannes and have caviar for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Nous resterions au Ritz à Cannes et mangerions du caviar matin. midi et soir.
- Then, let's have dinner together.
- Alors, on dîne ensemble.
- Let's have dinner soon.
- On pourrait arranger un dîner.
- Let's have that dinner, shall we?
- On dîne ensemble, bientôt? - La semaine prochaine.
Let's have a quick dinner.
Dînons à la hâte.
Li Sheng, let's have dinner now
- Li Sheng... - Oui. - Tu peux servir.
Louise is holding dinner for me, so let's have it.
Louise m'attend pour dîner, allons droit au but.
Let's have dinner.
Si nous mangions!
Let's have dinner in my suite tonight.
Dînons dans ma suite ce soir.
If you like him, let's have him over to dinner.
Si tu l'aimes bien, invite-le à dîner.
Come on, let s all have dinner together!
Venez, nous allons dîner ensemble.
Look, some night let's have dinner.
Dînons ensemble un soir.
Let's have dinner some night.
Dînons ensemble un soir.
I've got an excellent suggestion, let's have dinner.
Dès qu'on ouvre la bouche, on se fait mal. J'ai une idée.
Let's all have dinner someplace.
Sortons tous dîner ensemble.
Let's have dinner. What?
Si on dînait... comment?
Let's have dinner.
Allons dîner.

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