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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ L ] / Look at this stuff

Look at this stuff tradutor Francês

257 parallel translation
Wanna look at this stuff? No.
Tu veux voir?
Duffy, look at this stuff.
Duffy, regarde-moi ça.
- Look at this stuff.
- Regarde ce truc.
Look at this stuff.
Look at this stuff.
Regardez-moi ça.
Look here, look at this stuff, look!
Regarde! Tu la vois ta cadence! Quel exploit!
Just look at this stuff.
Regardez-moi ça.
Look at this stuff. Chicks in New York paying top dollar for this garbage.
Les nanas à New York payent un paquet pour ces horreurs.
Look at this stuff floating around here.
Regardez ces trucs qui flottent dans l'air.
I mean, look at this stuff that we have. Look at this skirt...
Regarde ce truc, regarde cette jupe!
Look at this stuff.
Regardez ça.
Look at this stuff.
Regarde-moi tout ça.
Now look at this stuff. You don't want to lug around a lot of hardware.
Vous ne voulez pas transporter trop de quincaillerie.
Would you look at this stuff!
Tu as vu ce matériel?
- Look at this stuff.
- Regarde ça.
Look at this stuff!
Regarde! Tout ça!
Look at this stuff.
Vise-moi ce fourbi.
Chief, look, before you make any decisions you've gotta look at this stuff.
Patron, écoutez, avant que vous preniez une décision, vous devez jeter un œil à ça.
♪ Look at this stuff ♪ Isn't it neat?
Tous ces secrets que j'ai gardés
Look at this stuff.
Regardez autour de vous.
Look at this stuff - "Goodfellas,"
Regardez ça, "Les Affranchis", "Casino",
Professor, come and take a look at this stuff.
il a des allergies? Professeur, venez voir ça.
Hold it, take a look at this stuff.
- Attends, regarde..
Look at this stuff.
Regarde-moi ça.
All axes supported. Look at this stuff.
Tous les axes sont renforcés!
Here. Take a look at this stuff. I paid all these bills.
T'es bon en maths, tu veux bien y jeter un œil?
Look at all this stuff we've got to fill in.
Regarde ce qu'il nous faut remplir.
Someone's been saving up for a rainy day. Look at all this stuff.
Regarde-moi tout ça.
All this stuff. It grows while you look at it.
Toutes ces plantes poussent aussi vite qu'on les regarde.
No wonder this thing died! Look at the kind of stuff it ate.
semble en transe pour ce monologue.
Here we are. Look at this stuff!
On y est.
Look at all this stuff.
Regardez-moi ce bordel.
Don't you dare look at stuff like this!
Quoi? Je ne veux pas vous voir avec des trucs comme ça.
Look at all this stuff.
Regarde tout ça.
Look at this. I didn't know Dad had all this stuff up here.
Je savais pas que papa avait tous ces trucs ici.
I mean, look at all this stuff.
- Je ne sais pas. Regardez tout ça.
Will you look at this stuff?
Regarde-moi ça.
Look at all this stuff.
Tous ces trucs.
Look at all this stuff!
Regarde toute cette bouffe!
Look at all this stuff.
Regarde-moi tous ces trucs.
Jesus, look at all this stuff.
Bon sang, regarde-moi tous ces trucs.
Look at all this stuff we've bought.
Regarde tout ce qu'on a acheté!
Look at all this stuff.
Regardez-moi tout ça!
Marge, look at all this great stuff I found at the marina!
T'as vu ce que j'ai trouvé à la marina?
Look at all this great stuff, Lis.
Regarde tout ces trucs géniaux, Lis.
Look at all this stuff.
Regarde ça.
I've been getting free stuff all day. Look at this swell bucket of house paint.
Comme cette boîte de peinture.
Look at all this. All this cool school stuff of mine.
Tous mes super trucs d'école!
Man, look at all this stuff.
Ça craint. Vise un peu cette liste.
Hey, guys. Look at all this stuff.
Regardez tout ça.
Look at all this stuff. A knife blade, a saw, a screwdriver.
Regarde, un couteau, une scie, un tournevis.

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