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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ M ] / Minutes and counting

Minutes and counting tradutor Francês

147 parallel translation
T minus 100 minutes and counting.
H moins 100 minutes, et le compte à rebours continue.
Launch time is now T minus 19 minutes and counting.
L'heure du lancement est maintenant H moins 19 minutes, et on continue.
We now have T minus seven minutes and counting.
Nous avons maintenant H moins sept minutes, et on continue.
T minus 20 minutes and counting.
H moins 20 minutes.
T minus 15 minutes and counting.
- H moins 15 minutes.
T minus 13 minutes and counting.
H moins 13 minutes.
T minus eight minutes and counting.
H moins huit minutes.
This is launch control at T-minus two minutes and counting.
Ici PC lancement. À - 2 mn, le décompte continue.
Ten minutes and counting!
Moins dix minutes.
Nine minutes and counting.
Moins neuf minutes.
Eight minutes and counting.
Moins huit minutes.
Seven minutes and counting.
Moins sept minutes.
Six minutes and counting.
Moins six minutes.
Five minutes and counting.
Moins cinq minutes.
Four minutes and counting.
Moins quatre minutes.
Three minutes and counting.
Moins trois minutes.
Two minutes and counting.
Moins deux minutes.
Three minutes and counting.
Trois minutes au compte à rebours.
You have two and a half minutes and counting.
Il vous reste deux minutes et demie.
Fifty minutes and counting.
50 minutes et le décompte a commencé.
He said that they were locked in... fifty minutes and counting... to shoot off their nuclear wad.
Il a dit que c'était trop tard, en moins de 50 minutes... pour lancer leurs armes nucléaires,
Ten minutes and counting.
Dix minutes.
Come on, 17 minutes and counting.
Allez, il reste 17 minutes.
Three minutes and counting.
Compte à rebours à 3 minutes.
T minus three minutes and counting.
Trois minutes avant le départ.
T minus two minutes and counting.
Deux minutes avant le lancement.
Conn, Weapons, estimated time to missile launch, three minutes and counting, sir.
Estimation délai avant tir : 3 minutes. Compte à rebours.
- Three minutes and counting! - Yes, sir.
- Oui, Monsieur.
Next shuttle lift-off is scheduled for T-minus 30 minutes and counting.
Prochain décollage prévu... dansHmoins30'.
We are now at T-minus 20 minutes and counting. I have enough to do this.
J'ai ce qu'il faut.
- 300 minutes and counting.
- 300 minutes.
Houston, Texas. ETA, six minutes and counting down.
6 minutes.
Subterranean nuclear detonation in three minutes and counting.
Explosion souterraine dans 3 minutes, compte à rebours.
The countdown is now four minutes, 30 seconds and counting.
Le compte à rebours en est à 4 mn 30 s.
T minus 35 minutes and counting.
H moins 35 minutes.
The countdown is now at 56 minutes and 34 seconds and counting.
Le compte à rebours en est à 56 min, 34 sec.
- Minus four minutes and counting
Moins 4 minutes
The countdown is at T minus thirty-three minutes, ten seconds and counting.
Le compte à rebours commencera dans 33 minutes, 10 secondes.
Sammy, liftoff's at 0-4-0 and counting.
Sam, décollage dans 40 minutes.
Two minutes, 30 seconds and counting.
2 minutes, 30 secondes.
Two minutes, 15 seconds and counting.
2 minutes, 15 secondes.
And counting down from three hours, six minutes.
Compte à rebours : trois heures, six minutes.
Forty-two minutes. And counting.
Quarante-deux minutes.
Fifty minutes and counting.
– Oui, oui.
- Eight minutes, 20 seconds and counting.
8 minutes et 20 secondes restantes.
Self-destruct in eight minutes, 10 seconds and counting.
Autodestruction dans 8 minutes et 10 secondes.
Two minutes to self-destruct and counting. - So, I'll have the Captain's mind?
- Alors, l'esprit du capitaine sera dans mon corps?
One minute, 50 seconds and counting.
Plus que 3 minutes et 50 secondes.
Plus que 22 minutes.
T-minus three minutes till liftoff and counting.
Décollage dans 3 mn. Compte à rebours enclenché.
Two minutes and counting.
Nous sommes à deux minutes du lancement.

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