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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ N ] / Not until tomorrow

Not until tomorrow tradutor Francês

238 parallel translation
At least, not until tomorrow morning.
Du moins, pas avant demain matin.
- Not until tomorrow morning.
- Pas avant demain matin.
At least not until tomorrow night.
En tout cas, pas avant demain soir.
That's not until tomorrow, after the wedding.
Idiot! Tu ne Ie prononceras que demain!
Not until tomorrow if I'm lucky.
Si j'ai de la chance, pas avant demain.
But the ceremony's not until tomorrow.
- La cérémonie a lieu demain matin.
Not until tomorrow.
Pas avant demain.
It was not until tomorrow morning.
Il faut attendre demain matin.
Well, sir, tell my servant not to get the horses until tomorrow.
Mon cher frere, dites a mon cocher de n'atteler que demain!
But I'm not going to give her the ring until tomorrow.
"Mais je ne lui donnerai la bague que demain."
You are one of the musicians? But you were not due until tomorrow.
Vous êtes l'un des musiciens, mais je ne vous attendais pas avant demain.
The minute I see Oliver, I'm going back to my hotel... and pop myself into bed, and I'm not going to get up until tomorrow at noon.
Dès que j'aurai vu Oliver, je rentre à l'hôtel me coucher jusqu'à demain midi!
She's not due until tomorrow.
Il n'arrive que demain.
Give this letter to Mother... but not until the day after tomorrow.
Encore une chose... Remets cette lettre à maman.
No, not until tomorrow.
Pas avant demain.
"Let it go until tomorrow." Not you, Charlie.
Pas vous, Charlie.
Mr. Wiggam, will you please inform that woman... that this house does not become her property until tomorrow.
M. Wiggam, pourriez-vous, s'il vous plaît, informer cette femme... que cette maison ne lui appartiendra pas avant demain.
He's locked in his bedroom with his bible and some bread and cheese he'll not be let out until tomorrow morning.
Il est en pénitence jusqu'à demain.
I'm christabel caine. But you're not coming until tomorrow.
Vous deviez venir demain...
I mean, you're not expected until tomorrow.
On ne vous attendait que demain.
He's not finished until six. Maybe tomorrow.
- J'arrange ça pour demain matin.
- Couldn't it wait until tomorrow? - No, it could not.
- Cela ne peut pas attendre demain?
Not today. No more trains until tomorrow.
Il n'y a plus de trains avant demain.
I would gladly pay you in advance, but I will not get the money until tomorrow.
J'aimerais te payer d'avance mais j'aurai pas le fric avant demain.
Until tomorrow, Notre Dame is not a place of worship.
Jusqu'a demain, Notre-Dame n'est plus un lieu de prière.
But why not wait until tomorrow Saturday?
Mais pourquoi ne pas attendre demain, demain c'est samedi?
- I'm stuck here until tomorrow? - Not necessarily.
Ça veut dire que je vous tiens compagnie jusqu'à demain?
Now, look, you're not sailing until tomorrow, so we can spend the evening together... and I'll tell you all about how I used to beat up my dad when I was a kid.
Tu ne prends le bateau que demain, on pourrait passer la soirée ensemble, et je te raconterai comment je battais mon père quand j'étais petit.
I have to go out and will not be back until after sundown tomorrow.
Je suis obligé de m'absenter et ne serai de retour que demain, après le coucher du soleil.
Not until I'm assured we don't intend to give it away tomorrow.
Pas avant d'être certain qu'on ne la rendra pas demain.
Tomorrow at noon you uvezesh his "goat" for the city, and will entertain her until five o'clock, that it does not interfere with us.
Demain, à midi, tu emmèneras ta chèvre à la campagne. Tu la distrairas jusqu'à 17h. Je veux personne dans ses pattes.
The pusher does not want to wait until tomorrow when I get paid.
Sa pourvoyeuse ne veut pas faire crédit.
Advise all officers who have not yet left for Rennes to postpone their departure until tomorrow.
Dites aux officiers qui sont encore là... de remettre leur départ à demain.
I shall not eat again until tomorrow.
Plus rien avant demain.
This could he not wait until tomorrow?
Ceci ne pourrait-il pas attendre demain?
- Not until tomorrow.
- Demain.
I will not be consecrated Archbishop until tomorrow.
Je ne serai pas consacré Archevêque avant demain.
There's not much we can do about it until tomorrow, is there?
Nous n'y pouvons pas grand-chose avant demain, n'est-ce pas?
- It's not until tomorrow.
- C'est demain.
You'll be happy to know General Tanz is not returning to duty until tomorrow. Oh, really?
Le général Tanz ne reprendra ses fonctions que demain.
Also tell the rest of the guards not to come in here until tomorrow.
Et dites aux autres vigiles de ne pas venir ici avant demain.
That coffin should not have been occupied until tomorrow.
Ce cercueil ne devait être occupé que demain.
Fire Chief DeCoine says containment is not expected until early tomorrow morning
Le chef de brigade DeCoine ne prévoit pas de détention avant tôt demain matin.
Not only is she alive, but she's also very healthy, like you and me... you until tomorrow morning, that is.
Susan est vivante... et en plus elle est en parfaite santé, comme toi ou moi... et toi tu vas mourir demain, c'est tout.
Why not wait until tomorrow, girls?
Pourquoi ne pas attendre jusqu'à demain, les filles?
Not until milk job, 4 a.m. Tomorrow morning.
Pas avant 4h demain matin.
There's always a festival in this town from tomorrow until the day after... but not this year.
Normalement, après-demain d'après-demain de demain, il devait y avoir une fête au village. Mais cette année, il n'y en aura pas.
The candidate is not going to comment until tomorrow. That's it.
Le candidat fera un commentaire demain, c'est tout.
I'm not scheduled to leave until tomorrow morning.
Je ne prévois pas partir avant demain.
We are lucky, he is not leaving until tomorrow morning.
C'est une chance qu'il ne parte que demain matin.
Maybe not even until tomorrow morning.
Ou peut-être demain matin.

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